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    It had been two weeks since Namjoon and your heart to heart in the garden. You had to admit that you felt a strong pull whenever Yoongi was around. You kept weighing the pros and cons in your head but still couldn't keep your thoughts in order. He had saved you twice now. Your life has indeed become significantly better since he came into your life. 

    If it weren't for him, you would still be under Song, slaving away and being beaten. Or you would have been sold off into sex trafficking and would ultimately end up dead had he not came to the restaurant that day. You were terrified of Yoongi. Hell, you were terrified of the whole gang but for some reason you felt you could trust them.

    "Y/N?" You lifted your head wide eyed as you met Yoongis worried expression.
    "Are you okay?" He leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen watching you intently as you got up and dumped the remainder of your tea down the sink and began to wash the mug.

    "Yes. I'm fine, why do you ask?" You couldn't look him in the eyes. Every time you did you thought back to when he kissed you. It was quiet as you finished your task and as soon as you turned around you were face to face with Yoongi. He leaned down to your height and rested his hands on either side of you trapping you against the counter.

    "You've barely spoken since the chase incident. You've been hiding away in your room and when you do come out, you're in the clouds. What's going on with you?" You didn't know how to answer him. You assumed he knew nothing about Namjoons talk.

    "Do I scare you?" Yes. But you shook your head no.
    "Liar." His breath fanned your face, and you looked up into his eyes. He was so close you could smell the mint on his breath mixing with the smell of his shampoo.

    "Do I excite you?"
    "Yes." You whispered. His lips ghosted over yours as his hooded eyes stared into yours.
    "I can't get you out of my head. What have you done to me?" He whispered. Neither of you moved scared of the other's reaction.

    "I want you." Yoongi whispered as he carefully brushed his lips against yours ever so slightly. The action sent shivers down your spine and the pull between you two was too hard to ignore now.

    "I want you too." You whispered back and Yoongi crashed his lips with yours. It was hungry, passionate, like he had been waiting for permission all this time. You kissed back with as much energy as your arms instinctively went up and around his neck and your hands found their way to his hair and tugged him forward more. 

    His hands roamed your hips before he gripped them and lifted you up to sit on the kitchen counter. You pulled away and yelped at the sudden lift, but Yoongi was quick to step between your legs and reattach his mouth to yours. Your bodies were so close and yet you fought to become closer. Warmth spread over you as Yoongis fingertips brushed under your shirt. You shivered at his touch, and he smirked in the kiss loving the way your body reacted to him. His right hand made its way higher while his left held you in place. Just as he was about to reach your breast you heard the door slam open.

    "We're baaaack! Oh! Sorry!" Taehyung immediately turned back around, and the other guys made their way to the kitchen.

    "Is this why you didn't want to come to the warehouse with us hyung? So, you could get freaky in the kitchen?" Jungkook giggled as he got unreasonably close to you and Yoongi who still had not separated.
    "Fuck off Koo. Couldn't you had come home at a better time?" Yoongi shoved the youngest away with a scowl.
     "How were we supposed to know you two would be fucking on the counter?" Jin asked as if it were normal while you sat silent and highly embarrassed.

    "I- uh. I have to go do a thing." You pointed towards the hallway and jumped down stumbling a bit. Yoongi steadied you and you quickly brushed his hands away and ran off to your room to hide, probably forever.

Yoongi POV

    I shook my head as I watched Y/N slink off to her room. I grabbed a beer out the fridge and sat down at the table with the rest of the guys.

    "Seems she's warming up to you." Namjoon smirked as he leaned forward and rested his head on his hands.

    "She's afraid of me." I stared at the hallway as some of the guys laughed.
    "You're AgustD! Everyone is afraid of you. Thats a good thing!" Jungkook laughed.
    "She's the one person I don't want to be afraid of me." 

    "Ohhhh hyungs in love!" Taehyung and Jimin sang out together with wide smiles. I threw my empty beer can at them and turned my attention to Namjoon.

    "So, status report?" Everyone quickly fell into work mode as Jin pulled out a few files and laid them out on the table.

    "Jimins clubs have gone up in revenue. It may be time to expand. Our warehouses also need an upgrade to keep up with our black-market dealings oversees. The casinos popularity has dropped 20% in the last month so it may be time to come up with a game plan to bring people in. Maybe a popular act or big-time celebrity seen enjoying the casino will get people talking." Jin said as he read off reports and handed me the papers after analyzing them.

    "And what about the minor gangs we were having distribute for us?" I crossed my arms as I looked through the papers.
    "About that..." Jin trailed off.
    "What?" My tone dropped as I looked at Namjoon.

    "We caught a rat. He's in the bunker. He worked for Chang and apparently when his restaurant went up in flames, the kid decided he wanted to try and pick up the business. Chang had no sons, so this kid posed as his son and took over while also pretending to work for us. He's been stealing money and drugs while also recruiting on our turf. Word on the street is they're planning a hit on Jimins smallest club." I nodded my head at my second in command.

    "Tonight. During the busiest hours." I stood up and rested the palms of my hands on the table.
"Well boys, let's go clubbing." I smirked as the younger ones high fived each other. Guess I better tell Y/N to not wait up for us tonight.

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