Rivals and Showers

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You woke up to silence throughout the house. Throughout your recovery Yoongi was glued to your side but now he was nowhere to be seen.

You stepped out of bed throwing on a hoodie over your tank top and shorts and made your way out of the bedroom. Silence. You made your way down the stairs and found the guys all sitting around the kitchen table discussing something. Yoongi and Namjoon stood at the end staring at a map laid out across the table with a serious look on their face.

"Yoongs?" He looked up at you and his face softened.
"Did we wake you?"
"Quite the opposite actually. It was so quiet upstairs I thought something was wrong." You giggled and Yoongi kissed your forehead and brought you over to the table.
"Morning noona!" You nodded your head at the youngest three and looked at the map.

"We figured out who put out that hit on us." Your eyebrows rose before you turned serious too.
"It's a rival gang living on the outskirts of the border of Korea. They have been after us for years."
"So how did they find you after all this time then?" The table grew quiet.

"We don't know but in the middle of the chaos, they forgot the number one rule of mafia life." You looked to Namjoon as he paused and looked at you.
"Never leave your men behind." Yoongi finished for him and leaned down and pointed at a spot on the map.

"This is where our surveillance ends. We have no reach past this area. We never thought we needed it, it's desolate out there. Nothing but woods and abandoned buildings, apparently the perfect place for them to set up and plot without any of our eyes on them. Word came in this morning that suspicious activity has been going on around in this area." Yoongi took a red marker and circled a cluster of buildings on the edge of the map.

"This used to be a factory back in the day. No idea what they made but after a stock crash the owner went bankrupt and shut down leaving Korea altogether. The factory was left to rot afterwards. There should be no movement out there at all unless it's squatters. Cameras show heavy trucks and armed men going into the woods and not coming back out." You nodded you head listening to Yoongi talk.

"After the hit, Jungkook and Hoseok were on cleanup while you rested. They found one of the men still alive. Heavily wounded but alive. We've been interrogating him, and he finally cracked. We know exactly who is making moves in the old factory and we know exactly who is after us."

"So now it's a waiting game. Somehow, they found out where we were without any of us knowing. So, for now we wait. We make them believe we know nothing. We continue business as usual, and we stay on our toes. From now on we get extra security around businesses and the office, and I want everyone that works for us tailed and looked into. There's a rat in the family and I'm gonna find out who the fucker is."

The rest of the guys nodded in agreement. Yoongi looked at Jungkook and then you.
"Kook, you are to be by Y/N's side at all times. If I'm not there, you are my eyes, ears and guns. Never let her out of your sight." Jungkook nodded as if it wasn't a discussion.

"Y/N, do not leave Jungkooks side. I don't care the reason, even if you have to piss, he needs to be right outside the door. They were after you and we don't know why. You don't know your way around weapons yet and I'm not sure you could handle taking a life if it came down to it, so Jungkook is your bodyguard from now on." You tried not to take offence to needing a babysitter, but you knew he was right. You nodded your head and he dismissed everyone.

You headed to yours and Yoongis room to get ready to for your first day back at the office since the hit happened. You hopped in the shower and let the hot water cascade down your body. Eyes closed and head tilted to the ceiling you let the water wash away your worries for a moment.

The door opened and soon after Yoongi stepped in behind you. His arms encircled your waist as he kissed your shoulder trailing up your neck towards your ear. You titled you head to give him better access and let out a breath when his mouth came in contact with your ear lobe.

"Yoongi, we have to go to the office." He hummed but continued his kisses as one of his hands lightly roamed up and the other down to your thighs.
"I'll be quick. I need you." Your breath caught as his cold fingers slipped inside you. His other hand gripping your throat.

His fingers were relentless in their endeavors. He licked a stripe up your neck and bit down as you came on his fingers. He quickly shoved his fingers into your mouth so you could taste yourself.

"Suck." You obeyed as he shoved them to the back of your throat, groaning as you sucked eagerly. He turned you around and pressed you against the cold shower wall. Your nipples perked at the cold surface.

Yoongi roughly pushed into you causing you tense as he bottomed out. He released a breath and gathered your hair in one hand tugging lightly.

"Fuck I've missed this so much." He grunted as he pounded into you. Your moans echoing through the bathroom as you clawed at the bathroom wall.

"Y-Yoongi! I'm close!"
"Not yet." Yoongi released his grip on your hair and turned you around. He lifted you up and pressed you back to the wall quickly sliding back inside of you.

Moans and grunts echoed through the bathroom as Yoongi and you let out your pent up desires. Recovery meant no touching so neither of you had had any special attention in awhile.

His thrusts grew sloppy and his mouth hung open a bit as he thrusted into you once. Twice. Three times and stilled. You came along with him as he filled you up.

His head rested on your shoulder as he caught his breathe. You could feel him getting hard again inside of you.

"No! No more! We have to go!" He chuckled and slowly pulled out of you making sure to steady you on your feet.

"Fine but I'm not finished with you yet. Now go get your sexy ass dressed, we have work to do." He pulled you in for a passionate kiss before releasing you and smacking your ass as you walked away.

You yelped at the sting and glared at him as you left the bathroom to get ready. Once dressed you both made your way downstairs to the group of guys who were sitting around the living room with annoyed looks on their faces.

"Jimin you owe me $500." Taehyung shouted with a triumphant smile. Jimin just glared at him and fished his wallet out of his pocket tossing it over to his friend.

"They bet on if you two were actually going to make it into the office today or stay home and bump like bunnies all day." Namjoon rolled his eyes at them.

"Oh believe me I thought about it." Yoongi crossed his arms and eyed you with a smirk.

"Can't say I blame you. I wouldn't be able to keep my dick out of Y/N if it were me." Jin smacked Jimin in the head twice for his comment towards you.

"I'm just saying! Y/N is hot and you all know it. Not my fault I'm the only one who actually speaks their mind around here." Jimin crossed his arms and pouted like a child earning eye rolls from everyone else.

"How about we not talk about your chili pepper dick inside my woman?" Yoongi gave Jimin a sickening smile. Jimins face paled and he nodded his head at his leader as he quickly made his way towards the car outside.

"Jealous AgustD is back." Hoseok chuckled with Jungkook as you all left the house ready to start work.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now