2nd Meeting

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2 Years Later

    "Y/n! I have an emergency at home! Could you please cover the rest of my shift? I only have a few tables and a seven top in the private lounge."

    "A seven top?! Cherri that's a big table alone and I have my own to cover let alone all your other tables!" You hissed as you handed silverware and napkins to your table. "Enjoy!" Your customer service voice rang out as you plastered on a fake smile and walked to the register to add up the bill.

    "I know but my babysitter just quit, and I have to get home to the kids asap!"
    "Another one? That's the 3rd one third one this month! What are they doing to those poor sitters?"
    "Well, you could always go babysit for me instead and I cover your shift."

    "Hell no! I'll take the tables you go take care of your goblins; I mean children." Cherri gave a sly smile and rushed out, handing you her orders before kissing your cheek and waving goodbye. You sighed and made your rounds to Cherri's tables letting them know you would be their new server and asking if there was anything they needed.

    "Y/N pick up for the seven top!" You loaded up the cart with the plates of food and drinks and made your way to the end of the hall to the private lounge. The private lounge was only ever booked for extremely important people. Billionaires, celebrities, socialites and the occasional politician. Surprisingly, rich people were terrible tippers. You knocked on the glass door twice and slid it open.

    "I apologize, I will be your new server. Cherri had to take a personal leave today." You started unloading the plates onto the table in silence. Not a single person said a word to you. Rich people.

    "If there is anything you need do not hesitate to press the button on your table for service and I will be with you as soon as I can." You bowed and as you straightened up you made eye contact with someone you had convinced yourself was a ghost. Agust. 

    He smirked at you as he leaned back in his seat. You bowed again and rushed out of the room as you felt your cheeks heating up. You tried to busy yourself with your other tables and not once had the button went off. They had yet to leave, and the restaurant was now empty and would be closing in ten minutes. You dreaded having to tell them they needed to leave soon. 

    "Y/N love. We have important guests in the private lounge. I will be having a meeting with them, make sure nobody disturbs us unless the button goes off." You nodded your head at your creepy boss as his fingers twirled in your hair and he lightly sniffed the strands before letting go and heading to the lounge. 

    You shuddered and stood behind the counter staring at the button dreaming of your bed. After about 15 minutes the red light blinked on signaling, they needed something. You rushed to the room and braced yourself to see them again. "Is there anything I can get you?"

    "Y/N love, be a good girl and bring my friends here a bottle of wine." You nodded your head and did as you were told making sure to return quickly. You poured seven glasses before lastly pouring your bosses. As you leaned down to pour you felt his hand snake up your skirt. His thumb rubbing along your inner thigh.

    "Sir I have asked you before to please not touch me." You whimpered as your boss chuckled.
    "Oh, come on Y/N, stop being such a prude. You know you could be making more here if you let me have a taste of you." The conversation was stopped as Agust cleared his throat gaining your bosses attention.

    "Like I said before Chan, you have a significant amount of debt racked up with us. We would like to see a payment today to ensure nothing happens to your restaurant."

 "I have an idea. I sell you Y/N and I'll get you the rest of your money soon. Look at her she's definitely worth at least half of my debt. A pretty face, obedient and such sweet innocence. Virgins always sell for more. Take her and I'll make sure you have the rest of your money by the end of the month."

    You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Your boss was trying to sell you off to a mafia to cover his own ass. You were about to retort until a voice broke the silence.

 "Deal." WHAT
    "Come on, to the car." You struggled against the two men who were dragging you out. You hoped the cook was still in the back to witness what was happening, but it seems all of your coworkers had already left for the day.

    "Please. I don't want any trouble. Please just let me go I won't tell anyone about you!" You pleaded but were still shoved into a black Mercedes van with darkly tinted windows. You were definitely going to either die or be sold off as a sex slave. Or maybe Bangtan would keep you as their personal slave. 

Tears welled up in your eyes at the thought as the 7 of them piled into the van around you. Agust was the last one in, and he placed himself directly next to you.
    "Burn it." He stated and just like that the restaurant was engulfed in flames as you drove away.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now