Strange Place

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    You woke with a start. Sitting straight up and frantically looking around the room you were in. You replayed yesterday's events in your head.
So, I was kidnapped by Koreas biggest mafia and brought... where exactly?

    You lifted the covers slowly and let your bare feet touch the cool wooden flooring. It was silent on the other side of the door, but your heart raced at the thought of leaving the quiet sanctuary of the room. Just as you were about to open the door it creaked open slowly. 

    You jumped back and threw your hands up in a karate pose knowing that whoever was on the other side of the door was way stronger than you and... you didn't actually know karate.    

    "What are you doing?"
    "Uhhhh... would you believe me if I said I was sleepwalking?" The unknown male laughed showing a set of cute bunny teeth. This is not the face of a gangster.

    "We haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Jungkook, but everyone calls me Kook or Kookie for short." He smiled and bowed. You didn't really know how to react, and it took you a minute to respond.

    "I'm Y/n."
    "Oh, we all know who you are. We met awhile back, very briefly but Yoongi talks about you a lot."

    "Who's Yoongi?"
    "He's, our leader!" The male bounced a bit, and you envisioned an excited bunny. Is this kid really a part of a mafia?

    "Kook, is she awake yet?" A rough voice sounded through the hallway before another figure emerged.

    "Good. You are awake. Come to the kitchen, Jin made breakfast and you can properly meet the gang." The man turned and left and Jungkook just flashed you a smile before following him. I guess that's my cue to follow too.

    You shuffled behind the two in silence, jumping at every slight noise. As you approached a well-lit doorway you heard chatter and the clanking of dishes. Around a large table sat four other men, all focused on setting the table with the various breakfast dishes.

    "Sit here noona!" Jungkook patted the seat next to him and you sat very slowly trying to keep an eye on everybody around you.

    "So, I see you're acquainted with our maknae. Let me introduce you to everyone. To start I'm Namjoon, I'm second in command around here." The tall man you now know as Namjoon walked behind a shorter male who looked almost feminine.

    "This is Jimin, he's in charge of tech. If we need anything to do with information gathering or anything electronic, he's our man." Jimin flashed a flirty smile and winked. You tried to control the blush you felt creeping up and looked next to him to the guy smiling wide at you.

    "I'm Taehyung but you can call me Tae, I deal with hand-to-hand combat. Knives, swords any melee weapon I'm good with."

    "Jesus Tae, you make it seem like a video game."
    "Well, our life sorta is like a game. Like GTA?" Taehyung looked up in thought as Jimin shook his head at him.

    "Taehyungs a bit childish sometimes you'll get used to it." Kook whispered before taking a piece of bacon earning a loud smack from a spatula. You jumped in your seat and looked up to the man who smacked him.

    "Guests eat first! I raised you better than this young man! Sorry, I'm Jin I do most of the cooking around here but I'm also in charge of keeping track of our money and assets. Just think of me mainly as a highly trained secretary." Jin laughed before pointing at the last one who was left unknown.

    "I'm Hoseok but everyone calls me Hobi! I'm in charge of explosives!" He bounced in his seat rubbing his hands together. His personality was fitting for his job. Explosive.

    "Oh! I'm also in charge of guns!" Jungkook bounced in his seat smiling wide.

    "Be careful. Jungkook may seem young and innocent, but he has a nasty psychotic streak in him." Jimin chuckled as you looked over wide eyed at the smiling bunny boy. Everyone was laughing at your face but went silent as you felt two hands rest on your shoulder. You froze.

    "I see you've met my crew. I guess I'm the last to introduce myself." The man came around and stood in front of you and leaned down, so he was eye level with you.
    "I'm Yoongi. I'm the boss around here. But you may know me as Agust." Fear crept up your spine as you shivered under his intense gaze.

    "Min Yoongi! You're scaring the poor girl!" Jin swatted at him with the spatula earning a light chuckle from Yoongi as he sat down across from you.

    "Anyways, now you know everyone. Feel free to make yourself at home around here. The guys will help set up a bedroom for you in the next few days."

    "A bedroom? How long am I going to be here? Why am I here?"
    "Oh! I wanna answer! Because hyung likes you!"

    "Bite me maknae!" You looked between a giggling Jungkook and a scowling Yoongi.

    "I don't like you. He lives in a fantasy world. You're here because we've crossed paths twice now and you've seen too much. You're here until I decide if you're more useful to me alive or if killing you would be more beneficial." He spoke without making eye contact, as if what he said was normal.

    "K-kill me? But I haven't done anything. I didn't tell anyone about Song I swear! Please I just want to go home!"

    "Shut up!" You jumped at Yoongis voice. He rubbed his temples as his brows furrowed.

    "You're not leaving so you better get used to it here princess." Before he could say anything else you slammed your hands down on the table and ran off to the room you woke up in. You were scared and in a strange place. You couldn't seem to catch a break in life.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now