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Four Months Later

    "I don't care what he wants! Either he signs the contract, or we send these photos to every newspaper in Korea! I don't care what you have to do, just get it done!" You hung up the phone and slumped down in your chair. Releasing a breath, you tried to relax when there was a knock at your office door.

    "Ms. L/N, your driver is here." You nodded your head and gathered up your things. Yoongi was leaned against the wall outside your office door when you stepped out.
    "Sangchul still won't sign?" You shook your head no and he groaned.

    "I'm thinking of setting up a meeting and having a talk with him myself. He's testing my patience." You nodded your head at Yoongi as you two stepped into the elevator. Not too much has changed since you and Yoongi came to the realization of your feelings. Bangtan has all helped tremendously in teaching you all of the ropes of mafia living and despite the pushback by other gangs, you've grown into the position of Queen of Bangtan. 

    People in the underground and on the streets called you this after a few run ins with Bangtan and you being right on Yoongis heels. Yoongi made it known that any disrespect towards you, was disrespect towards all of Bangtan, something nobody got away alive with. Yoongi however still kept you at a distance with work. You never went to any meetings or sit downs that had the potential to turn bloody. Yoongi only ever let you do the minor things such as checking the warehouses, casinos or stake outs. Hence why you received even more discretion from the mafia community. The men laughed at you, the women sneered at you and even the lower-level gangs thought ill of you. It was exhausting trying to prove your worth when Yoongi kept you out of reach.

    "Orrr I could go have a talk with him. It was my idea in the first place to get Sangchul to hand over 50% of his shipping carriers."
    "No need. I'll handle it myself." You both stepped out of the elevator and headed for the door.
    "Have a good day Mr. Min." Yoongi nodded at the receptionist. You stopped walking and narrowed your eyes at her and then at Yoongi who kept walking.

    "Seriously?!" He turned and gave you a questioning look.
    "You know what, fuck this and fuck you, Min Yoongi." You scoffed and walked past him out of the door.
    "What is wrong with you now?"

    "Now? I'm tired of being belittled. I'm tired of you acting like I'm not your equal, I'm tired of everyone acting like I'm just some bitch! I'm tired of being in the background! I'm tired of being treated like I'm-"

    "Shut Up!" Your eyes widened as you looked at Yoongi. He had never yelled at you before.
    "Do you ever stop talking?! Why does it matter what everyone thinks of you? Since when did the opinions of everyone else matter? Can't you just do what I tell you and be happy that I'm letting you do anything at all, I could just make you stay home and cook and clean but no I'm being nice and letting you help with the gang. Just be happy for once." Yoongi walked past you and opened the car door.

    "Can we please go home now? I've had a long day."
    "You can go home. I'm not going anywhere with you." I turned around and began walking in the opposite direction.
    "Y/N get your ass in the car." Yoongi sighed like you were acting like an unruly child. Ignoring him you continued to walk down the street. You heard the roar of the engine and seen the car speed past you and out of sight.

    You weren't sure how long you were walking around town. You weren't even sure where you were. You never got out much before, so you weren't familiar with town. Your feet ached as you slipped off your heels and continued to walk down the sidewalk bare foot. Passing a convenience store you chose to grab some food. The freeze out with Yoongi was going to last awhile after the way he talked to you, and you weren't sure you even wanted to return to him.

    "Will this be all?" You nodded your head and pulled out some cash to pay for your things.
    "If it's not too rude, may I ask what's wrong? You look like you could use some company." The man didn't look much older than you. He had dark grey hair and was slightly shorter than Yoongi.

    "I guess some company would be nice." He smiled at you and you both sat at a small table outside the store. He handed you a soju bottle and sat down across from you with his own.
    "Let me guess, relationship problems?" He laughed at your wide eyes as you bit into your bun.
    "Is it that obvious?"
    "Working at such a boring place means you have nothing to do but observe everyone that comes in. I've learned to pick up on different signals." You nodded your head in understanding. Sighing you took a sip of soju.
    "I just feel like I'm not appreciated."

    "Him and I work together. He owns his own company and when we started dating, I became like a co-owner. He made sure everyone in the company knew that I was in charge but when it comes to the hard parts of owning a company, he doesn't let me help. I don't know, it's like he doesn't actually trust me to do the work how he wants it done or something. Like today, I had a difficult client and instead of me hosting a meeting, he chooses to hold the meeting and I'm not to attend. Then his bitchy receptionist completely ignored my existence and only acknowledged him, and he apparently didn't see an issue with it because he said nothing and then when I get upset, I'm just a whiny brat that needs to keep her mouth shut." You crossed your arms and leaned back in the metal chair.

    "I'm sorry, I'm rambling, and you probably don't want to hear about my sad love life." The man chuckled and leaned his head in one hand and rested the other on the table.

    "I'm the one who asked, no need to apologize. I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't interested in what you had to say. But let me ask something else, does he treat you the same way behind closed doors?" You thought about his question. At first, everything between you two was great and now not so much. Yoongi spent all of his time in his home office and barely spoke to you. The only time he came to you was when he wanted sex. Afterwards he'd go sit and drink with the rest of the guys.

    "Let's just say I'm basically his personal sex doll." You both laughed at this as you drank.
    "Not to be rude but it sounds like you just need to drop this guy. He sounds like an asshole. You seem like a nice girl. Some guys don't know a good thing when they got it."

    "Are you speaking from experience?" He laughed and shook his head.
    "No nothing like that. Never been in love. Though if I had a woman who was devoted and strong enough to help me run an entire company, I'd make sure she knew she was the most important thing to me. I'd treat her like a princess." Your heart ached at his words. Yoongi used to treat you like that. You didn't realize you were staring until he cleared his throat. His cheeks had turned red, and you couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked.

    "This talk has helped me a lot. Thanks for keeping me company." You stood up and bowed slightly earning another chuckle from the man. He stands as well and smiles brightly.
    "I'm Han Ji-Sung. You can just call me Han."
    "Y/N, Y/N L/N."

    "Well Y/N, I should get back to work then. Be safe getting home, I look forward to seeing you again." Han smiles before turning and walking back into the convenience store. You watched as he walked back to his post behind the counter and then turned and gave you a small wave. Waving back, you continued to walk down the sidewalk felling a bit better than before.

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