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The club vibrates your entire body. The thumping bass, smell of sweat and alcohol all blurring your senses, but you remain vigilant. You sip your martini and watch the enormous crowd. Bodies squish together as they sway and grind to the music. Your eyes catch sight of Chan across the club. He stands against the wall doing the same as you, watching. Strays are all scattered about the club blending in and yet one wrong person recognizing them could blow the whole operation.

"What's a lady like you doing all by herself in a club?" How original. You force a smile and turn to the man.
"Wishing I had a man like you by my side." You answer sweetly. You want to vomit but this has to be done.

The man towers over you, definitely a good ten to fifteen years older than you. His eyes are unashamed as they check you out from head to toe. They linger on your hips where the satin purple dress hugs so tightly it almost makes it difficult to walk. Eyes traveling North they stop on your breasts. Squished together and almost spilling over the dipped neckline of the dress. 

"Like what you see?" You sip the last of your drink holding eye contact with the man. He doesn't respond as he grabs your hand and pulls you in the direction of the private dance rooms. As he's pulling you, you make eye contact with Hyunjin and make an 'ok' sign. In your ear you hear him over the radio.
"Y/N is in position. Get ready."

In the private room, you wipe the blood that splattered on your face. Looking down at the man you make sure to use your handkerchief to wipe the prints of your gun and place it in his hand. If you were anyone else, you would think this was a suicide. You made sure to position the body perfectly. Leaving the room, you give the same signal to Hyunjin who has moved a tad closer to the rooms in case you needed assistance.

"Mission accomplished." You hear various 'Good job Y/N's' through your earpiece as you make your way to Chan who hasn't moved from his spot.

"Now what?"
"Now, we drink."

"Bangtan is here. Everyone fall back!" You hear over your earpiece and Chans shoulders slump.
"Or not. Time to go!" Before Chan can grab ahold of you, you dash through the crowd of dancing people. 

"She's running!"

You rip the earpiece off as you carefully make your way through the crowd. You spot Hoseok and Taehyung first and make sure to stay out of sight. Your breath hitches at the sight of him. Yoongi is always ethereal looking. It feels as though time freezes as you stare at him from the distance. 

"Y/N! What are you doing?!" Han grabbing your arm brings you back to reality. Without answering you look back over to where they were standing, and they're gone. Clicking your tongue, you head towards the meet up spot. Life is obviously never easy on you and just as you are about to exit through the back door, someone calls your name.

Oh fuck.

You don't move, calculating your escape or response but you take too long. Hands grab your shoulders and turns you around. Your back gets pushed against the metal door and your met with Jungkooks doe eyes. 

Shit. Shit. Shit. Why did it have to be the strongest of them to find you?

Glancing around you try to spot one of the members of Strays but it seems everyone is already out of the club.
"Hyung. She's here." 

The maknaes shaky voice causes your eyes to water. You hear a muffled noise as he stares into your soul.
"Back door." He says and it registers. He just alerted his members that you're here. You panic and try to slip from his grasp.

"Y/N? What's happening? Why are you here?" Jungkook is oblivious to your struggling. Too engrossed in finally seeing you. Footsteps travel to your ears and without thinking you take a last resort. Your gun feels heavy in your hand as you point it at one of the people you thought you would never harm.

"N-noona?" The rest of Bangtan freeze at the sight. You try to keep your eyes steady on the youngest, but you can't help looking around at all of them. They look fine for the most part.
"Sorry Kook. Nothing personal." His eyes darken as you manage to open the door behind you and slip into the dark.

Heart pounding and out of breath you run like your life depends on it. You know they're coming after you but they're sneaky. They're too good at this game and even though the only sounds bouncing off the alleyways is your heavy breathing you know they're not far behind. 

Dazed you take a wrong turn and end up at a dead end. Turning around to keep running you're met with Yoongi. He doesn't say anything or move. He just stands there. Always so stoic. Hands in his pockets he just watches you. Just as you try to think of an escape route he speaks.

"Don't bother. You know they're close by waiting for my signal."
"Awfully cocky aren't you Agust?" Your voice is venom as you say his alias. His brows furrow at your voice. He's confused and you know it.

"How long have you been working for them? Since the restaurant? Since the mansion?"
"Since you all betrayed me." Your eyes burn as you try to fight back your emotions. You remember having them beat out of you and yet here you are, about to cry.

"The only one betraying anyone here is you."
"Liar. I know about everything. None of you give a shit about me. You don't give a shit about me."

"Whatever they told you. It's all a lie." Namjoons voice comes from behind you, and you swivel around confused as to how he got there on a dead end. He points up towards the top of the brick wall that towers over you and smiles.

"How do I know you're not lying to me?"
"Y/N." Yoongi demands your attention.

His voice is closer to you, and you turn back to face him.
"Y/N. I fucking love you with my heart and soul. Why the fuck would I ever lie to you?" Your heart skips at his words. Yoongi had told you a lot before that he loves you but something about his eyes was telling you that he wanted to drill it into your brain.

"Y/N we all love you." The rest of Bangtan creeps out from the shadows.
"If that's true then why were you at the club? If you all actually cared about me then you wouldn't be living it up while I'm missing. I saw her Yoongi. I saw the redhead. I saw you fucking her! I had to sit there and watch you fuck another woman while I was chained in a basement! If you love me, you have a sick way of showing it!" Realization crosses his features.

"So that's how they got you." He laughs before turning back around and walking away from you.
"Don't fucking walk away from me!" You make a grab for him, but Namjoon locks your arms behind you.

"Let me go!"
"Never." Yoongi says before a van pulls up to the end of the alley. The rest of the members help carry your thrashing form to the van and just as you're about to give up, a gunshot rings out.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now