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A month goes by and nothing exciting happens. Movies and shows always portray gangs and mobs as a constant fight for life and domination but that simply isn't true. The reality is that there is more mundane work to it than anything else. 

The only thing that has changed in your usual day to day is Jungkook being attached to your hip. You feel bad for the youngest for being given this shit babysitting job, but he doesn't seem to mind. As crazy as he is he still acts like a child most of the time. You know there is a darkness in him but around you he is simply baby kookie.

"Noonaaaa I'm hungryyyy." You roll your eyes at the whiny boy and as always you wonder how he ended up in a gang.
"Then go get you some food koo." You reply without looking up from the building plans your currently looking at.
"But hyung will cut my head off if I leave without you. Come on let's go to the street vendors and get some hot food!" 

Before you could protest Jungkook was kneeling in front of you showing you his signature aegyo. Groaning you put down your pen and stood up slipping your sweater on. Jungkook cheered and grabbed your hand pulling you out of your office and to the main floor.

"Sangchu redirect my calls to my cell please." You called out to the male behind the desk. He gave you a thumbs up in response as you were pulled outside.
"Jungkook! Slow down I'm in heels!" He turned around before looking at your feet and giving you a sheepish bunny grin.
"Sorry noona." 

The two of you walked down the street until the smell of food wafted all around you. Your stomach gurgled at the scents and you both hastened your steps towards the food stalls. You and Jungkook ordered a bit of everything and ate and talked at a small table by the stalls. As Jungkook was throwing away the containers your phone rang. You signaled to Jungkook that you had a call, and he nodded his head and continued to clean up while you stood a few feet away.

"Is this Miss Y/N?"
"Yes, this is her, may I ask who is calling?" The line was silent, and you pulled your phone away to see if the call was disconnected.
"Goodbye Miss Y/N." 

The call hung up and you stood confused staring at the screen. A chill went down your spine and you got a gut feeling that something wasn't right but as soon as you turned around to tell Jungkook you needed to head back, gunshots rang out. 

Screaming people ducked down and took cover as bullets pierced through the stalls and windows of nearby businesses. You called out for Jungkook but received no answer. The shots stopped and you stood and looked around for Jungkook.

"Y/N!" You turned towards his voice and saw him clutching his shoulder that was not wet with blood. His eyes widened and before you could take a step everything went dark. Hands grasped your throat, and a cloth covered your mouth and nose. You tried to hold your breath for as long as you could but as you struggled against the person and were being dragged away your consciousness slipped away from you. The last words you heard were "I'm sorry" in your ear before everything faded.

Yoongi POV

"You were supposed to protect her!"
"Yoongi that's enough." Namjoon's stern voice brought me out of my spiral. 

Jungkook had stumbled into the office building bleeding and limping. The moment he told me what happened I snapped. The members were used to my temper but when I found out Y/N had been taken, everything went red. Jungkook stood from the ground and spit blood before looking at me. Blood splattered my shirt and fists and the ground in front of us.

"I'm sorry hyung. It's my fault, I should have never left her side. I'll get her back I promise." Tears rolled down Jungkook's bruised face and at the mention of having to find her I almost lost it again.

"Clean this up." I demanded before heading back to my office to cool down. As I walked away, I heard whimpering and Jungkook repeatedly saying he was sorry. I didn't want "I'm sorrys", I want Y/N.


Your head felt like lead. You peeked your eyes open only to shut them closed again. Despite the extremely dim lighting your head pounded in your skull. You felt sick to your stomach and were so disoriented the only thing you could think about was your brain throbbing.

After a few more minutes you slowly opened your eyes again. A single light hung from the ceiling in the center of the room. You were on a chair tied to a metal pipe that came from the ceiling and through the floor. The pipe had rust in between its rivets so you assumed it was a water pipe which meant you were either in an attic or a basement somewhere.

Trying to move various body parts you found your hands were tied with zip ties and bound to the back of the wooden chair. Your legs were duct taped together around your thighs and calves and your feet had more zip ties holding them together. 

Whoever took you was making sure escaping would be near impossible. You attempted to move your damp hair away from your face so you could see better. Just as you were trying to collect yourself, footsteps echoed, and a shadow shone from under the door. Before it opened you went limp and pretended to still be asleep. The creaking made you cringe, and you hoped you were doing a believable performance.

"We know you're awake, no use in pretending." You ignored the voice and kept up the ruse. Something told you that you were in a dangerous situation. The footsteps neared you and then stopping in front of you. A harsh slap sent your head to the side. Your hair dripped sweat as it snapped against your damp face. You didn't move. The slap was shocking and caused your head to throb even more.

"You just woke up; it would be wise of you to quit acting like a spoiled brat." You slowly turned and looked up at the person standing in front of you. It was the same man that initiated the hit at Bangtans place. You knew he got away but didn't think he was angry enough to come back with a vengeance. He was looking for you when they broke in so now you needed to listen and figure out why.

"We meet again, little whore." He grinned and squatted down in front of you. His large hands gripped your chin as he turned your head side to side.
"It's bruising already. If you're a good girl, I'll make sure it gets treated." The man stood back up straight and backed up a few steps.

"Why am I here?" You kept your voice calm. You were more angry than afraid. All of the rage from being beaten for years coming out of its bottle after a single slap. You were going to watch the life drain from his eyes and you were going to enjoy it. Guess Yoongi and the others were influencing you.

"My boss wants you. I can't tell you why yet though. It's a secret." He winked and held a finger up to his lips before making his way back to the door and left you alone in the room again before another man entered carrying a knife. Panic rose in your throat as the metal gleamed under the light. You looked up with wide eyes and froze.

"Han?!" He said nothing as he looked at you with sad eyes. Your anger boiled and you fought against your restraints trying to get to the man who had comforted you before.
"Stop fighting Y/N, you'll only injure yourself. I'm sorry to do this but I'll explain later, you just have to trust me." As he approached you, you spat in his face and attempted to kick him with your bound legs. Apparently, your struggling was loud enough for the previous man to come back.

"Jisung?! Are you really going to let a small girl intimidate you?" Han stood up straight and kept his head down as the other man approached.
"If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself." At that the man punched you across the face. The last thing you felt was your head hitting the cold ground.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now