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The voice belonged to the same man who orchestrated the hit on Bangtan.
"If you're not going to kill me, why am I here?" The man simply laughed and snapped his fingers. Two men came in and wheeled in a television on a cart. You couldn't help but snort.

"What is this? The 90s? Couldn't afford a better setup?" One of the men slapped you across the face. You spit out the blood and glared at him.
"You'll pay for that." The man let out a curt laugh at you before exiting the room.

The tv turned on and what you saw hurt worse than any of the abuse. You watched what looked to be surveillance footage of Bangtans house. You watched as Tae and Jungkook sat on the living room floor laughing playing video games while Hoseok and Jimin sat on the couch behind them cheering them on. 

The screen changed and you watched Jin in the kitchen cooking like always, and Namjoon at the table going through files. Now you were watching Yoongi. He was laying in his bed, you assumed he was sleeping, that is until a leggy redhead stepped out of his on-suite bathroom. Yoongi sat up in bed and you were forced to watch as she crawled onto him and kissed his neck.

"You don't know them like we do. They use people. You never meant anything to them. They repaid a debt by taking you in. You saved their members lives, at least they know how to repay someone. But now you're no use to them."

"How do I know this isn't an old video from before I came along? We know there's a rat in the family so this could be old footage." You tried to hold strong. Yoongi loved you; you knew he did.

"Believe us, don't believe us. That's up to you. But it's been two weeks since you went missing. Don't you think your precious boyfriend would have found you if he loved you that much? He knows where we are already. I heard you all talking, so why hasn't he come for you?"

With that he left the room with Han. The tv was left on and you were forced to watch it cycle through each camera. Forced to watch them living life as if nothing was wrong.

You now could tell what day and time it was. The surveillance had a time stamp on the bottom right corner. It had been a week since they brought the tv in here. A week of watching Bangtan and you had grown incredibly bitter. 

You were determined to stick by their side and trust them, that is until you saw the redhead wearing one of your lingerie sets that Yoongi had gotten you. You also heard your name mentioned once. Jin was in the kitchen with Yoongi and Hoseok when he brought up that you would like the meal he made. Hoseok only laughed and Yoongi told him to not mention your name again.

They played you. You trusted them, and they lied to you. Your heart had hardened and now you wanted revenge.
"Han!" You knew they had cameras and could hear you, so you waited for the man to come see what you needed.

"Let me out, now."
"Y/N we've been over this. I can't let you go."
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying here, but if I'm going to help Strays get back at Bangtan I can't do it in these chains."

"Atta girl." A new voice pulled your attention. Han bowed quickly at the towering man as he smiled at you.

"Changbin! Let the girl out." The man who slapped you days ago came over to unlock the chains. The moment you were on your feet you thrusted your head forward into his nose. The crunch echoed through the empty room as he stumbled backwards.

"Told you, you'd pay for that slap." You smirked as he glared at you from where he had fallen.

Another week passes and Han as well as another from the mafia named Felix had been training you. Bangtan had gave you basic self-defense lessons but here they were determined to make a soldier out of you.

"Focus Y/N!" Han yelled from beside the mat you were currently face down on. Felix had swiped your feet out from under you for the third time and you were beginning to get pissed. You lifted your head and spat wiped the blood from your nose staring at the wall in front of you.

You waited. The moment Felixs rushed steps got near you, you flipped your body around and latched onto his ankle, yanking his foot out from under him. Before he had a chance to realize what was happening, you straddled him and landed a good blow to his right cheek.

"Nice work, you're improving a lot." Felix spat blood as you both stood and walked to wear Han stood watching with worry.

The past week was brutal in every way but not entirely miserable. You found out that Strays was ranked number two in Korea and consisted of eight members not including their Don who was also Han's father. 

The boys were all welcoming despite who you were and your nature here. They helped you adjust quickly and have been training you and keeping you in the loop with all of their plans to bring down Bangtan.

"Hey three stooges! Don called a meeting." Changbin poked his head in the gym with a smirk. You two got along like brother and sister despite his aggressiveness towards you at the beginning. 'Just business, nothing personal.' He told you when the guys all sat down for you first dinner here.

"About what?"
"Han, if I knew what it was about why would there be a meeting happening?"
"Quit bickering, you know what happens if we hold up his precious meetings." You rolled your eyes and pushed past the boys, heading for the meeting room at the end of the hall making sure to knock twice before entering.

Once you entered the room without knocking and had gotten a bottle thrown at your head. Their Don was very strict in any and every aspect. Your theory was it was his way of being in control of any and everything and boy did he love being in control. The moment everyone sat down, Don Jisung locked eyes on you.

"She's ready."

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now