Namjoons Chat

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    You sat on the sink in Yoongis bathroom while he left to go find a first aid kit. The blood had dried on your leg, and it only stung a bit, but Yoongi insisted on him cleaning it up for you. You stared down at the road rash and swung your legs back and forth a bit when Yoongi walked in carrying a red plastic case. He set it down next to you and opened it silently. You watched him prep everything and his hand paused as it hovered over the wound with a damp cotton ball as he looked up at you.

    "This is gonna tickle a bit." He smirked before pressing the cotton ball onto the scratch marks. A burning sensation lit your leg on fire, and you flinched backwards and instinctively gripped onto Yoongis shoulders and screamed.

    "Sorry I know. Just focus on something, it's a big area to clean."
    "I can't focus on anything but the pain! Just leave it!" You tried to kick your leg away from his hand, but he held you in place.

    "We have to clean it, or it'll get infected and scar."
    "I don't care I'm covered in scars who cares about a few more." You pushed him away and he stumbled back a bit.

    "I have an idea." You looked up at him as he approached you again. Out of instinct you flinched when his hand made its way to your face. You weren't used to such light touches, and you weren't sure why Yoongi held you this way.

    "Look at me." Your eyes locked and he leaned down and paused about an inch from your face. You watched him as he stood there not moving. He inhaled and exhaled deeply before capturing your lips in his. At the same time, he began cleaning your leg again, but you couldn't feel the pain this time. The only thing swimming through your head was Yoongis kiss. It was light and careful. You kissed back without thinking and he pulled you closer with his unoccupied hand. You're not sure how long you sat there in his arms but eventually he slowed down and pulled away.

    "All done." He whispered as his lips hovered over yours. Neither of you moved for a few seconds before reality kicked you hard. You shoved Yoongi away and your hand made its way to your mouth. Wide eyed you jumped down and ran out of the room and locked yourself away in the spare room the guys had put together for you.

Why were you hiding? You weren't sure.
Why did you kiss him back? You weren't sure of that either.
Did you enjoy it? Yes. But that's where the problem lies.
Yoongi had kidnapped you. He ran the biggest mafia in Korea. He killed for a living. He was the devil. And you enjoyed his touch.

    Sometime later there was a knock on the door. You flinched and lifted your head and stared at the door. Another knock came.
    "Go away Yoongi!" You yelled.

    "It isn't Yoongi." It sounded like Namjoon on the other side. He was the only one of the guys who didn't seem to like you. Though you couldn't say for sure, he always had a stoic look and hid his emotions as well as Yoongi did. You slowly got up off your bed and cracked the door wide enough to look through.

    "What do you want?" For once he gave you a light smile.
    "I just want to have a conversation with you, if that's alright?" You nodded your head and opened the door.

    "Have you checked out the garden out back?" You shook your head no and followed him out making sure to grab your shoes along the way. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin all sat on the living room floor so close to the TV you were sure they're eyes were hurting. They seemed to be in a heated game of Mario Kart. The thought of mafia men battling in Mario Kart made you giggle. Namjoon heard and looked at you and followed your line of sight and laughed himself, catching you off guard. Jin sat in the kitchen at the table holding a large book and reading intently.

    "Y/N! Come, what do you think of this recipe?" He turned the book towards you and showed you a western recipe you had never heard of. You read over the ingredients and looked back at the picture. You nodded your head with a smile and Jin smiled back and began to run around the kitchen searching for the items listed in the book. Namjoon signaled you to continue following him out the back door.

    The garden was massive. A large privacy fence surrounded the area and there were dozens of trees, flowers, bushes and stone decorations everywhere.
    "Wow." You walked forward and stared at a large statue of a half naked woman. The statue was missing its arms and its bottom half was covered in a cloth. "Oh I know this one! It's Aphrodite, goddess of love." Namjoon nodded and pointed to a bench in between some flowers.

    "Let's sit." You followed and sat down and waited for him to speak.
    "So why did you run from Yoongi?" You turned you head and gave him a puzzled look.
    "I saw you run out his room and when I checked on him he was sitting on the side of the bathtub with his head in his hands."

    "Oh." You weren't sure how to answer him.
   "He's infatuated with you. You know? You're here because he couldn't control himself. Ever since that day some years ago he's watched you. At first it was to make sure you didn't blab about what happened but then it turned into something else. He tried to pass it off as him still not trusting you but I know him better. He physically couldn't stay away from you. 

    Sometimes I would catch him staring off into space, which is unusual for him. He was always so focused on everything. That day he seen you again I believe something in him snapped. Not in a bad way but he knew in his heart that if he wasn't near you he was going to lose his mind. Even more so than he already has." You took in everything he was saying and kicked some of the gravel at your feet.

    "You like him, don't you? That's why you ran after he kissed you twice today."
    "Are you a mind reader or something?" You laughed trying to ease the tension.
    "No, just extremely observant." He shook his head with a chuckle and turned a bit to you.

    "Give him a chance. He would never force you to stay here or to do anything you didn't want to do but he can be a bit harsh at times. He's not used to these types of feelings. He's never had an actual girlfriend or anything, just flings and one night stands. Give him a chance and if you truly still think we're all the monsters you think we are, you can leave and continue your life as if you never met us." Namjoon patted your head and then got up and walked back towards the house. You sat there not sure what to do next. Follow your heart and give Yoongi a chance or leave. Decisions, decisions.

Savior(MYG x Y/N Mafia AU)Where stories live. Discover now