Train Trouble

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I sat there, in the empty train compartment. I had only my black book bag with me and my snacks. I took a couple of flavoured beans and placed them in my mouth. I continued eating and decided to read, for the ride was going to be long. As I began reading, there was a small knock at the compartment door. I turned and looked at a tall man. He was in a brown simple suit, with a small book in his hand. He smiled at me.

Damn, he's handsome.

"I was wondering if I could sit here? All the other compartments are full." He smiled again.

"Of course. I'm only here by myself." I smiled back, feeling my cheeks get red. He nodded and sat across from me. I looked at him, unable to look away. His brown eyes were like deep oceans, awaiting for someone to jump in and explore them.

"You ok?" He said, grinning. I cleared my throat.

"Yea. Just admiring your beautiful eyes." I managed to say, blushing.

"Aw, thanks. I'm Professor Lupin by the way." My eyes widened. I covered my face with my book and knees.

"It's fine. Thanks for the compliment." I felt myself sweating.

"I'm sorry. That was probably inappropriate. I'm Evelyn White."

"No, you're fine, Evelyn. Well, we might as well talk to each other, we're going to spend about half the day here." He chuckled and I blushed even more at his cute laugh.

"Well, I don't really have much to say." I say, keeping myself together.

"Well, we could read for a while, and then maybe..if you want to get to know each other."

I nodded and kept reading. I peeked over the edge of my book and saw him reading.

Keep it together, Eve, he's a professor. And plus you're into Snappy-pants only.


"The silence really kills me." Lupin stated after a while.

I smiled. "Yea." I closed my book and placed it into my bookbag.

"So...what year are you?" He asked.

"This is the start of my 6th year." I say, looking out the window.

"Wow, so you're 16." Lupin asked. I looked confused.


"Cool. I'm Lupin as I told you and I'm the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor." I nodded slightly, amazed.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"It's fine. I'm 33." Lupin responded with a small smile.


We spent a while talking and eating. Lupin seemed really nice, but I only saw him as a father figure, maybe a friend. The train suddenly came to a stop. We both looked at each other confused.

"That's weird, we're not there yet." Lupin stated, concerned.

It was already dark outside. I turned towards the window, it was beginning to freeze. I moved my hands away. I shivered as the temperature quickly dropped. Lupin got up and sat next to me, he hesitated for a while but wrapped his arms around me. I felt a bit warmer. I let my breath out and saw it was very visible, meaning it was getting colder. As soon as I opened my mouth to say something, someone stood at the door. We both turned to look at the person.

Fuck..It's Freakin Snappy Pants..

Snape stood there only for a second, his face showed disgust, and quickly walked towards us. I saw him grab Lupin's collar and practically drag him outside.

Oh my fucking god..What is he doing?!

I was in utter shock.

Why would he do that?

Snape came back as I rolled myself into a ball against the corner of the window. I saw him close the doors and blinds.

God.. what now..Dude don't close the blinds. The hell..

I felt him walk over to me and sit down. I felt an arm snake around my back and the other on the other side, pulling me close.

Excuse me, what is this man doing???

I looked up and saw him not looking at me but only straight. I snuggled into his chest, feeling warmer. I didn't bother to think of anything else. I kept shivering, cupping my hands and blowing air into them. I had my eyes staring down at my hands. I see him unbutton the top of his robe and move the collar of a white shirt down. My eyes widened.

The hell is happening here..

He grabbed my hands with his free hand and placed them on his upper chest. He sucked in a breath and shivered. His skin felt smooth and warm. I warmed them up and didn't dare say a word for I knew that would end everything. He yawned quietly.

What in the world...I've never heard him yawn. That was freaking adorable..

Snape rested his chin on my head. I felt warm and started yawning myself. I didn't move and began drifting away.


I blinked slowly, feeling Snape's chin still rested on my head. I did feel a bit uncomfortable in the position I was in but didn't dare move. I could hear his breathing was heavy but stable, meaning he was asleep. I closed my eyes again, leaving my hands on his chest. The temperature felt a bit warmer and the train was now moving.

Seems like people don't know how to work a train.

I felt an arm on my thigh. I moved my head up, trying to get a look of his face. Snape looked very calm and it looked like this was the only sleep he had gotten in forever. I smiled and tried to go back to sleep enjoying the moment.

This year will for sure be weird..I haven't even arrived at Hogwarts and here I am sitting on..I guess..Snape's lap..

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