Confusing Consequences

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Severus moved his head towards me and his eyes widened.

"Did you start your cycle?" He asked, putting his boxers on.

I shook my head.

"It starts in 2 weeks..this is.." I began to cry as he rushed over to me.

"Hey it's ok.." Severus stroked my hair and lifted me up. He walked to the bathroom and set me on the toilet.

"Just let anything come out. I'll prepare the shower." Severus said.

He walked inside the shower and opened the water. It was warming up the bathroom. I looked down and saw a bit more blood come out along with his liquid. He walked out of the shower and came close to me.

"After sex, it's always good to let everything come out, because it doesn't belong there, at least not yet." He smirked.

I gave him a playful punch.

"Severus, you do know I can get pregnant right?"

"Yes, but if you let everything come out it's a smaller possibility. Also, if you do become pregnant, I am here to help you with anything." He added. I nodded.

"I'm sorry..I should've been more careful..I.." He said, and closed his eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Stop apologising, Sev. I'm fi-" I was cut off by a strong pain in my stomach. I yelped and placed a hand on my stomach.

"Darling what's wrong??" He asked, concerned.

"It hurts!.." My breathing grew heavy and I saw Severus run out the bathroom.

I gripped onto the sink counter and yelled in pain. It was very strong, tears were falling down my face. I saw Severus come back with a potion.

"Drink." Severus put the potion to my lips. I felt weak.

"I.." I felt as if my whole body was heavy, and I was unable to move. Severus poured the potion into my mouth and lifted me up again. He walked into the shower and stood there with me in his arms, letting the warm water hit me. I began to feel stronger and tried to stand up.

"No..stay still." Severus said.

"I'm better, Sev." I said, feeling a lot better.

"Are you sure?"


He sighed and let me stand on my own. I grabbed some body wash and began scrubbing my body. I saw Severus staring, mesmerised. He began washing his hair and body as well. I stood in front of him and closed my eyes. He closed the water and went out to get towels. Severus returned and handed me a towel. I dried myself as he did too. He walked out and was dressed into sweats and a shirt. I slowly walked to the bedroom, looking for my undergarments. I slid them on and found a shirt of his to wear. I dried my hair and sat on the bed. Severus came out of the bathroom and sat next to me.

"Do you want to sleep here?" He asked quietly.

"Yea..why?" Confused I was.

"There's the spare bedroom I told you about.." His eyes were looking at the floor.

I grabbed his chin and moved it to where he was looking at me.

"Severus, I still trust you, regardless of what happened right now. What happened right now was not your fault." I said, caressing his cheek.

"We should sleep then." Severus suggested.

I nodded and crawled into bed, Severus moving closer to me. He turned to face me and pulled me close.

"I think we shouldn't have sex or fun anymore. Not until we're ready for kids and we're sure your body is ready.." He suggested.

"I agree." I simply said, moving my face into his chest.

"Thanks for caring for me, Sev.." I said.

"Of course, that's what soulmates do for each other. Care for their significant other, their lover, their light in the darkness..." Severus whispered. I yawned and began drifting off to sleep, still hearing Severus's words. Such comforting words he said. Such an amazing man he was. 

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