Last Love Letter

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I had no other place to go, so I didn't worry about packing or leaving Hogwarts. I had the wish of visiting France and London and so many other places with Evelyn, but now those wishes are gone. Now I just wanted to go get wasted and forget everything.

It was as if the same thing that happened with Lily was happening with her.

She is gone now. She is probably going to move on and find someone else, just like Lily did. Only that I have moved on only from her, but Evelyn..She will always stay in my heart and I will no longer search for love, for she has taken my heart with her. No matter if she one day forgets me..she will always own my heart..always.

I sat in my classroom, letting the silence and loneliness fill me up. My hands fell to my sides, as if I were dead. My head felt low as I was tired but incapable of sleeping. Even if I wanted to rest, nightmares would come. Nightmares of Evelyn getting hurt, her dying, Evelyn leaving me, her being in trouble and me being incapable of helping her. As my head filled with these thoughts, I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

I heard a small scratch at my door. I clumsily walked over to the door and opened it a bit. An owl flew up from the ground onto my arm. I walked back inside with the owl on my arm. I sat down and set the bird on my desk. It looked at me and set an envelope in my hand. I wasn't expecting anything, so I slowly opened it. A long piece of parchment slid out first. I looked at the owl as it only stared at me.

Dear Severus,

My true and only love, I hate seeing you like this. It is destroying me to see that you no longer seem happy. Break ups are sad but please, Severus, I will come back one day. Please, I promise we will get back together once I am done with school. I seem happy but really, I'm not. I feel like shit every single fucking day, like a part of me was ripped out of me and taken away. I seem happy on the outside but truly, I am fighting to keep working on my daily tasks. I need you to keep fighting as well. Don't give up on me. I know it feels like everything is over but it's not. I promise you, I will always be here for you. One day we will come back together and have a new life. We will have a house and will travel the world together. Please fight right now. Be strong. I will write to you as much as I can.

Love, Evelyn

I immediately dropped the letter onto my desk and started crying. My arms were on my desk and I buried my face into my hands.

Evelyn still thinks of me..she still loves me..she feels miserable just like me..I want to keep fighting..for her..but I don't know if I can..

The owl grabbed the envelope and brought it closer to me. I looked at the envelope and saw something else was inside. I slowly put my hand inside and felt something cold. I wrapped my fingers around it and pulled it out.

It was a necklace. A black half heart. In the back, there were my initials. S.S. I pulled it closer to my face and smiled. Tears were streaming down my face, my hand covering my mouth. I slowly pulled it over my head and adjusted it around my neck. I unbuttoned the top button of my robes to slip the necklace under. I shivered as it was cold against my skin.

Evelyn. I..miss love..


I picked up a bunch of my clothing and placed it into my trunk. I closed it as it was the last thing I needed to pack. I sat in my bed, wondering if staying with Severus was a better option.

I don't want him to..commit suicide..but he'll be worse in Azakaban..

I sighed loudly as I couldn't seem to find the best situation.


I walked to Remus as I needed advice. I couldn't do it alone. I walked into his classroom and walked into his office. Remus was laying on the sofa, asleep.

Aww, he looks so cute when he's asleep.

I quietly closed the non-creaking door and walked over to his room. I walked to the doorway and saw that everything was packed up. Nothing was up on the walls or in its place. Only boxes around.

Weird, does he need all these things to go back home?..

I walked over to his closet and took off my shoes along with my trousers. I grabbed a pair of shorts of his and put them on. I walked back to the sofa and sat down on the floor, close to him.

I heard him groan quietly and mumble something. I lifted my head up to see if he was awake but he seemed to still be sleeping.

I only snuggled there, waiting for him to wake up.


Omg this man never wakes up..Remus I need to speak to you..please wake up.

I groaned mentally as I stood up and began stroking his hair gently.

"Remus?.." I whispered, trying not to spook him.

He only groaned and moved sideways a bit.

"Remus.." I rubbed his cheek with my fingers.

"Who is it.." He groaned.

"It's Evelyn. Wake up."

He yawned quietly before blinking slowly. His brown eyes met mine and he gave me a warm smile.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he moved me up onto the sofa. I sat close to him, snuggling into his arms.

"I needed advice." I said, quietly.

"Ok? On what exactly?" He said, curiously.

I sighed loudly and shifted onto his lap. His arms went around me and I immediately broke down.

"Hey hey, Evelyn it's alright.." Remus mumbled.

"It's..Severus.." I cried.

"What..Did something happen to him?" He asked, concerned.

"No..but something might.."

"Oh there something I can do?"

"I'm not sure.."

Remus sighed and rested his chin on my head.

"Tell me more, I must know if Severus is in danger."

"Shouldn't I be the one trying to save him?.."

"Well, maybe. But he is my friend and I want to be there for him. He's helped me a lot, so I must return the favour." Remus declared.

"Well when I was doing my potion's final I had to sit next to him. So I noticed a lot of things. Severus hasn't showered in a while, he hasn't been sleeping, and he's been drinking a gave me the impression he kill himself.." I finished, shaking, my breathing heavy.

"Oh Evelyn." Remus pulled me closer and I felt him start crying.

"I.." Remus was unable to speak.

"I need to do something." I pleaded.

"Yes, we have to do something but we can't afford to get him in even more trouble.."

"I sent him a letter telling him to keep fighting..but I want to talk to him in person.."

"Evelyn..I know you want him to be safe but you can not go talk to him. We can't risk it."

"Yes I can. I would risk everything for him. I need to know he is going to be ok after I leave."

"Evelyn I know how you feel, but no. You will not do anything."

"Why? Now you don't want me to go back with him?!" I began to get angry as I felt Remus was planning something.

"No, no. It's not that. Listen to me. If you go over there and you are seen, he will go to Azkaban. Then you will never see him again. If I go talk to him, no one will suspect a thing, ok? He will be fine. I'll talk to him."

I sighed and squeezed my eyes closed, wishing this was a nightmare. A nightmare that would soon end.

"I'll talk to him, I promise he'll be ok." Remus whispered.

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