Difficult Discussions

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I walked back down to the dungeons and knocked on Severus's classroom door. He answered the door and looked surprised.

"Evelyn? Is something wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"No, I'm fine babe, I just wanted to tell you something."

"Did...Did you just call me 'babe'?" He asked, smiling.

My eyes widened and I felt my face heat up. He pulled me inside and held me tight.

"I like it." Severus said quietly.

I smiled wide and rested my head against his chest. He slowly moved apart from me and smiled.

"What were you going to tell me, dear?" He asked.

I remembered and looked into his eyes.

"I think we should lay down first..." I said, smiling.

"Ok...if that's what you want..." He responded, a bit confused.

I was nervous and we began walking to his dorm. I followed him as he opened and closed the door. I slowly make my way to his bedroom and begin undressing myself. My trousers and blouse fell to the ground. I slipped on one of his shirts and sit on the edge of the bed. Severus walked into the bedroom after turning off all the lights. He walked towards the wardrobe and began undressing, sighing loudly.

"Sorry if I annoy you..." I said, feeling guilty.

He quickly turned around and looked at me, smiling.

"You NEVER annoy me. Don't ever think that. I sigh because of other things." Severus reassured me. I sat there, smiling like an idiot. He took off his heavy robes and threw them in a basket, along with his undershirt. He then removed his trousers and put a pair of sweats on. Severus then walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Let's lay down, I want you to sleep after you're done telling me everything you want." He whispered as his large hand went around my back to my waist.

I nodded and crawled into bed. I found a nice comfortable spot and saw Severus moving closer to me. I closed my eyes and felt drowsy. His arms went around me as he sat up.

"What did you want to tell me, love?" Severus asked softly.

"Mmm..." I was already wanting to fall asleep.

"Evelyn, is it something important?" He asked, his words dripped in concern.

"I guess. Nothing happened to me." I stated quickly not wanting to alarm him.

"Well go ahead and tell me." Severus responded calmly.

"Ok...well...I don't want you to be angry...with me..."

"I don't think I will be darling." Severus comforted me.

I exhaled loudly and sat up.

"Promise you won't be mad at me?.." I looked up at me.

He only smiled. "I won't be mad, I promise."

He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and then on the tip of my nose. My stomach filled with butterflies as I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"So, you know how I told you that I would be going to dinner earlier?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Well..." I hesitated.

"I didn't go to dinner nor to my dorm..."

"Ok..." Severus said quietly, unsure of how to respond.

"I went to Barlow's office." I said quickly.

"What? Why?" He asked only confused.

"I had to...um...revenge..." I looked at him, with a mischievous, nervous smile.

"Evelyn..why.." He rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"She had to pay for what she did to you." I said, confident.

"Well..what did you do.." He seemed a bit annoyed at my actions.

"So..I went to her office..and I used your favourite spell..Expelliarmus," I smiled.

"And I sent her flying across the room. I then used one of the Unforgivable spells......" I paused and waited for his reaction.

"Ugh...Evelyn..I know that I promised not to be mad at you, but this is unacceptable..why would you do that? Did you think of the consequences? Now we could both get in trouble for killing a professor. What if someone saw you?"

"No one saw me and no one is getting in trouble. I didn't kill her. I only tortured her. I used Crucio like 3 times..maybe 6..for hurting you physically and mentally..for just thinking she could steal you from me..for TRYING to steal you from me..and...for ruining our lives.." I finished, smiling.

"After that I just left and saw no one around so I decided I had to tell you..you were gonna find out one way or another so I wanted to be the one to tell you.."

I heard him groan loudly and lift my chin towards him.

"Look. I am not mad at you for trying to get justice for me but that wasn't the best way to go about it. Darling, I will say you surprised me."

Severus brought me closer and pulled me on my stomach on top of him. He pulled my chin to rest on his shoulder.

"You sure can be intimidating sometimes." He whispered into my ear while running his hands down my back. I felt my face turn hot and I shivered at his touch.

"I am impressed and a bit angry at your actions. I am glad you know how to intimidate other people but the actions you took were not the smartest solution. I could have helped you get your revenge some other way."

I huffed and began kissing his neck to distract him.

"Well, was someone getting jealous?" He asked, smirking.

He cupped my face and made me look at him. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from his hands.

"Of course I was. What woman wouldn't be jealous of another woman trying to steal her man. My man is only mine," I said and bit his neck gently.

"Mine and mine only. I can never share him. He is too special. Only I deserve him. Only I can make him happy. Only I can please him," I sat up, my knees on opposite sides of his thighs. My hand went on his chin, lifting his gaze from my stomach to my eyes.

"I own him."

His eyes widened and his breathing grew heavy. I could see him trying not to get hard.

"He is my pet. He belongs to me. He obeys only me. He listens to only me. He is my lover. He is my soulmate. He is my fallen angel. He is my saviour. He is my everything. No one else can have him."

His expression quickly changed. His face relaxed, his eyes were relaxed, his lips formed a wide smile. I moved closer to him and grazed my lips close to his. Severus closed his eyes and breathed out calmly. I kissed him slowly, passionately, longing. My hands brushed his cheeks and his neck. We pulled apart and looked at each other.

"I love you, Evelyn." Severus whispered.

"I love you too Severus..." I responded.

I moved off and laid next to him. He covered me with his blanket and hugged me. He laid lower and placed his chin close to my neck. I fell asleep, still feeling his arms around me.

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