Stronger Suspicions

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I slowly woke up, feeling a lot better. I moved around and sat up. I opened my eyes and saw Severus was still asleep next to where I was laying. I smiled and looked at the clock next to the bed.

It's am I supposed to get to my dorm..without getting in trouble..

I got off the bed and slipped my shoes on. I tried very hard not to make any noise. I walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I walked into the classroom and out. I made my way up the stairs and watched out for anyone that could be wandering around or patrolling the corridors.

I know Barlow is onto us and she is just going to be around here trying to get Severus in trouble.

I was walking across a corridor when I remembered something from the attack. I was standing by the kitchen counter, preparing myself a snack to eat, when I only felt something hit the back of my head. I fell down and the last thing I saw was someone with long blonde hair say something, but wasn't able to make out the words. That was the last thing I saw, after that I was in the hospital.

I walked up the stairs of my tower and made my way to my dorm. I was walking towards my bed but stopped when I saw my owl, Angel, with a note. I yawned loudly and untied the note from the owl's leg. I fed it a small piece of meat and took the note with me to bed. I laid there and unfolded it. I read it slowly.

Dear Evelyn White,

I noticed that a friendship between you and Professor Snape has been made. I have no problem with a friendship between a student and professor and it is none of my business, but I was just wondering if he is forcing you to do anything. If he is forcing you to do anything, just let me know. I will help you out and keep you safe if he IS doing something. If it is just a friendship, I'm happy. I've been told you've been a bit lonelier, and a friendship will definitely help you out a lot. If you need anything feel free to reach out to me. Thank you.

-Remus J, Lupin

I was a bit annoyed by his assumptions, or more like everyone's assumptions. I did feel safe because Lupin seemed like he cared. I set the note down on my table and went to sleep, not giving it much thought.



It was morning and even though I had missed the first day of class, I still had to go today. I got ready and grabbed my book bag. I pulled out my class schedule.


Care for Magical Creatures





I made my way out of my dorm and the common room. Some girls were sitting by the fireplace and turned to look at me.

I kept walking and went down the stairs. First, I would be going to breakfast with all the other students. I made my way towards the great hall. I slowly walked in with many other students. I took a seat at the Ravenclaw table, alone. I placed my bookbag by my side and took out a book. My plate filled with eggs and bacon, along with some orange juice. I began eating while reading my book. I never had luck making friends so at this point it was useless trying to talk to anyone. As I was eating I felt someone was watching me. My eyes moved away from my food and looked around to find who was staring. I turned to the teachers table and sure enough I saw Severus looking at me. Once our eyes met I gave him a big smile. Severus looked to his sides before smiling a bit and then kept eating.

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