Sorrowful Sacrifices

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(Long Chapter, Enjoy! :)



I was stuck trying to find a way of destroying Barlow's stupid piece of evidence. She had shown me it was a memory, where she could give it to Dumbledore and it could be seen. The memory wasn't very appropriate either so I had to take it somehow. Today's class was boring as usual. I only enjoyed my last class where I got to see Evelyn. I sat down and waited for Evelyn to arrive since she was always the first one here. My plan to destroy that proof was all I had on my mind. Suddenly I saw Evelyn standing close to my desk.

"Hey Sev.." She smiled.

My frown turned into a smile.

"Hello little one. How I've missed you." I said.

She moved closer and slid onto my lap.

"Evelyn..students will be here any moment.." I whispered.

She only twirled a strand of my hair in her finger and kissed my cheek. I smiled and felt my face heat up. I closed my eyes, feeling relaxed and tilted my head to one side.

"I'll see you after then." She gave me a soft kiss on the lips and went to her table. I sighed as I was overwhelmed by everything.


I sat there seeing everyone leave as soon as class ended. I saw Evelyn was packing her stuff up. I grabbed a bunch of parchment and placed it in one of my drawers. I saw everyone was gone but Evelyn. She walked over to me and I stood up.

"So can I cook tonight?" She asked, happily.

God, I hate making her sad...she's miserable with you Severus...

I sighed.

"I'm sorry, you'll be eating dinner in the Great Hall. I'm afraid I must attend somewhere else." I frowned. Her eyes quickly were filled with hurt and sadness. I pulled her close to me and held her tight.

"Barlow right..." She said.

"I have to go to her office and find a way to remove the memory from her. After I destroy it, she will stay away from us forever..I promise.." I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

"I know. I trust you. And I love you. I hope you find the proof.." She lifted her face to look at me. Her brown eyes stared into my black ones.

I hated seeing her like this..But I would hurt her even more if I told her to never see me again..Such an innocent angel she is. A princess that came from heaven. Her beautiful brown eyes match her brown hair perfectly. Her curves and her kissable lips. A tiny nose that made her face perfect. Her small hands that managed to bring heat to my cold skin. Her happiness that brought light to my darkness.

"What are you thinking of Sev?" She asked, confused.


I grabbed her hand and brought her face up.

"I hate seeing you like this..but I think that if I leave you and tell you to never come to me again, I'd hurt you even more..." I stopped and saw tears swell in her eyes.

"You're such an innocent angel, a princess from heaven, Your beautiful brown eyes match your brown hair perfectly...your curves and kissable lips..." I ran my hand over her lips.

"Your tiny nose that makes your face perfect.." My hand grazed her nose.

"Your hands that bring warmth to my cold icy skin..Your happiness that brings light into my darkness.."

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