Frightening Facts

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I walked to Remus's class quietly and slowly, making sure no one would hear me. I didn't want to get caught, not now. As I reached his class, I could hear someone walking behind me. When I got to the door, I turned the knob and to my surprise, it was open. I went inside and closed it, locking it. I walked quickly to his office and knocked.

Remus opened the door and smiled.

"You actually came back, Evelyn." Remus said, smiling.

"Of course I did. I told you I'd come back." I said, smiling.

"Come in." Remus moved from the doorway, allowing me to walk in.

I walked in and waited for him to close the door.

"We could stay here, or we could..stay in my bedroom..if that's not too uncomfortable.."

"We can stay in your bedroom," I said and saw him begin walking away.

"After you eat something." I finished, smiling. Remus lifted his head up and turned to me.

"No it's fine...I'm not really hungry..." Remus said and yawned quietly.

"Remus...You have to eat...when is the last time you ate?"

"2 days ago...but I'm fine...really.." He reassured me.

"God...why haven't you eaten anything?..."

"Just...not hungry.." Remus looked down at the ground.

I stood closer to him and ran my hand on his cheek.

"You have to eat look...bad..." I said, trying to convince him.

Remus sighed loudly. "Fine..."

I walked towards what seemed to be the kitchen area. I began looking for even a small snack he would eat. I saw small cookies stored in a cabinet. I opened the wrapper and served them on a plate. I took out some milk and poured it in a glass cup. I slowly made my way to Remus, who was standing close to his bedroom.

"Now we can go into your bedroom." I said, holding the food in my hands. Remus smiled and opened the door. I walked in slowly, admiring how different it was from Severus's room. It was a chocolate brown and light brown. Everything was organised and clean. There were so many items all around the room. There was a small window at the end of the room. Close to the window was a small bookshelf and a comfortable seat. I moved closer to the bed and placed the plate and glass on the bed stand.

"You can sit down...if you trust me..." Remus gestured to his bed.

"Of course I trust you...Remus...What is up with you guys and thinking I don't trust you..." I said as I sat down.

Remus chuckled and moved closer to what seemed to be a closet. He removed his shoes and socks. I quickly turned around.

"Oh don't worry, I was going to change somewhere else." He chuckled.

"'s not like it matters." I said and removed my shoes.

Remus grabbed some clothes and left for another room.

Once he came back, he was wearing brown shorts and a brown long sleeved shirt.

"Is every piece of clothing you own, brown?" I asked, jokingly.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. I do own some different colour clothing, it's just that brown seems like a very friendly colour..I guess." He responded as he placed his wand and watch on the bed stand.

Remus sat on the bed, up against the backboard.

"Eat something..please.." I looked at him, moving the plate close to his face.

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