Time Together

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We made our way towards the dungeons and into his classroom. It was very neat and clean, since there were no students there to make a mess. I sure was shy and quiet but never have I been clumsy.

Snape went to his desk and grabbed a piece of parchment.

"If you'd like to help, you could go into my storage and make sure every single ingredient here," He pointed at the paper.

"Is in there." Snape pointed to a door close to his desk.

I grabbed the parchment and nodded. "Ok." He gave me a tiny smile and went to the back of the class. I walked into the storage and was mesmerised.

Wow. Damn this man is super organised. I would've never thought he was like this.

"Wow, you're very organised." I stated.

"Thank you, Miss White. I like to keep things in order and make sure nothing is misplaced." Snape said from the back, where he was.

I acknowledged his comment and continued looking through the list. It was written in alphabetical order so I started with the As. The ingredients were on the shelves in order as well. I started at the top. I climbed the ladder. I began reading the list and searching for the ingredients. I continued from top to bottom and moved the ladder from place to place, very carefully. I sat on the ground, looking for the last letters.

This sure was hard..where is the y.

I ran my hand across the bottles and containers.

Seems like this one ain't here.

I added a mark onto the paper. I finished going through the rest of them. Once I finished I got up and I was standing right in front of him.

"Uh..you scared me." I looked down and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to. I was checking up on you." Snape responded.

"Yea..I was about to tell you I was done." I said, feeling his hand go around my back and push me against the ladder. I looked at him and was about to say something, when the lights turned off. The door slammed closed. I started breathing heavily and panicking since I didn't like small spaces.

"Relax, I'm here." Snape said, softly.

"I-I what-t.." I only managed to say those things and felt trapped, scared.

I then felt 2 hands on my hips. I gasped and felt Snape's face close to mine. I felt his breath in my face.

"Please..I-I hate small-l spaces.." I whispered as I began crying. I felt his thumb wipe away my tears. He picked me up, his arms around my waist and opened the door. I picked my legs around his waist to support myself. I closed my eyes and buried my face into his neck. The next thing I know I'm in his lap and he's sitting in his chair. I sighed and opened my eyes. Snape's head rested up against his chair. I breathed deeply, calming myself down. He moved his head down and lifted my chin up.

His eyes were watery.

What is happening this year? I thought I was going to be involved with boys and gossip and here I am seeing a totally different Snape.  

"I'm sorry.." I looked confused. "For?...."

"For pushing you..I should've asked you what you're comfortable with. I didn't even ask if you were comfortable with...this.." Snape motioned to both of us.

"It's just..I want you..I have wanted to be with you since the end of last year..I don't know if you want this as well.." He said, quietly. 

I took a deep breath. I placed my hand on his cheek. Snape tensed up but slowly relaxed.

"I think I'd like to try this out..under some conditions though.."

"Of course, whatever you like darling.." He whispered.

Damn already using different titles..

"I am willing to try a 'relationship' with you if that's what you want to call it, if you understand some things.

I paused and felt myself getting nervous. Snape placed his hand on mine and smiled softly.

"First off I want us to get to know each other more personally. Second, I want to take things slow, I'm only 16. I do consent to doing this, even if you're like 10 years older than me." I said softly.

He chuckled. "I understand all of those things and promise to take things slow. Also I'm like 20 years older, but thanks for the compliment." My jaw dropped.

"How old are you exactly???" I asked, shocked.

"I'm 35." Snape said, dully. I squealed and planted my face into his chest.

Goddd that makes things way hotter...He looks soo good for 35..

"Well, that doesn't bother me." I smiled. Snape smiled back and kissed my forehead.

"So you're sure you want to accept a 'relationship' with me.."

"Yes. I have only dated one guy before this and that dude was totally immature, so I have no experience whatsoever." I said, embarrassed.

"Well that's what you're here for, to learn from me." He said, whispering in my ear. His hands went around me, pulling me close. I blushed and bit my lip.

God I'd never felt this way...

"I also understand that we should understand each other on a more personal level..and that our 'entanglement' will be a secret. I wouldn't care if I lost my job but, for you. I don't want you to get kicked out or have a bad reputation afterwards."

I only nodded and yawned.

"I promise I won't push you to do anything you don't want to do." Snape said as he played with my hair. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Alright. What am I allowed to call you?" I asked with curiosity.

"Um. I don't really mind, whatever you want to call me." He chuckled.

"Uh..ok..how about..Sev.." I asked. He smiled and blushed a bit.

"That's a nice name, I accept it." I snuggled under his chin.

"Is it cool if I stay in your room or is it too much?" I added.

"No, it's fine. Whatever you're comfortable with." We stayed like this for a while.

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