Jealous Jerk

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I recognised the voice immediately. I turned around and saw Severus standing there, staring into Erik's soul. Erik quickly looked down at his plate.

"What do you need, Professor Snape?"

His dark brooding eyes looked at me now and his face showed anger.

"Outside. Now." He walked quickly outside the great hall.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll see you around, Erik." I got up and waved at him.

"Ok, bye." He waved back.

I made my way outside and saw Severus standing against the wall, far from the entrance. I closed the door behind me and walked towards him.

"What do you need, professor?" I stood in the middle of the corridor facing him. He stood close to the wall, his arms crossed. Severus looked at me and walked closer to me. He grabbed me and placed me against the wall. His face was so close to mine. His hands on my waist, pinning me against him and the wall.

"It's Severus to you." I couldn't help but blush and bite my lip.

His lips collided with mine. His tongue pushed inside my mouth. His kisses were rough and fast. He quickly pulled away and continued on my neck.

"Severus.." I gave a small moan. I could see him smirking.

He bit gently on one part of my collarbone.

"You're mine, Evelyn." He said as he lifted his face to mine.

"Mine and only mine, forever.." Severus whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek. I pushed him away slowly.

"Someone's going to see us.." I said.

He nodded and looked down to where my shirt was pushed down to. Severus only smirked and fixed my shirt.

"Everyone will be able to see that you belong to me." He said, smirking.

"You did not.." I pulled my shirt up to my neck.

"Oh I did." Severus smiled.

I groaned loudly and covered my face with my hands.

"Severus..everyone will notice the hickeys..ughhh.."

"That's the point." He said, proudly.

"I thought you said you wanted me to stay away from you."

"I thought that was what I wanted but I'm not sure anymore. I can't stand seeing you with someone else, even if they're your friends.."

"I'm sorry but I think you're right..I have to stay away from you, until I finish my education....also I thought you were leaving me like not wanting to see me anymore.."

He grabbed my hand and brought it to his face. Severus placed my hand on his cheek.

"Evelyn..I did not tell you that because I used you and wanted nothing to do with you anymore..I told you that to protect you..from myself, from getting caught, from many things..I didn't want to give you that impression but, I guess I did,"

His hand took my other and intertwined them.

"I guess being with you just scares me. I'm afraid I'll only bring you more pain. I want you to be happy so..tell me what makes you happy?" I looked into his eyes. He looked sad but happy at the same time.

"Severus..I am only happy with you. I do want to finish my education but trying to stay away from you won't help either of us."

He nodded and hugged me.

"We can continue TRYING to keep a friendship in front of everyone, but you're MY lover and I want to spend the most time I can with you. I'm free for you whenever you want. I'm always going to stay by your side. Always."

Severus and I pulled apart and fixed each other before walking towards the great hall. He walked in first, making his way to the professor's table. I made my way to Erik after him. I saw Erik wasn't sitting there anymore. I sat down and prepared myself to leave for my first class.



I was approaching Lupin's classroom.

Lupin!! I was excited to see him.

I walked in and saw other students already in the classroom. I made my way to the back of the class. I pulled my textbook and placed it on my table. I searched for a quill and ink container. As soon as I lifted my face from my bag I saw Lupin sitting across from me.

"Good afternoon, Lupin." I started as I opened my book.

"Afternoon, Evelyn." He said as he gave me a small smile.

"How have you been?"

"I've been great." I said.

"That's good to hear."

He smiled and proceeded to go back to the front of the classroom. I continued to search for my quill. I took it out and placed it on my table. More students kept walking in and occupying the seats. I wanted to sit by myself so I placed my bag on the seat.

Class started and we began reading. I was reading when Lupin began walking around, making sure everyone was reading. Some kids were laughing in the front of the class, making jokes and throwing stuff. Lupin would shush them and I would see he was looking my way. I continued reading and taking notes on the chapter. When he reached the back of the class, he moved closer to me and offered me some chocolate. I took the piece and smiled at him as he kept walking around.


I exited the class and made my way to Severus's class. I was excited to see him. I smiled as I walked there. As I entered the class, I saw Severus and another student speaking at the front of the class. I stood at the back as they both turned to look at me.

"I'll talk to you later.." The girl whispered to him as her hand went on his chest. I could see he got uncomfortable. She made her way past me, pushing me hard and making me fall.

As soon as she closed the door, Severus added a lock spell and rushed to me. He helped me up and brushed the dust off.

"I'm sorry, she's just jealous." Severus said as he embraced me.

"Why?" I asked.

"She is jealous because I have a friendship with you but refuse one with her. I don't understand why so many students and professors desire a friendship with me." He responded.

I pulled away a bit.

"But you don't want anything with her right?.." I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Of course not. I would only do something if it meant you were safe from something. I will always have a reasonable motive for everything." Severus smiled at me and kissed me. His kiss was soft and slow. I kissed him back, my hands wandering his chest.

We pulled apart. "Class will start shortly." He whispered.

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