Lasting Love

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Severus appeared a small cloth and began cleaning himself. After he was done, he cleaned me. I opened my eyes wide as he slowly moved the cloth in between my thighs. I giggled softly as he cleaned all of me. After he threw the cloth down, he got off the bed and with his wandless magic he was changed into shorts. He moved me close to him and unclipped my bra. I didn't move as he slid it off. Severus picked me up in a bridal way and walked over to his bathroom.

"What are you..doing?" I asked, still exhausted from everything.

"I'm getting you cleaned up. It is my job to make you feel clean and calm after our fun time." He said smiling and then smirking.

I planted my face in his chest as he walked into the bathroom. He set me down on the toilet while he started filling the tub with water.

"Warm water, love?" Severus asked.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around my chest.

"Do I look..ugly?" I asked. His head immediately shot to me.

"No. Don't ever think that. If anyone ever tells you that, that just proves that they are blind. You are beautiful and perfect and just stunning.." His eyes were soft and his face relaxed.

My cheeks turned red and I covered my face. He finished filling the tub and lifted me up.

"I'll leave you alone for a while and I'll bring you some water and snacks." He set me in the tub and left. I submerged most of my body under the water and relaxed.

This man is incredible in anything he does really..for my first time it was amazing.

I smiled like an idiot as Sev walked in.

"What are you so smiley about?" He asked as he closed the door and placed the plate on the sink.

"Thinking of how amazing this was." I said, smiling at him.

"Did you enjoy it? I feel like I was too rough..I shou-"

"It was amazing, Sev. I just feel like a scrambled egg right now..You were great and I loved every part..thank you for..uhh..making me feel like someone actually thought I was pretty."

"Of course you're more than pretty, you're beautiful and gorgeous and I'm..relieved that you enjoyed it too."

He fed me a small piece of toast and took a bite out of the same bread. I washed my body as he sat on the floor, eating more. I drank some water and stood up from the tub.

"Could you pass me a towel?" I motioned towards the sink counter.

He stood up and grabbed a large towel. I tried to reach for it but he pulled it towards himself.

"Allow me." Severus said.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He walked closer to me and began gently drying me. He draped one towel around my shoulders and used another one to dry my body. He was gentle and slow.

"Here." He handed me the towel. I grabbed it and dried my hair. He picked me up again, scaring me.

"Next time you do that, let me know." I laughed. He chuckled.

"" Sev responded and brought me back to his bed. It was neat and clean. He sat me down and kept drying me.

"I'll find something of mine for you to wear." Sev stated as he walked towards his wardrobe. I finished drying my body and kept squeezing water out of my hair. He walked to me again and handed me a black shirt. He set it on the bed. I grabbed my bra off the bed and put it on. I grabbed his shirt and slipped it on after.

It is so here..

"Do you have anything that's warmer..please.." I asked, shivering.

"Yea..let me check.." He walked back to the wardrobe and rumbled through it. I sat on the bed and continued to dry my hair. My underwear was still at the foot of the bed. I picked them up and slid them up. Sev came towards me with a fluffy sweater.

"That's the only one I got." He handed it to me. I smiled big and took it.

"Thank you." I put it on and immediately felt warm. My hair was still wet so I kept drying it, hoping it wouldn't drip water onto the bed.

"I'm going to take a quick shower." Severus said, walking towards the bathroom.

I nodded and sat against the bed rest. I grabbed the glass of water and slowly drank it. I knew Severus wouldn't take long to shower, so I made my way to the kitchen.

Let's see what else this man has stored.

I opened the fridge and saw a lot of food. I didn't see any of my interest so I closed it and walked to the dinner table. There laid a fancy fruit basket. In it were apples, grapes and oranges. I grabbed a grape bunch and placed it on a plate. I washed them in the sink and began eating them. I stood by the counter and stared at the wall. All of a sudden I felt Severus's big hands go on my hips from behind and his chin was on my shoulder. His hands slowly snaked lower and intertwined with each other.

"You done with the shower?" I asked him.

He mumbled something and sighed loudly.

"How did I end up with someone so perfect? I don't deserve you. You deserve a young man that can giv-"

"No, don't even think of that. I might be perfect, but I love you and I want you. I could never see myself with someone that's not you. Just because you're older doesn't mean you aren't wonderful. Not because I got out with someone my age will mean I'll be happier."

He smiled and turned me around, embracing me tightly.

"I am so lucky to have you..." He whispered.

"I am too."

I stayed in Severus's hug and inhaled his scent. It was fresh. He was wearing cologne and it smelt wonderful. After a while, he pulled away a bit but stayed close to me.

"I think we should go to bed." He suggested.

I nodded as he led me back to his bedroom. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers close to me. Severus climbed into bed slowly and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

I smiled as his breath hit my neck, his nose was buried in my hair.

" you Evelyn.." Severus whispered.

My eyes shot open and I couldn't help but smile and feel butterflies fill my stomach.

"I love you too, Severus.." I said back. I soon fell asleep, feeling Severus's arms around my back and laid on my waist. Feeling safe and happy.

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