Alone Again

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I woke up feeling like shit. I wanted to do nothing. I felt like I had no energy to get up and go to class. I felt like I hadn't slept in days. I heard a soft knock on the door. I only groaned and heard someone speak.

"Evelyn...are you ok?"

It was a soft voice asked. It seemed like another girl.

"Who is it?" I managed to speak quietly.

"My name is Jade, we have waved at each other a couple times and have class together. I've noticed that you've been acting strange..."

"I'm just...going through something..."

"Well, we could talk..."

"Don't you have class..."

"Yeah, but I want to I rather hang with someone than go to class."


I got up and slowly made my way towards the door. I opened it and saw a girl. She had long black hair and glasses. She smiled at me.

"Come in." I said and moved away from the door. She walked in slowly and stood close to the bed.

"You can sit wherever you want." I said, closing the door. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me.

"Well, do you want to talk?" She asked.

"But I don't even know you." I joked around.

"Yea, well we have time to get to know each other." She gave me a small smile.

I sighed and sat down on the bed, my back close to the head of the bed.

"I'm Jade Miracle. I know my name sounds weird but yes it is my name. I am 16 and I love charms. What about you?"

"I love your name. I'm Evelyn White and I'm also 16. I love potions."

She smiled.

"Well now we know each other. Now we can talk about what is upsetting you. I just want to know to see if I can help you and if there might be something I can do to make you feel better."

I sighed and began to think.

If I tell this girl I don't know everything, there is a possibility that she might tell someone else and that person will tell someone else and so on and so on.

"Well it might seem dumb to you...but I'm through...a breakup...and I really loved him...and now we're just nothing..." I began to feel tears run down my face.

"Aww, I'm sorry..." She moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. I fell into her embrace, feeling a bit better. It wasn't the same as his.

"Well, tell me a bit more about this boy." She said, quietly.

"Well, he was amazing..he is a slytherin..and he said he loved me.."

"Well it seems like you might be better off without him.."

"I mean..I loved him as well..and he did too, it wasn't his or my decision to break up..more like we were forced to.."

" exactly were you forced to break up?"

Should I tell her?..No..Dumbledore said to keep it a secret..

"Well..I can't really tell you.."

"Oh can start hanging out with us. It might help you get that off your mind.."

I sighed and laid back.

"Do you still want to attend class.." She asked.


"Alright then, c'mon."

We both stood up and walked towards my door. I grabbed my book bag and my wand. We walked out into the common room and towards the exit. It was already late but we would still make it to charms.


I sat at the Ravenclaw table, trying to fill my head with the thought of food. I tried to get Severus out of my mind, but it just wasn't easy. It only caused me to think more and more of him. The smell of his cologne, the way his smile made me have butterflies fill my stomach, his hair just flowing with his movements, how his cape swirled around as he strutted, his lips that managed to melt my skin.

I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice everyone leaving. I looked up from my plate and saw some girls at the Slytherin table, snickering and muttering.

I felt scared, now that Severus wasn't allowed near me, no one could save me from my nightmares, my bullies, my fears.

I felt tears begin swelling in my eyes.

"Levine! Carter!"

I heard his voice. I looked up a bit and saw him walking slowly down the Great Hall. I immediately felt a warm feeling run through my body.

"Class, now." He said, looking at them with fury.

I turned and saw the Slytherin's walking towards the exit quickly. My attention was soon on Severus. I looked at all of him. I had missed everything about him. We both looked at each other. His dark black eyes met my brown ones.

"I miss you.." I whispered.

His face softened and he gave me a sad smile. Soon after he quickly walked away.

Well, that's better than what I expected. God I really do miss him..Without him I feel like..just wanting to die..he really made my world happier..

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