Aroused Actions

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I had fallen asleep, but I woke up quickly. She felt a lot warmer and was still asleep, facing me. I smiled as I saw her face and placed my hand on her cheek. She immediately shivered and blinked slowly. I saw her eyes open, and her head move up a bit to look at me.

"Severus.." she whispered as she moved on top of me. Laying on my stomach. I wrapped my arms around her waist, knowing Poppy had closed to the wing for us. I pulled her closer.

"What happened.." she asked, quietly.

"I should be asking you that." I responded. I moved her hair out of her face. Caressing her cheek. She pulled away and looked at me confused.

"Why are you cold.." She sat up next to me, on her knees. She grabbed both of my hands and shivered.

"You're colder than usual. What happened to you?" Evelyn asked me, concerned.

"Don't worry about me. You should be explaining to me what happened yesterday." I moved my hands away from her and laid her next to me. She sighed and faced the other side.

"Talk to me Evelyn. I can only help you if you explain to me what happened yesterday."

She buried her face into chest and sighed.

"Someone..attacked me.." She whispered.

My eyes grew wide, and I was filled with questions. I stopped myself from asking them all at once.

"We'll talk about this later. I'm sure you'll get excused from class today so rest. I'm going to stay here too."

She moved closer to me and her breathing was shaky. I held her and called Poppy in.

She walked in and smiled.

"How is she?" She asked me.

"Evelyn's fine, she seems stronger but still a bit shaky over what happened." I responded.

"Well, it seems like she was attacked. She wasn't poisoned or hit by a spell. She was only attacked physically by someone. That's all the information I have, she shall be the one to explain deeper."

I nodded and then asked.

"Is it fine if I take her to my personal quarters and give her something to feel better? I promise I'll let her rest and take good care of her until she feels good to start her classes." I stated, wanting to have her with me at all times.

She nodded and smiled. "I'll let Dumbledore know that but won't give him the extra details.

I nodded and got up with Evelyn in my arms. I slowly made my way around the castle, realising classes were taking place. I tried to take the less crowded corridor.

I made it to my class, where no one was to be seen.

They probably cancelled my class because of the news

I walked into my class and then into my personal quarters. I took her to my bedroom and laid her down. I covered her with my blanket and then went to the living room. I ran my hand through all the potion containers I had.

It should be here...

I grabbed a specific bottle and set it on the table. I grabbed a glass of water and a piece of trifle I had made the other day. I set both things on a tray and walked to the bedroom. I walked in and moved a chair close to the end of the bed. I set the tray down on the small table by the bed. She looked so peaceful while sleeping, but she needed to eat. I took off the cork of the potion and set it back down. I stood up and stroked her hair. She groaned and blinked slowly.

"Severus..Where am I?" Evelyn asked softly.

I sat on the edge of the bed and caressed her cheek.

"You're in my bedroom and I'm going to take care of you here." I said. Evelyn smiled and sat up. I smiled big, glad that she was better.

I got up and grabbed the tray of things. I set it on her legs so it wouldn't fall.

"This potion will help ease the pain if you have any and it'll strengthen your body." I said as I handed the bottle to her.

"One gulp shall be enough." Evelyn took it slowly and took a sip.

"I said a gulp, not a tiny sip." I said, chuckling.

She rolled her eyes and took a bigger sip. She placed the bottle down on the tray and looked at the food.

"I have left over trifle so I served it to you along with water."

Evelyn smiled big and looked at me. I felt like I was melting.

"Thanks. I appreciate it a lot." She said,

I nodded and sat next to her on her other side.

"Anything for you, love." I intertwined my hand with her's and held it tight. Evelyn only smiled while eating.


I sat there eating the trifle. It was delicious and well made. I saw Severus laying his head back against the bed rest, still holding my hand.

I couldn't stop smiling at the fact that Severus wasn't a cruel man. He was very sweet and caring. Right now was the perfect example to prove everyone wrong about him. The meal was delicious and I drank the water. When I finished eating I set the tray on the table and moved closer to Severus. I saw he was smiling and wrapped his arm around me.

"Don't you have a class? Wait I have cl-"

Before I could finish, Severus kissed me. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was rough and fast. I felt weak and didn't try to fight with him for dominance. He kept kissing me while he lay me down. When we did break the kiss, he was hovering above me on his knees and hands. I gasped for air, and he kept kissing my cheek and my neck. I felt hot and my breathing grew heavy.

"Has anyone told you how gorgeous you are."

I squealed and covered my face with my hands.

"No need to find your beautiful face." Severus pushed my hands away from my face.

He began kissing, biting, and licking my neck. I couldn't contain myself anymore, I let out a moan. Severus smirked and growled into my ear.

"Those..noises will make me lose control..Evelyn.." Severus smirked and moved his hand over my button up shirt. He looked at me and then down.

"May I?" He asked softly.

I felt like I was ready but at the same time not.

"Uh.." I wasn't able to make out words.

He laid back down, pulling me close to him.

"It's fine if you're not ready. I won't push. You're just so..irresistible..and beautiful." Severus whispered.

I smiled and laid on his stomach. He smiled and hugged me.

"I am ready..but I feel like we have never been very..intimate.. or I haven't been intimate with someone so I don't really know how far I can go, what you like, many things.."

"Well, those things should be discussed before we move forward. I forget you have never done these things before, right?"

I nodded and closed my eyes. I was happy Severus wasn't wanting to push anything but I felt bad I was turning him on and not letting him do anything.

We laid in bed and fell asleep.

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