Chapter 5: "Letters & Messages"

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     I got Wally to go inside while I brought the groceries inside. I decided that I would do it myself so I can somehow sneak the letters in.

Now, I'm not naive. I know those are the same envelopes that Eddie has. I also know that I probably shouldn't tell Wally about them until after I open them.

I don't know how he'll react to seeing those letters, and I don't exactly know if he's evil or something. The Welcome Home Restoration Project also has gotten these letters, and if their getting some information out of these, I want to know what's inside of them too.

While I was grabbing two of the last bags, I went to the passenger door, took the letters, and put them inside the bags so they'll blend in.

I carried them inside, where Wally was sitting patiently on the couch, waiting for me. I set them down with the other bags, and turned back around to lock my car and the door. But before that, Wally had to speak up.

"I don't see why I couldn't help you bring the groceries in," He said as he kept his hands clasped together.

I sighed, and turned to look at him. "Look at you, you probably have no muscle because I'm pretty sure your stuffed. I mean, you don't even have skin, you have fabric."

"I have muscle! I just never showed you." He turned his chin up as he crossed his arms. Like that was totally going to convince me.

"Whatever you say, hun," I replied back.

I continued on with locking my car, shutting the door, and putting the groceries away. I apparently bought so many things, that my fridge is now stocked.

Though, I did buy myself a shit ton of snacks for when I go to work tomorrow, so I ain't exactly complaining.

I took out Wally's clothes that I had bought him when I was finished with the food. I remembered that whenever I went clothes shopping with my mom, she would always make me do a fashion show to her.

And that's exactly what I was going to do with Wally.

"Wally, why don't you go try on the clothes I bought you to see if they fit?" I offered. I handed all of the bags to him and he left to go to the bathroom.

I waited for the sound of the door shutting to take out the envelopes and slowly try to walk upstairs without making a noise. I went into my room, put them into my panty drawer, (where I know he'll never go into,) and slowly left my room.

I tried to secretly walk back downstairs, but the stupid ass creaks my stairs made ratted me out. So I quickly and quietly kept going down the stairs.

I sat down on the couch and waited. I'm not sure if he heard the creak but I sure as hell hope not.

He came downstairs rather slowly. I don't know if that was for suspense or something but it wasn't doing anything.

He came downstairs in a red cardigan that wasn't buttoned all the way, a white dress shirt underneath, he kept his red scarf, and just normal toddler sized khakis.

He looked amazing so I smiled and clapped. "You look amazing, Wally!" I stopped clapping and set my hands down in my lap.

"Thank you, I also think I look amazing," he said as he started to look himself over.

We played this game for a bit. He tried on different outfits, I complimented him, and he complimented himself. But he eventually ran out of clothes so he picked an outfit and stayed in it for the rest of the day.

He didn't have a dresser or anything, so he just neatly folded them up and set them on top of MY dresser.

Anyways, we watched a kids show that I wasn't really paying attention to. I don't think Wally was either.

"I'm going to go use the bathroom," I said as I got up and started to the stairs. He hummed in reply while I walked upstairs. I went into my room, into my dresser, and started to open the letters.

The envelopes were packed with stuff. In the first envelope, there was old pages from a ripped out children's book that involved Wally and someone else that I couldn't make out. All of the pages inside this envelope was destroyed with both water damage and paint.

I opened another envelope, which had letters inside of it. They had dried water and paint smeared on it. I could still see what the words said, but they were written in cursive and the words ink was smeared from the water.

But the letters leading up to the very last one, the writing turned more frantic and more smeared. The very last letter was just words in all capitals. The words consisted of; " HES OUT OF-" "HES ALIVE," "HE CREATED THEM-" and then the rest was hidden behind paint.

I put down that envelope and continued onto the third one. I didn't even get to open it before I heard my bedroom door open. I immediately turned around, trying to hide all the opened envelopes behind me.

Wally stood there, with a smile on his face. But it wasn't the smile he always wore, it was a more creepy one. It was intimidating but I can defend myself from a 3 foot toddler.

"What were those?" He asked sweetly.

"My taxes," I lied. I knew that was a bad lie considering that the envelopes were so brightly colored and different from just normal white ones, that he already knew where they are from.

"Wrong answer. Try again." He started to slowly walk towards me. I didn't reply, I didn't have anything else to say.

"Why do you have those?" He asked as if I was holding 40 guns in my hands.

"Why are you so upset about them? What's so wrong about them?"

"There's things you shouldn't know in those envelopes." He stopped slowly walking and stood in front of me.

"And what shouldn't I know? I'm letting a literal alive doll live with me in my house, I think Im entitled to know these things."

"You don't. Give them to me." He held out his hand, expecting me to just give them up and hand them over.

"And what happens if I don't?" I asked. I wanted to test his patience. If he was this upset about envelopes, then I want to know how far he'll go to get them.

"I'll take them forcefully," he answered as he reached his hand out further.

"Do it. You won't." I smiled down at him.

He then suddenly leaped onto me, making me hit the dresser behind me. We started to wrestle on the ground for the envelopes. I still had two more left in my dresser that he didn't know about.

Apparently, he was actually really strong. I had trouble trying to pin his arms to the ground. I was holding the third envelope out of his reach while he kicked me, making me fall on my side.

He jumped up to grab the envelopes but I rolled backwards, making him fall. I got up and tried to run out of my bedroom, but he grabbed my foot, making me trip and fall.

The envelopes fell out of my hand as I let go to try to get myself up, but when they fell, a very tiny purple sphere fell straight out of the third envelope.

Wally stopped struggling to get up and just froze, staring at it as it rolled. I stopped too, wondering what the fuck that was.

It started to glow bright as it rolled in front of my window so the sun light would hit it.

My ears started to ring and I started to get lightheaded. I saw Wally unfreeze and leap to grab it.

But it was too late, there was a bright light and a figure started to appear.

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