Chapter 20: "Picnic Guest"

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     Literally on the brink of suffocating to death, I couldn't hear anything. Well, I could mostly hear the sound of something shuffling on top of me. Though, that didn't exactly matter since my head is being crushed.

Suddenly, there was a very bright light of pure sunlight. There was a couple voices that I couldn't exactly make out. They sounded like they were underwater or too far away. Then we're was a loud and booming voice, straight in my ear.

"Sorry, buddy!" The fluffball on me said directly in my ear. That made me quickly open my eyes but I realized that was an incredible mistake. The moment I opened my eyes, I saw my worst nightmares.

Blue's clues and bluey's offspring straddling me. I couldn't say anything because I was just stuck on the ground. Though, I didn't have to say anything because the next thing you know there is a very loud squeaky voice.

"BARNABY!!" Julie screamed such a high pitched scream, my ears started to ring. She then jumped on top of Barnaby, thus making him fall over to the left of me so I have room to get up.

While I get up, trying to regain consciousness, all I could even hear was Barnaby and Julie laughing and screaming at each other as if they weren't close enough. Though I couldn't see them, I felt someone behind me, helping me up and trying to get me on my feet.

I held on tightly to I'm going to guess is Eddie, trying to find my footing. Once I finally got to standing, Wally came up to me and held onto my forearm. I don't have a clue on what that was supposed to mean but I just let it happen.

"Sorry, I didn't see ya there, shorty!" Barnaby the dog apologized to me while he was getting up. He then realized that I was around the same height as him so I'm not exactly short. He just stared at me for a second before Julie clinged onto him again.

"OH M GEE!! I'm sooo excited that youre here, Barnaby! You've missed so much! Have you seen the others?" She talked more faster the more she clung onto him. Barnaby seemed to have been only a bit out of it and just kinda stared down at her while smiling nervously.

It's probably going to be the same thing, every newcomer is absolutely scared of Wally and Wally absolutely despises them for some reason. I looked down at Wally, expecting to see him staring at Barnaby. But, all I got was that he was smiling fondly while looking at him.

This confused me, what was different about Barnaby than everyone else he's friends with? I decided to let it go and move on. Eddie tapped me on the shoulder, instinctively making me turn around.

"Would you like some water? Since you know, you were crushed," Eddie softly suggested to me. "I would like some water, thank you," I thanked him. Eddie was about to guide me towards the house before Wally's grip on my forearm tightened. "How about I get them some water and you can make sure Barnaby is okay."

Eddie's soft smile dropped only slightly before he nodded and took a step back. Wally started to walk me towards my house, only looking forward while I was looking at Barnaby and Julie. I sorta got the feeling that Barnaby was more different than the rest.

Not only by the face Wally made towards him, but just the vibe I got from him. He didn't exactly look puppet like. That set me off a bit, he looked like a stuffed animal but without that much fur. He also looked a bit more dirty.

After noticing that, I started to look more closely at him. I noticed how he had a tear in his back but it was sewn up and not really that noticable. I also noticed how there was tear in his neck that wasn't sewn up. It's was only a small tear that I could see because his tie was covering most of his neck, but it looked gross.

It looked fairly new too. It looked gross as like a wound that was only now starting to heal. Wally pulled me closer to him, probably to make me look where I'm walking and not be focused on Barnaby.

Before I knew it, we were already on the back porch's steps. I went them up a bit more faster than Wally did, making me have to stop for him since he's got wittle wegs. We continued walking into the house, but before we could even get to the kitchen, Wally started to lead me to the dining room.

I was about to speak before Wally started. "I have something for you. Please sit down while I go get it and your water," he said as he placed me down in the chair at the end of the table. He then quickly left into the kitchen for a minute.

Looking around, thinking of what to do, I started to play the drums on my thighs out of nervousness. What was it did he have for me? Would it be something sketchy and I would have to look into it or was it going to be something stupid?

Wally walked back in, with a glass of water and nothing else inside of his hand. I looked down at him confused, still taking the water and sipping it. I noticed a headache started to form. Weird that it was directly after I drank barely even a sip of the water.

"So.. What is it that you want to show me?" I asked. He smiled up at me and then handed me a velvety box. It was obviously one of those boxes that held like a ring or necklace inside. I took it before setting my water down on the table.

I noticed how lightheaded I felt when I touched this. It was weird, normally I hated the feeling of velvet but I didn't expect to get this lightheaded like this. I slowly opened the tiny box, expecting to see the absolute worst.

Though, when I opened it, I saw a cross necklace. Like, you know one of those gold necklaces that look really fancy but have those pretty crosses? That's almost exactly what it looked like.

I looked up at Wally when he started to speak. "I thought that this would look pretty on you," he said softly. I looked back down at the cross, getting a weird creepy vibe from it. It was like it knew something I didn't but I knew I was just being silly and imagining it.

He stared as I took it out and felt it in my hands. He looked at me with anticipation, waiting for me to to out it on. Though, I really didn't want to. What would happened if I didn't? What would he do?

"Thank you, Wally," I said as I put it back into the small box.


I'm so sorry for the next chapter.

and I'm sorry for the trigger warnings next chapter.

not edited!! I got stuff to do 😋😋

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