Chapter 25: "Another Day At Work"

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He opened the door before setting his suitcase down in his passenger seat. His car was a 70's car, very modern, nothing too extraordinary about it. Humming a tune, he looked back up at this house. Oh, how he loved his house.

It was a normal red house with a blue roof. He's loved it ever since he was a child. He grew up in this neighborhood, always seeing this house and just wanting to see what it looked like in the inside. Of course, he finally got the chance to buy it with his own Monday and, boy is he proud.

Moving on from talking about his amazing house, he started up the car and back out of his driveway. Today, he was excited. Oh, how today was going to be amazing! All the plans he and Cπ^R[€S had finally started today. They both worked so hard for this day.

Finally, all his dreams come true. He will not let anything stop this, he finally has everything he needs. Making it to the highway, he started to play some songs on the radio. Songs always made him happy, that's why he liked to add a couple here and there in the show.

Though, what if something went wrong? No, no of course nothing would go wrong! They both planned this day to be perfect. He then looked down, checking his outfit. He wore a red cardigan with yellow accents to it, along with a light blue tie around his collar. He also wore khakis with his normal everyday shoes.

His outfit seemed perfect, nothing unusual about it. What about his suitcase? Did he pack everything that he needed? Of course he did, he remembers packing up the scripts and his other papers, just the way he always organized it.

Taking a breath, he tried calming himself down. Nothing was out of the ordinary, it was as normal as it always was. Arriving to his studio, he parked his car in his assigned parking spot next to everyone else that he worked with.

Grabbing his suitcase, he opened his car door and got out of his car. Slamming the door, he started to making his way to the building. He walked with a pep in his step, humming the song that didn't get to finish before he turned his car off.

Opening the doors to the studio building, he was greeted by the staff. Every morning that he walked in, even on the days he didn't work, he would greet them politely. He had a bit of a reputation for this, being all kind and gentlemanly. People were very into that, always love a gentleman!

Using the elevator up to his floor, he waited patiently. He checked his watch before the elevators doors opened again, letting him off. Immediately after he stepped out, he saw most of his workers walking about, trying to get the set pieces all together. He walked over to his own directors chair.

He opened his suitcase on his lap, grabbing the script he had already passed out to everyone last week. He started reviewing, having to remember his lines for later. He turned when he heard the tapping of heels approach. There, was Molly, smiling brightly as she always does.

"Hello, Ronald!" She started, "how are you doing this morning?" She asked as she leaned on his arm rest on his directors chair. "I am doing alright today, Molly, how are you doing?" Ronald asked back, still looking over the script. "Oh, I'm doing quite amazing! I'm very excited for today's episode!"

"Really? What do you like most about it?" Ronald said, setting down the papers in his suitcase before closing it and setting it down on the floor next to him. "Well, I really like how Julie and Frank get a big part in this episode, exploring their friendship and all," Molly smiled.

"Oh! And how it explains how Franks start his fascination about his butterflies!" Molly continued. Ronald didn't like how she used 'his' in that sentence, he thought that he made it clear that Frank was to go by 'they'. He didn't mind that all of the crew asked why he went by they and not he, though he just didn't explain it in case some random person had a problem with his explanation.

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