Chapter 23: "So Below."

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     Regaining consciousness, I was in a black void. I couldn't make out literally anything around me. It was cold down here, which would make since since it's a void. There was no trees, no cool houses, no weird path.

All around me were white Lilies. Though, they were wilting. Some of them were coming out of the ground or laying flat with some of the petals were picked out. They looked crushed as if someone were to step on them.

Getting up, I started to comprehend everything that has happened so far. I somehow got teleported inside of a forest, then something was apparently following me so I started walking until I got to a neighborhood, where I was too busy admiring the weirdly familiar houses and then my dumbass fell down a void.

My eyes started to hurt the more I stared into the darkness in front of me. I have no idea how far this void goes, according to the flowers which are in a circle around me. I'm sat in the middle of the circle.

I turn around, fully expecting that it's going to be the same. When I did turn around, I saw someone. Their back was turned towards me, sitting down on both their legs. Their hands were sat nicely on their lap. A window that looked like it came from a cartoon was placed in front of him.

Though, the window seemed to have an eye. It was moving quickly, as if it was spazzing out. It continued to do that for a couple seconds before the pupil looked dead at me and focused on me.

"There you are!" The person said. Creaks and bangs could be heard from somewhere in the distance. I could only stare in awe. What even was this? From the moment I woke up in the field all the way to now, so much time has passed.

Hell, I don't know what happened before I got teleported to the field. Who was this person anyways? Why were they just in this void? I look up to see where I came from, but that was only more darkness above me.

Looking back down, I stared longer at this person that sat in front of me. His hair was up like some kind of Elvis Presley wannabe. He was dressed up like he was going to church. He looked like the person to go to church, even though I can only see him from behind.

It was so dark that I couldn't see what he looked like exactly, but I can tell that he had some kind of dark hair and has a brightly colored outfit going on. I looked up to the window with the eye in it.

Only noticing this now, but there is red looking streaks coming out of the window. Not only that, but the darkness seemed to pour over the window, looking smudge as if someone dragged it in or tried to wipe it away.

Looking back down at the person, do I know him? He certainly looks familiar but I couldn't imagine ever being even somewhat friends with him. What relation did I have with him? Also, what was my life before all of this?

Back on topic, if I knew him from before then I should know his name. Was it.. r-.. ██████? No.. couldn't be that. That doesn't feel right. Something with a "e" sound at the end of it. W- Wally? Yeah, that feels right. I was going to say Molly but that wasn't a boy name.

I noticed that we've only been sitting in silence for a good while. Wally turned his head slightly and I could faintly see a small amused smile that he had on. Why hasn't he said anything in the very long period of time that I was just staring at him?

His head turned back around to continue staring at the window which was still staring at me and my every move. I let out a breath before stepping back. I had gotten uncomfortable from how it was just silence and eyes.

Saying that, red outlined eyes started to pop up from every angle and stared right at me. This made me feel really unsafe like I was in the circle of a cult. I also couldn't help but notice how the flowers started to wilt all together and decay into the ground.

Then the sound of banging and creaking as if a house was being shaked came from the distance. It didn't sound overwhelming or aggressive, more like it was calm. It continued in for another second before silence filled the air again.

Wally then spoke up, agreeing with the sounds. "Oh, you're right, Home!" He said before he continued, "they do have some interesting thoughts." My heart seemed to drop. They were listening to everything I said inside my head? Good lord, that is weird.

He giggled, lifting his hand up to cover his mouth. Once he was done, he laid his hand back down in his lap. I heard quiet whispers that I couldn't make out but I could tell that it was there. Wally then spoke again.

He quietly gasped, signifying that he was shocked or that he realized something. "Well it seems that it's time for you to leave, darling." He said that softly, like I was a child that was going to act up when they had to leave because they don't want the fun to stop.

"Goodbye, Y/n" is what he said before my vision started to get blurry. I started to panic, trying to blink the blurriness away. Then, the blue dots started to cloud my vision. I fell the to ground, trying to stop the coughing.

Wait, I was coughing? When did that happen? My head hurts so much, why though? Did he do something to me? What is happening?


dude I seriously forgot I had this book

ive been working on something that I'm really excited about and it's going to be fully written before posted so it's not rushed like this book is 😋

also not edited

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