Chapter 7: "Grown Up Time-outs"

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He was so entirely shocked that I even had the balls to slap him. Eddie was still hissing in pain but he was in utter shock. Even I was in shock from what I did. But Wally is technically a kid and my momma always smacked me when I was little, so what's the difference?

Wally just stood there, limp, his pupils went back to normal, and he was just staring at me. I stared back.

I couldn't just stare at him the whole time, I had to discipline him somehow. I picked him up and immediately took him upstairs to my bedroom. I sat him down on my bed, I picked up all of the envelopes, (not the rest that were still in my dresser), and left the room.

I didn't say anything to him, I just left the room. I would talk to him later and scold him but I need to see what's wrong with Eddie.

I quickly went down the stairs and hurriedly got Eddie up and into the kitchen. Apparently, Wally took a fucking chunk out of Eddie's arm.

While I was tending to him arm, I kept thinking about what I would say to Wally. If I yelled at him, would we fight again? I mean, I'm very upset at him from when we fought like, 20 minutes ago.

If Wally can't control himself around his old neighbors, then what the hell am I going to do??

I mean, I could always smack him but I've learned from my childhood, if you do that too much, it would take less affect on them and they'll keep doing it.

Apparently, these puppets have actual flesh and blood, like a normal human being, so that would explain why Wally has some kind of strength.

When I was done helping Eddie, I left him to roam around and do whatever he wanted, I even taught him how to use modern TV's. Then, I left to go upstairs to talk to Wally.

I haven't heard anything from him when I was down here, he was silent like a damn mouse. When I opened my bedroom door, he was just sitting on the bed, head hung low.

Closing the door behind me, I walked in. I didn't even know where to begin but I knew I was going to be harsh with him. Not because I wanted to, it's just that I wanted him to understand I wouldn't condone the shit he just did in my house.

"So.. why did you attack him?" I started off with the main question that I have.

He didn't reply for a moment, "When you touched his hand, he blushed so I thought you both liked each other." He said that like it was obvious.

"Hun, I don't like someone I literally just met, I'm pretty sure it's the same for him too. He was probably blushing because he was flattered or embarrassed," I explained to him.

"Well, he is married," he said thoughtfully.

"I didn't know that. Who's he married to?" It might just be me being hella nosy, but this fucking proves that Eddie doesn't like me because we just met today.

"Oh! He's married to Frank!" He smiled up at me, completely forgetting that I was scolding him.

Holy shit.

I truly didn't know that Welcome Home has gay couples.

That's hella cool.

Anyways, I smiled but quickly stopped because I'm trying to be serious. This is supposed to be me scolding him, not just normally talking to him.

"But still, what was your other problem with him? You tried attacking him the moment he appeared in my house and you tried to stop me from letting him appear," I explained to him so he knew that I knew and that I'm not going to be a dumb main character that doesn't question everything right away.

He just stared at me. I stared right back, because I'm not going to be intimidated by some yellow 3 foot puppet that has blue hair that is rolled up like a cinnamon roll.

We just sat there for a bit. I was starting to become uncomfortable because I don't exactly like eye contact, but he apparently does.

I decided to speak up, "so.. what are you doing.."

"Oh, just admiring you." He said it like he was in some kind very old romance movie. Though, I will not be one of those people who are in love with an inanimate object, (even though this one is completely alive.)

"Kay, well that's fucking weird. Are you going to answer the question or not?" I started to lean away from him.

He hummed in thought for a moment, "no," he answered bluntly. He just kept staring into my soul.

I was just uncomfortable at this point, so I decided to end this. "Okay, well anyways, you can't be attacking Eddie. Especially while I'm gone."

He paused and came back from reality (aka, staring into my eyes like some lovesick emotional teenager), "what to you mean? You're leaving?"

"Of course I am, I have to leave tomorrow to go to my job." He started to panic a little.

"When will you be back? When will you be leaving?" He asked quickly.

"I work as a waitress in a fancy restaurant and I usually work night shifts so I say I would leave around 5 pm and come back around 10 pm," I explained for him.

"Can you take me with you?" He asked as he started to grab onto my sleeves.

"Hell no! What would you even do for that long??"

"I don't know! Just don't leave me alone!"

"Hun, you won't be alone, you have Eddie here. You'll just have to stay here with him, and if you hurt him even in the slightest, you're out of the house," I warned him.

He let go of my sleeves and placed his hands in his lap. I continued, "do you promise me that you won't hurt Eddie while I'm gone?"

He paused, "I promise."

"Good. Now you can sit in here and do something while I'm going to go shower and then explain to Eddie that I'm leaving you guys alone for 5 hours," I said as I got up to grab my clothes from my closet and dresser.

Wally nodded, he still smiled through everything we just talked about.

I walked out and went to go shower.



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