Chapter 24: "A Friend Of A Friend"

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     A blinding light suddenly woke me up, making me shift in my spot. It felt like I just went through the most terrifying rollercoaster and then fell on the floor. I don't even remember what had happened before this, my mind was all fuzzy.

"What do you think happened?" I headed a weirdly high pitched voice ask. I honestly couldn't tell who it was from, Julie or Sally? "Why is there pills all around her?" Another asked, sounded more masculine. Probably was Eddie, had more of a country cow boy accent to him.

I felt a poking to my cheek before it quickly stopped, "EW! There's drool on her cheek!" a different girl said. Still couldn't tell if it was Julie or Sally. I can't open my eyes, it's like my body is having a hard time getting up. "Should we move her?" another male voiced asked. Somewhat sounded like sans from Undertale.

Deciding that this is the moment where I should try to make it seem like I'm alive, I started shifting and trying to open my eyes. "Ooh! Look she's opening her eyes!" Julie, I believe, said. I started to raise my hand to rub my eyes so I can make them stop hurting.

Once I got my eyes opened, I saw Barnaby and Eddie to the left side of me while Julie and Sally are on the right side of me. They just stared at my while I took in my surroundings, which was pill bottles and drool.

sitting up, Barnaby reached out to help me up. "Are you okay? What happened?" Eddie asked.  I coughed to clear my throat before speaking "I don't know." Holding onto Barnaby's forearm, even though he was like 7-8 feet tall, he placed a hand on my back to keep me steady.

"What happened while I was out?" I asked, looking at the other three. Julie was the first one to speak up, weirdly excited about telling this story. "Ok so, we woke up and since you weren't up yet, we started watching TV. Wally even came downstairs to ask why you weren't up yet and he was saying that he didn't sleep with you last night,"

She took a breath before continuing, " then we all decided to wait for up but then it turned 10 am and Wally said that you don't usually sleep in this late so we decided to go wake you up," taking another deep breath she continues on explaining. "But when Eddie went into the kitchen to start some breakfast for us, he found you here in the corner lying unconscious with pills all around you,"

Stopping there, she finished her story. I thought for a moment, taking in the story before realizing something. Where's Wally? Where did he go? "But where's Wally?" I asked. Everyone seemed to stop and look around to each other. Julie then spoke up again.

"Oh yeah! He left quickly right after we had found you." She replied, standing up tall with her hands behind her back like she was proud of her storytelling. I just looked down at the ground, I didn't feel like questioning anymore. "So are you alright?" Eddie asked again.

"yeah, yeah, I just need a nice shower," I assured him while wiping the drool from my cheek. "Here, I'll walk you up to the bathroom," Barnaby said as he started moving us up the stairs. I'm pretty sure I can walk on my own but I'll just let him do it just in case.

"Thank you," I said while walking into the living room. I didn't say anything as we made our way to the bathroom but Barnaby kept saying things like "almost to the staircase," "you got this kid," "you're doing great." Its like he's talking to a baby trying to walk.

We walked up the stairs, Barnaby being a bit more gentle than he was before. I don't know who was my favorite before but Barnaby's working his way up to being my new favorite. Once up the stairs, he stood up straight. He was slouching to match my height when walking up the stairs.

Though, we suddenly stopped when we heard Wally's hushed voice from behind a slightly closed door. It wasn't closed all the way but you could barely see anything behind it by how dark it was. Wally was quietly whispering to someone in the dark, sounding very harsh with his words.

I looked up to Barnaby, trying to read his expression. He had a look of confusion and nervousness. We just stood there listening to Wally speak. "I told you not to hurt her, you know that," Wally whisper-yelled. "We talked about this, we need her, I have to get her to trust me."

Whoever this she was is probably me or someone else that also isn't doing good. "Charles, do you know how to get someone to trust you? You make them feel safe with you, and you aren't helping by doing this!" I felt Barnaby stiffen.

Looking up towards him, he had a shocked face. He stared at the ground, seemingly to be in his thoughts. "I didn't know it was Charles, that would make so much sense," he whispered to himself, sounding hurt and betrayed. Who the hell is Charles?

Snapping out of his trance, Barnaby started to move me to the bathroom. Who was Charles? How did Wally somehow sneak him into my house without me knowing? Barnaby started filling the bathtub with water, making sure it's warm. "I think you should have a bath instead of a shower," he said.

He went into the closet on the other side of the bathroom and grabbed me a towel. He also grabbed a bottle of one of those bubble bath things that makes bubbles in the water. I forgot I had those, I think I found them at Walmart. They were really cheap so that's why I got them.

I just stood there awkwardly, watching him. "You can get your clothes when you get out, we'll be waiting downstairs for you," he said before walking out and closing the door behind him. What was he talking about when he mentioned Charles?

Why is Wally talking to Charles in the dark? I decided to just relax and get in the tub. I truly deserve this, I've been working too hard to not  to. Getting undressed and throwing the clothes onto the floor, I stepped into the bath.

I'll think about this later. Have I gotten any texts from the other Wally? Maybe I can talk to him about what happened and he can give me some information on it.


y'all my birthday is tomorrow 🤭

but my mother is refusing to give me any gifts or a cake because I wanted a spiderpunk action figure and she didn't like that I was into boyish stuff

anyways tell me your theories about this book

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