Chapter 13: "Shooting Star"

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     Whatever that sounds was, it did not sound good. It was literally every breaking sound possible morphed into one massive sound. If someone died... I'm not running to save them.

I quickly set down my sketchbook and quickly, but while taking my time, went down the stairs to see what happened. It was dead silence the entire time, making me believe that someone broke in and were just staring at the puppets.

Then, I heard a scream laughing sound. Then, there was one of those girly screams that girls would do in sleepovers when they're prank calling their crushes.

When I finally did get to the living room, I was stunned. Eddie was standing, just there, for some reason. He was literally the definition of "🧍" Next was Wally, who was standing next to Eddie but more like "wtf??"

Julie was girly screaming, hugging, and shaking someone. I could tell that's another puppet but how the hell did they get here? I surely didn't do anything to summon them here.

I was standing on the last step of the staircase, watching Julie screaming. Wally turned around and looked at me. We stared at each other. I mouthed towards him, "what happened?" He looked back towards Julie and that other person on the ground then back towards me. He shrugged his shoulders.

Walking to stand next to Eddie and Wally, Julie took a big breath and spoke for the first time in God knows how long, "I'm so glad you're here! I've missed you so much, you have no idea! Think of all the things we could do together! We could color, sing, dance— oh!"

She turned around and looked at me, "Y/n! Do you see who it is? It's Sally!" She moved so she could show Sally off to me. Sally, the star girl that really like plays and apparently is incredibly old.

"Yes, I see her.. but how exactly did she get here?" I slowly asked. I'm still trying to catch up because everything is going too fast.

"Oh! So, when we were watching the television, I looked over and saw a very familiar sun and moon clock, it looked very fancy and sparkly and had a big yellow crystal or something in the middle of it! It was suuppper pretty, I just had to touch it! But when I picked it up, there was a flash and Sally crashed into your lamp— sorry about that by the way.."

It took me a hot minute to understand what she was talking about. I looked towards my lamp that I found at goodwill that was like 3 bucks and had pretty pink flowers on it. I liked how it matched my vintage look to my house that I gave up on trying to put more effort in.

The fact that she crashed into it and absolutely demolished it didn't really bother me, I mean it was 3 dollars and I didn't use it that often. Then, Julie remembered something that I wasn't going to remember for another couple minutes.

"Oh! So you'll be living with us in Y/n's house and she'll be caring for us and buying us clothes and cooking our food! She's really nice too!" Julie just kept talking Sally's ears off, even though Sally doesn't have any.

Sally hasn't spoken this entire time, she was more just staring at Wally and me. She was slightly smiling because Julie was literally on her, on top of broken glass, talking and acting as if nothing was wrong.

I honestly have no idea what to do in this situation, all I could do was sit and think about what the next move was going to be. I'm holding in the urge to just walk upstairs and go back to bed.

But, I still went over to Sally. I crouched down next to Sally and Julie on the floor, "are you alright?" I asked, holding out a hand for Sally to help her get up. She slightly smiled and nodded, then hesitantly grabbed my hand and I gently pulled her up.

I looked her over to see if she was hurt by any glass. She was completely fine, the impact didn't hurt her in any way. I started to pick up the glass pieces from the lamp, not caring if I get stabbed or not.

Eddie came up behind me, "Let me help you with that," he said as he bent down to clean up the glass. I smiled at him and he took my pieces of the glass with him to put in the trash.

When I got up and turned around, I found Wally directly behind me, just smiling at me. I brushed it off because that didn't really matter to me. I looked back over to Sally and Julie, who was holding each other's hands, looking at me.

"So, where you'll be sleeping, you'll have to sleep in the living room with Eddie and Julie because I have to set up the guest bedroom and apparently another room for the other than of you that will eventually appear in my house. Though, I can probably find you a sleeping bag somewhere around here for you to sleep tonight." I explained to her while I fiddled with my hands.

I realized that I have to get two separate rooms for everyone be cause not 5 entire puppets can sleep in one guest bedroom. The rooms are normal sized and I could put a big bed in there. Around three people can sleep in there together, and I suppose the other two could use the sleeping bags and sleep on the floor.

But, I wouldn't like them to just sleep on the floor for a very long time. I would prefer that they'd be comfortable in my house.

Wally held my hand and looked dead at Sally. She looked a bit tensed but I would've figured that already since everyone reacts like that the moment they see him.

Julie took this as the moment to take Sally away from Wally and talk her ear off. She was talking about something like a tour of the house and taking her outside.

When the left, I sighed and layed down on the couch. Wally sat down on the carpet next to the couch. I was down to take a nap right here, right now.


if you couldn't tell, this was incredibly rushed in 40 minutes

my washington dc trip went well but the moment I got back, everything went to shit so ive been upset recently about it

I'm also not feeling well right now, im feeling very lightheaded and nauseous. im not going to edit this chapter because I'm just tired, but I hope you've had a good week so far!! <3

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