Chapter 19: "Bouncy Ball"

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Picking up the jelly with the butter knife, I smeared it all over the other slice of bread. Me and Julie were making sandwiches for everyone because we wanted to have a picnic outside. It is actually really nice outside.. for once. Global warming fucking sucks.

I was on my last sandwich while Julie was already putting hers sandwiches into plastic baggies. I couldn't help but space out while hearing everyone laughing and talking with each other.

Wally is in the fridge grabbing the drinks, which I decided to put all the drinks on the last two shelves for Wally to reach. Though, Wally kept asking what we could bring and what we couldn't.

I start putting the sandwiches inside plastic baggies. Julie has already taken hers to Sally and Eddie, who was grabbing the basket and blanket. Though, I found myself being way slower than everyone else.

Because I couldn't stop the feeling of being watched. I knew I shouldn't turn around and look for something because what if it was just Wally? I've been very awkward and more nervous around him ever since what happened with Julie.

Something about Wally just made me feel weird. It's nothing like romantic or anything, it's more like he's my dad who's in a bad mood. Or it's more like he doesn't exactly like me like that bully I had in middle school that would shove me into the lockers because I accidentally stepped in front of her while getting into the bus.

Though, I know it's probably nothing. I'm probably overreacting and just imagining it, but I swear that whenever my gut says something, it's mostly true. Disregarding that, I finished up putting my sandwich inside the plastic baggies.

Wally and everyone else was already done and waiting for me to put my sandwiches inside the basket. We also picked up some board games and cards so we could spend some more time outside.

I put the sandwiches inside the basket while Eddie was holding it and then I went to open the door. Before I even touched the backdoor handle, I felt something incredibly wrong. Like if I opened this door, it would show me that place that you would go into if you played Roblox doors and went to Rooms and got past A-1000.

I swear, something bad was going to happened. The more i just stood there, my hand reaching out to touch it, the more I started to sweat. I noticed that my heart started to beat faster and my hand started to shake but not too noticably.

Ringing was the only thing I could focus on at the moment. That and the weirdly growing blur in my vision. It felt like I couldn't breathe, like I was under water. Though, all of it stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me slightly.

Immediately turning around, flight or fight kicking in, ready to punch someone so I could run. I jerked up when I found Eddie looking at me worriedly. I almost didn't recognize him since I still was in some kind of state.

"Are you alright? What's wrong?" He asked as he brought his other hand up to hold onto my forearm in comfort. I breathed out before nodding and turning around to open the door. I didn't wait for everyone to follow me, I just started walking to the place where we planned to set up our stuff at.

We planned to sit right between the shade from the trees was mixing into the sunlight. Sally absolutely loved the idea of having a picnic right here because it would feel like a fairytale or something.

Sitting down, I started to pick at the grass while everyone else started to catch up to me. They looked at each other and started to unpack the blanket and board games. I stared down at the grass, feeling embarrassed from whatever that was.

Eddie placed the down the blanket and set the basket in the middle. Everyone sat down on top of the blanket while I scooted to sit with everyone. "What game should we play first?" Julie asked, trying to start up a conversation.

I ignored them and started to think back to whatever happened. I feel honestly normal right now, it's only whenever I'm near my house is when I start to feel weird and paranoid. I started to notice how I started to feel safer at work than at home with these puppets.

Facing the house, taking in every detail of the back of it, trying to figure out what made me feel uncomfortable around it. What was that thing that I saw in the hallway? Was it a person?

Could it have been an animal? If it was, why did it have such a human like eyeball? And what was that thing that Julie was saying? Why did she even react like that when seeing a missing person? Could that be her or something?

I noticed everyone trying to make a conversation with me, trying to ask me if I wanted to play cards with them. I was too focused on my houses window. There was something inside the top right window.

I couldn't make out what it was, but I could tell it had a body. Something was staring right at me. Or somewhere near me, because it was looking out in our direction. I started to get chills just looking at whoever it was in the window.

"Hey, doesn't that ball look familiar?" I heard Sally ask. I wasn't bothered to turn to look at whatever they were talking about. I heard someone get up from our little spot on the blanket, assuming that they went over to the ball.

"Wait! Juli-!" I heard someone scream but instantly get cut off by the sound of someone kicking a plastic ball. Of course I wasn't bothered at first, until I literally got fucking socked in the face with something.

Not only that, but the air inside my lungs immediately left when I felt something so incredibly heavy on me. My world was all black. I would've thought that I blacked out.


i'm not going to bother editing this chapter since I have other things I wanna do

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