Chapter 10: "Pansy's With Eyes"

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     When we got home, I went straight to bed. I don't even remember changing out of my work clothes but apparently I was in a nightgown when I woke up. I never wore nightgowns when I slept, but I did have them in case I have nothing else.

Wally wasn't in my room when I woke up either, which was quite weird. Usually every morning, I look over to him and I see him staring at me while smiling. Not only that, but he always says "rise and shine, darling!"

He always says it like it isn't creepy as shit. I don't know if I should keep letting him sleep in the same bed as me. What if I look ugly when I sleep? I don't want him seeing that side of me.

It really didn't matter if he was in my room or not because I don't even have to motivation to leave my room. I mean, I could get out of bed and lock my door but I honestly just felt like sitting on my desk chair and find something on my computer.

And by finding something, I mean scrolling back on the welcome home website to find anything new. Not even going to lie, I was sorta truamatized from the last time when Wally jumpscared me like Foxy in FNAF 2.

I logged into my computer and started up Google Chrome. I didn't even remember the website name, I had to look up "welcome home website" to find the purple link indicating that I've been there before.

When I got onto the website, now I really don't know if it's just me being tired, but I swear I saw eyes staring back at me in the background. I know there are eyes in the background, but those eyes where not hidden but we're in the top right corner of the page.

It might've just been my eyes, but I just kept going. I started to reread the about us part of the website, just trying to find anything that I didn't notice before. Of course I noticed the overlapping messaging last time but I didn't actually give them any thought. When they mention the "I'm going to get it out," what did they mean by that?

I could brainstorm any theory about what the could mean, but then I'd probably forget it in the next 10 minutes. I should probably write all of my thoughts and theories down in a journal. It would help me with remembering what theories I have and I can keep it to document how I keep getting more puppets in my house.

But where would I hide it? I don't even know if Wally has found the other letters in my panty drawer. I got up and bent down to my pants drawer. I know I always kept a black journal under all of my pants because I was embarrassed of keeping a journal like some teenage girl.

I didn't even get the chance to take it out before there was a knock on my door. I quickly shut my drawer and went to close out of the website. I pretended to take another second as if I was still getting out of bed.

I slowly went to open the door, putting on my fake sleepy act. When I unlocked and opened the door, I honestly didn't expect Wally standing there with a smile on his face, handing out a plate with waffles on it. Not only that, but Eddie was behind him, just standing there.

Looking from Wally to Eddie, Wally spoke up. "Good morning, dear! We made you breakfast!" He smiled brightly at me. I looked up at Eddie, checking if he was hurt or anything, but he just smiled at me.

Did Wally not hurt him? Does Wally now at least tolerate Eddie? How does Eddie feel? I realized that I was just standing there, not replying.

Wally was now looking at me with his pupils enlarged and had more of a creepy smile, urging me to take the food and stop checking out Eddie. I took the plate, smiling and thanking Wally while I went to sit down on my bed and eat.

Wally and Eddie walked in after me. Wally sat down on the other side of my bed while Eddie sat on the floor next to my bed. I began to eat but I felt a bit uncomfortable since Wally was staring at me eating, his face back to normal.

I stared right back at him because I didn't want to be seen weak or anything. He spoke up, "how about we go outside today? It's a beautiful day outside!" He suggested.

"But what would we do?" Eddie asked, more towards me. "We could play hopscotch, or draw on the sidewalk with chalk!" Wally started to list anything he could think of.

"But I don't have any chalk," I mentioned. I haven't had chalk in awhile, I never liked the texture it gave off. "Well we could always do other things! Like pick flowers!" Wally continued to suggest things that we could do.

"I could teach you both how to make bouquets with the flowers," I suggested. I always loved making them as a kid, I would make one for every kid that was leaving for middle school the next year.

I would make them because I felt bad that they were nervous about going to a new school that they know nothing about and won't be as gentle on them as their current school was. "Oh, that's a great idea!" Eddie chipped in.

"I also like that idea! How about we let Y/n get dressed and finish eating while we wait downstairs?" Wally didn't say it like a question, more of a demand to let me have privacy. They walked out of my room and I continued eating in silence.

When I did finish eating, I got up to see what clothes I would prefer to wear today. I'm feeling kind've sad today but I would like to wear something pretty even though we're just going into my back yard.

It took me almost 10 minutes to pick out matching clothes that would go together. I took my plate and walked out of my room. I passed Wally and Eddie in my living room and went to my kitchen to set the plate down in the sink.

Walking back into the living room, I noticed that Wally was staring at me more intensely. I ignored it and asked them both to follow me. I opened the back door that was in the kitchen and held open the door for them.

They both walked out before I shut the door behind them. I started to explain what we're going to be doing, "So what we're going to do is pick out any flower that you find except the really pretty ones that isn't naturally formed from the ground itself, and then when you get a batch, I will show you how to make bouquets," I finished.

Eddie nodded why Wally smiled and we each went out separate ways to pick out flowers. Wally was silently competing with Eddie without Eddie realizing it. I'm glad that Wally decided to at least tolerate Eddie for now.

While I was taking my time picking out flowers from my side and leaving some for the others to find. While I was picking out a dandelion, I looked up and saw a beautiful flower.

The flower had rainbow petals but the two petals on top were just a pale blue. It also had a rainbow swirl on the stem. There was two things unsettling about this flower though.

It had eyes on it. The eyes almost looked exactly like Wally's eyes whenever his pupils grow big. Then, there was a light pink jewel in the middle of the flower. I knew by now that that is definitely something related to Wally and could be a new puppet, but I didn't even realize that before I touched it.

I knew I shouldn't picked it, but it was a big urge that I had. I couldn't control it and I reached my hand out to rip it out of the ground. Right before I did, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Immediately after I felt the hand on my shoulder and after I picked the flower, a bright light blinded me.


in celebration for the 10th chapter, I've got a secret for you guys!!

I see literally everything you comment and do.

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