Chapter 18: "Theories"

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     So far, I'm feeling alright. I actually feel a lot more better than I did earlier this morning. It is around 8:20 and we just finished eating dinner. Everyone is still sitting in the dining room, talking and finishing their drinks.

But I'm still wondering that happened earlier. To say it kind of scared me would be an understatement. I've been trying not to think about it as much because Julie seems to be acting like it never happened.

I turned on a different show a little while ago, getting bored of the show that was already on. Also, I've tried to get up a couple times throughout the day, but whenever I Did, Wally would come over and "gently" lay me back down.

If I wasn't actually sick, I'd think that he is forcing me to stay on this couch for a bigger reason. I was tapping my fingers on the arm rest because I was genuinely bored. I would've never thought that just laying on the couch, not working or anything, would be so boring.

Eddie Walked in, smiling at me before he sat down on the floor, back leaning against the couch. "You know, I could move my legs for you so you could actually sit with me," I informed him. He turned to me, "I wouldn't want to make you feel cramped!"

I slightly smiled at him and we both turned back to the TV. To be honest, this show wasn't exactly good but I didn't know what else to watch. My foot was bouncing again, shaking the other end of the couch.

I don't think Eddie noticed it, but I definitely could. I quickly stopped because I don't want to seem nervous in my own house. I felt another buzz from my phone that was laying between me and the couch. I pick it up, turning it on.

The screen blinded me for only a moment, but I quickly unlocked it and opened up Wally's messages. "Alright, so I figured out some things about this Molly ███████," he said. I didn't reply, waiting for him to finish his typing before I said anything.

"I found out that she wasnt the only one that went missing around that time. In the spand of a two weeks, multiple people's went missing," he continued. I noticed Eddie shift uncomfortably before moving to get in a better spot.

"[REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED] all went missing the same week or the next as Molly did," he listed off. He was still typing, almost like how I type when I had a very bad day at work and I tell my friend all about it.

"They all collectively knew each other, they even worked in the same show that went off the air for an unknown reason." He finished. I took a minute before typing, "yeah, but what would make that relate to anything about Julie?"

Wally was typing but stoppeD typing immediately after I sent that. It took a little bit to reply, longer than he usually would to reply to anything. "Julie?" He asked. "Yeah? What are you talking about?"

"I remember that name. Was it one of my friends?" He asked, seeming to be asking himself even though he's asking over text. I realized that he barely had memory of things from before he got stuck in the computer thing.

"Yeah, that's one of the characterS in Welcome Home." He didn't reply after that text. He might be having a episode or something. I waited a minute before I went to text him again.

Though, I couldn't type a full word because the rest of the puppets walked out of the kitchen and came to sit down with me. Julie immediately ran over, "I want to sit by Y/n!" she screamed out. I quickly moved my legs so she could jump and land on one of the cushions.

She giggled as she landed, and everyone sat down either on the floor or on the arm rest. "So, what are we watching?" Sally asked. "I have really no idea," I said as I deleted my text and laid my phone down.

Everyone quieted down and focused on the TV. We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying whatever this was. Julie got more comfortable, laying down on the other side of me. Our legs were intertwined together.

This was s reminding me of how I used to sleep with my brothers when I was younger. Not because we wanted to, but because we didn't exactly have that much money and I was scared of sleeping alone because of that one nightmare I had.

I looked up at the ceiling, just focusing on the white little bumps it had. I started to realize how tired I am. Though, I didn't exactly feel comfortable falling asleep. It felt like h


I've got the next two chapters and something else planned out 😘

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