Chapter 22: "As Above,"

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     Opening my eyes, all I could see was pitch black. Well, I could make out a couple things like trees or something. I think they were trees, but more like trees from a child's imagination.

They were very bright colored so that made them stick out from the darkness. I was laying right in the middle of a clearing. Pulling myself up, I started feeling around me. Under me was some kind of sand-like path.

I could faintly make out the path continuing in front of me. Still very confused on what's happening, how I got here, and what happened before. I can't remember what had happened. Not only that, but I can't exactly think right now. My mind is just blank.

Standing up and stumbling for a second, I continued down the path. I could only stare down at the ground as I try to see where im going. I could feel the sand under my feet. Wait, why was I barefoot?

Suddenly I started to feel paranoid. Like that feeling you get when someone is staring at you. Turning around and looking everywhere, I could t see anything. It was too dark to see that far.

I could hear a ticking sound only a couple feet away from me. That made my heart drop, if anything, I had weird small sounds like that. Though, usually when I get paranoid I start talking to myself as if I'm trying to befriend the ghost in my room.

So that's exactly what I did, I started to talk to myself. About really anything, like saying hi to the thing behind me or about where I am or how I am. I didn't exactly think about what I was saying so I don't remember what I had said a moment before.

Walking faster towards where ever I was going, I started to stumble. My legs were numb and I felt a bit faint. It didn't matter though, I refused to faint in front of whatever is behind me.

The sand started to turn into actual bricks. It didn't feel great on my feet but I still continued to walk. I noticed how it started the trees started to get closer together, as if they were huddling together to hide something.

Looking further ahead of me, I noticed the path started to get bigger. There was very bright colored chalk all over the bricks now. It started to come off on my feet and it felt weird.

I could make out a house or something like a box ahead of me. Though, it was only a bit away. If I ran now, I could probably get there faster. Maybe there's someone that could let me lay down on their couch for a minute.

Decided to fuck it and run, I broke out into a sprint. My vision got blurred the more I ran. I don't know why, maybe it was my eyes watering or I'm just tired already. I'm not at all as fit as I used to be when I was like 13 but only running a bit makes me worn out now.

My breathing started to get heavier. I haven't even ran for that long. I stopped so I could save the energy. I leaned down and rested my palms onto my knees so I can catch my breath.

I'm very surprised that only that small of a run did this to me. In gym class, it didn't take me that long to get worn out during the pacer test but it didn't wasn't this fast. I quickly continued to speed run towards the house, giving up on the whole running idea.

Feeling embarrassed from that, wondering if the thing behind me watched that while thing and is now making fun of me. Why did I care about that though? I don't remember ever feeling this feeling before. I wonder why.

The more I got closer to the house, I made out a couple other houses surrounding it. That means that this is a neighborhood. I got a weird feeling from that word. Neighborhood. Why did I feel weird saying that?

Now I could somewhat see that the house in the middle was kind of a dark color. Red, I'm guessing. The roof looked like it would be a blue. The colors alone made me feel tingly. Like I saw it before.

But the windows just made me feel like spiders were crawling my spine and around my neck. I never liked that feeling but I ignored it. I saw how my feet started to hurt from the bricks under me.

My vision kept blurring and not blurring. It was weird, but I started to focus more on how hungry I am. When did I last eat? What day is it? Or where even am I? I haven't been asking these questions much.

I should be asking these questions. I don't know why I just skipped over that and just walked down a random path. Looking back up, I noticed that the house that was right in the middle of the all the other houses were gone.

The actual neighborhood wasn't that far, I could run again but I would probably run out of breath quickly. I was also very close to the end of the forest. The last time I checked, I was still a bit away.

Maybe it's just me but I swear time just skipped over to when I got here. I started to make my way to where the house was. Though, I started looking around before I was there.

There was a house that looked like it was a red velvet cake. Just thinking that made me hungry. I know that's not what the house was supposed to look like but that's what it looked like to me.

Then we're was the most brightest house on the right side of the house. It had flowers all around it. Then we're was a dog-like house that had paw prints. I think they were paw prints, I couldn't exactly see much in the dark.

Then there was a store looking building. It was a bodega, but it could also double as a house for someone. On the other side of the red velvet cake looking house was a theater. There was a sun and moon theme going on with the building.

Then in front of the theater, there was a barn. It looked fairly normal, only a bit bigger than all the other buildings. Nothing exactly special about it. The other buildings though, that was special.

It was a post office. But there was envelopes fallen all around the building and some that were stuck on the outside walls of it. There was sone dark kind of liquid, almost exactly the color black, was coming out of the door.

I stared at it for a moment before I started walking again. I spaced out, thinking about what that liquid was. Walking up the tiny hill, I stared down at my feet. My legs didn't feel numb anymore. They were just more tingly than anything.

Feeling the ground change from bricks to something else, I stopped spacing out and stared at the weird thing under me. It felt like something I never felt before. Though, it didn't actually feel like a nice feeling.

I started to slowly move my feet into it, trying to get more of a feeling of it. But when I got too close, I felt myself being pushed and I fell into a hole.

The last thing I saw was just a spiral going down.


sorry I haven't posted for 9 days, I was too busy with graduation and rewatching the entire Halloween movies by order of when they came out 😋

also not edited

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