Sedar || Ejoi || Fluff-angst

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(Not part of janji)

A soft smile sneaked up on me while looking at the one who holds my heart, Ejoi. I have thought about it multiple times yet I fail to understand how he could look so perfect just by existing. The way the light coming from the moon shines on him, his curly hair moving along with the gentle wind, his soft smile curving while eating the ice cream he's holding in his hand. My red bandana tied around his head, a sign that he belongs to me. He can't look more perfect and I can't understand why.

"Tengok apa tu, sayang?" Ejoi asked, turning to look at me with his soft eyes that fail to bring a smile to my lips. "Tengok awak lah." I said sincerely. Ejoi just laughs at my answer. His laugh is quite literally the best symphony I have ever heard. My smile widen. Ejoi moved his hand to intertwined our fingers together.

We are sitting at the stairs of my house, at night. It's so peaceful. To listen to his voice, the crickets and to see his sweet face with nothing but the moon's light. "Awak sejuk?" He asked me with worry in his eyes. I nodded. Ejoi let go of my hand for a second to take off his hoodie. He then handed it to me with a smile. "Pakai lah. Awak nak ambil pon, ambil lah." Ejoi said. I just looked down at the hoodie. Ejoi sighed and wrapped the hoodie around me. "Manja." Ejoi joked which earned a laugh from me. I laid my head on Ejoi's shoulder. "Tengok tu." Ejoi said while pointing at the sky then wrapping his hand around my waist. His ice cream had long been abandoned.

He was pointing at the sky. Specifically the stars.
Ejoi's eyes are pinned at the stars in the sky. "Cantik kan, sayang?" He asked me with a smile on his lips. I raised my head however I didn't bother looking at the stars, I was still looking at him. "Cantik." I said with a smile. "My pretty, sweet boy." I said softly. Ejoi turned his head to look at me. "Saya suruh tengok bintang, bukan tengok saya." Ejoi said while laughing.

"Kenapa nak tengok bintang bila saya boleh tengok awak?" I asked him back. Have the stars ever felt ashamed? Ashamed that they have had given centuries of time to appear perfect yet he taken less than one to defeat their beauty?

"Awak ni, suka nak ayat-ayatkan saya." Ejoi said with a smile. He then lifted his hand to pinch my cheek. "Comel." Ejoi said. I only smiled at him.

"Saya sayang awak." Ejoi said with a smile on his lips, he said it like it's so easy for him, like it's a thing he says daily because he does.

I smiled at what he said and caressed his thumb with mine. "Saya sayang awak jugak. Saya nak ada dengan awak sampai bila-bila." I told him. Honestly with my whole heart, wherever he goes I would follow. Ejoi's smile dropped a little.

"Kalau awak to boleh ikut?" Ejoi asked. His sweet smile just now had turned into a sad one.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "I'll find a way."

Ejoi shook his head. "Kita dah cakap pasal ni. Kalau awak tak boleh ikut, awak kena kuat." Ejoi said with a smile and booped my nose. "Ejoi.." He had started this conversation despite how much he knows I hate talking about this.

"Dengar kan sayang? Awak dah janji dengan saya haritu, kalau awak tak boleh ikut, awak kena kekal, awak kena kuat, awak kena terus kan." Ejoi reminded me. I closed my eyes, preventing my tears to fall, even so, I failed.

"Saya taknak." I said. Ejoi placed his hand under my chin. "Untuk saya? Kuat untuk saya?" Ejoi said and wiped away my tears that are falling down. The sun had almost risen. The pretty colours of the sky had replaced the once dark night. I hate when that happens. Even though I'd like to sit with him to admire the colours, I hate it. Hate it because I know what's coming next.

"Awak kena bangun sekarang, sayang." Ejoi said with a sad smile again.

"Sekejap lagi? Bagi saya ada dekat sini sekejap ja lagi."I asked, no, begged him. Ejoi just smiled and shook his head. He cupped my face in his hands and gently caressed my cheeks. "Awak kena kuat, sayang. Demi saya."

I closed my eyes and nodded.

When I open them again. Ejoi isn't there. I'm not on the stairs, instead I'm on my bed, I stared at the ceiling and turned to my side. Staring at the bandana tied around my wrist. I closed my eyes again and caressed the bandana, pretending that Ejoi is still here.

Pretending that Ejoi is fine, that I'll see him when I'm done with work. That he'll pick me up with a smile on his lips. Pretending that he's still alive, breathing.

My alarm rang.

I have to get up and start my life.

I have to work to collect money to afford that house by the hill.

The house Ejoi said he imagined us living in. Raising children in.

Even when he's not here, that dream must go on.

Even when Ejoi has started to fade away from my life, he is still my strength.

A/n: lama aku tak menulis dalam eng. lanja kit.

Req on gais tapi kalau lambat reply jangat MAGHOH

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