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Bali isn't as hot as everyone warned us when we tell them that it's our honeymoon destination. For me, it's hotter, for Amal Kahar, he finds it cold enough to wear a hoodie.

I chuckled thinking about the man I just married, my husband for a week. We're on our 3rd day of honeymoon and today is the date I had planned for Kahar. A beach date.

"Jiwaaa~" I said in a sing song manner, opening the hotel's room door. I set down the food I had bought, setting in down onto the table.

"Jiwa saya? Tidur lagi ke? Dah pukul 9:00 ni." I said softly, slowly sitting next to him on the bed. Kahar was still in his hoodie, under the blanket, on his side.

"Jiwa? Hey." I called again. Kahar didn't answer, instead just turned so that his head is laying on my lap, his eyes are still closed.

I placed my hand on his forehead. "Awak demam ke ni jiwa?" I asked, his forehead doesn't seem to be cold. Kahar just opens his eyes. Staring back at me then closing it again.

I ran my fingers through his hair slowly. He had complained about a headache yesterday night... after abruptly pulling my hand when we were walking past a house...

Now that I think about it, Kahar has been acting strange, avoiding the house, dissociating whenever I leave the room, even in the shower sometimes.

"Jiwa... awak makan ubat tak duduk sini?" I asked cautiously, didn't want to offend him. Kahar didn't reply, instead he cried, as if he was holding a sob for a long time.

"Tak, jiwaa, saya tak marah ni." Quickly lay next to him, hugging him tight. Kahar just kept crying onto my shoulders.

"Ny-nyawa." He sobbed, clutching onto my waist, holding me tighter. I rubbed his back softly. "Takpa... hari ni kita cancel plan hm?" I asked him.

Kahar pulled back quickly. "T-tak nyawa.. awak.. awak plan semua ni un-untuk saya n-"

"Jiwaaa, saya lagi rela duduk sini dengan awak, daripada pergi beach sana.. awak tak selesa." I comforted him.

Kahar took a second to think about it. Eventually he nodded.

I stood up and kissed his forehead softly. "Nyawa.." he called out, holding my hand, as if to stop me from walking away.

"Tak jiwaa, kejap aja, saya nak ambik makanan tu." I pointed to the food I had just bought. Kahar let go of my hand.

Kahar watched me, taking out the food and placing them in plates, some cups of water and placing them in a tray.

"Harini, kita breakfast in bed, tengok tv, cuddling, snuggling, okay?" I asked him, turning the tv on.

Kahar looked at me.. as if he's feeling guilty that we have to cancel out our plans.

Kahar laid his head in my lap, taking my hand in his and placing them on his head. I took it as a sign and played with his hair.

"Kalau saya book flight, esok balik, awak nak?" I asked him. Kahar took his eyes off of the tv and looked at me yet said nothing.

"Balik Malaysia, jumpa dr han? Hm?" I asked again. Not wanting him to feel uncomfortable at the mention of his therapist.

Kahar looked away. The trip was meant to be a week long and it's only the third day of the trip.

Kahar is schizophrenic and he has been acting weird. As in refusing to walk down a certain path back to our hotel. Passing by a house. It's not even empty, abandoned house. It's a house with some random business man.

"Takpa la, awak rehat hm? Saya book flight esok."

Kahar sighed in defeat and nodded, taking his blanket and wrapping himself in it. "Saya.. sayang awak nyawa." He said softly.

"Saya sayang awak jugak. Tido hm?"

I smiled and kissed his cheek softly, playing with his hair and watch the show. 

Kalau saya rajing nanti ada explanation

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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