Sembunyi || Kahar || Hurt/comfort

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I sighed and unlocked the door. My back hurts, my neck hurts, my everything hurts pretty much. Working and studying for a diploma is not easy. It's so soul sucking. I'm just glad that I'm finally able to sit my sofa, chilling.

When I enter the house, things are different, the light that I usually turn on is off, only the lamp is on, the tv is on and the most obvious, Kahar is on the sofa, laying down.

"Sayang?" I asked him. He doesn't respond, instead he just look past me. I sit near him. "Kenapa ni?" I asked, my hands had made their way to his cheeks. I could tell what's wrong or at least part of it but I deny it. I ignore the stinking smell. I know exactly what this is but I'm still in denial.

Tears are running down his cheeks but his face remain the same. His eyebags look insanely deep and his face are bruised. Above all, his eyes look so tired.

What the hell did Abu Yamin do to him when Kahar went back to Kelantan?

"Like you said? It's just casual drug." Kahar said trying to defend himself or maybe make me feel better.

I just stared at him. Not judging him or nothing just...

"Kenapa awak tengok saya macam tu?" He asks, words a bit slurred, his eyes are a bit red but isn't puffy.

"Awak pon... awak pon sama ja." He said quietly before closing his eyes. I just let him be. I opened his jacket and folded it away, I took out a blanket and placed it gently on him and then reached for the tv remote to turn the tv off. Sprayed some air freshener.

I picked up the bottle-bong and placed it on the table. I hate how he picks up my bad habits. I'm not good for him.

My alarm rings, notifying me that it's already 8 a.m., it's a sunday and I have no work so I just decided to shower and then went to the kitchen to cook, Kahar is still sound asleep on the sofa.

Once I'm done, I placed the two plates on the table and walked to Kahar. I could see that his eyes are opened, he's staring past the wall. "Sayang jom makan." I called him gently. Kahar closes his eyes for a second and opened them back. "Penat." He said. I understood immediately. I took both plates from the kitchen's table and brought it to where he's laying.

I sat bersila next to the sofa. "Duduk lah, paling-paling pon, sayang." Aku pujuk dia. Kahar mengeluh sedikit sebelum bergerak untuk duduk. I raised the rice filled spoon to feed him. Kahar opened his mouth then chewed the food in silence. The blanket I placed on him, he has wrapped himself in the blanket. "Semalam.. apa saya cakap tu.."

Akuhanya menggeleng. "Tak apa sayang." I said while offering him a smile. Kahar had taken the plate from my hands and placed it to his side. Kahar then takes both of my hands in his and raised my hands to his lips, then his cheeks. He's closing his eyes, as if he's absorbing my existence.

"Kenapa ni sayang? Pasal ayah?" I asked him. His father had always known about the madu, he's only mad at Kahar for kantoi. I knew exactly how is father is.

To my surprise, Kahar shook his head. His tears had fallen and he looks like he's holding in a sob. "A-adik." He let out with a sorrowful sound. "Naim?" I asked him back. "Adik buat apa?"

Kahar let out a breath. "Adik.. adik bakar madu, Kahar. Adik macam... dah tak hormat dekat saya. Adik cakap dengan saya haritu pon dah.. mula panggil nama." Kahar mula beritahu aku. "Adik macam... marah sangat dekat saya. Sayang, adik macam dah benci saya." Kahar added, he looks so desperate.

"Macam tu ja ka adik mula benci kat Kahar? Saya ada dengan dia sejak dia form 1, semua gelak, susah, senang semua sekali, macam tu ja ka dia nak buang saya?"  Kahar mula menangis. Walaupun dengan orang luar dia nampak tabah, dia nampak kuat, dengan aku dia selalu macam ni.

Aku tahu dia sayang sangat dekat Naim. Macam adik yang dia selalu jaga. Jadi aku faham, tiba-tiba adik dia tak layan dia, mesti dia sedih.

"Sayang.. mungkin adik tak bermaksud macam tu?" Aku bertanya. Kahar menggeleng. "Dia langsung taknak cakap dengan saya, sayang." Dia berkata dengan nada yang sedih. "Pandang saya pon tak, saya ... dia tahu saya ikut cakap ayah ja, kenapa lepas saya balik sini balik dia marah saya sangat?" Kahar sambung, air mata dia mula meleleh.

Aku mengelap air matanya. "Tak apalah, awak beri lah masa dekat dia, mungkin adik marah sekejap ja, nanti marah dia reda awak slow talk dengan dia. Tak mungkin lah adik marah awak sangat sampai nak buang awak."

Kahar hanya mengangguk. "Awak makan ya? Jangan risau mesti adik maafkan awak." Aku memujuk so Kahar. Kahar cuma mengangguk. Dia mula adjust cara duduknya. Suddenly he hissed in pain.

"Kenapa sayang?" I asked him worriedly. I lifted his shirt a little, right where his hand was clutching at. I see angry bruises on his stomach. "Sakit." He said lowly. I lifted his shirt off of him. Leaving him shirtless.

I was shocked to see all the bruises and scars on his body. "Ini..." I trailed, my fingers are tracing on his bruises. "Ayah buat?" I asked him while looking up. Kahar looks ashamed but nods. I silently cursed his father. "Ayah tak salah." Kahar defended his father. "Salah la sayang. Pukul awak sampai macam ni sekali. Teruk ni." I said, I stood up to take my medical box. "Nah, tahan sakit." I told him while handing him the pills. "Makan sikit lagi kejap lagi makan ni. Tau?"

My eyea are still pinned on his bruised and swollen stomach. Aku duduk balik di atas lantai, ditepi sofa. Menyuap makanan kepada Kahar. Dia geleng kepala. "Saya tak ada selara nak makan." He said softly. Aku hanya menggeleng.
"Makan sikkt aja sayang, nak makan ubat tu."

Kahar sighed and open his mouth. Aku suapkan dia dan dia mula menguyah. Tak sampai tiga suap dia dah geleng.

Aku letakkan pinggan atas meja dan terus capai pill tahan sakit tu. keluarkan sebiji dan berikan dia segelas air. Kahar hanya menurut.

Aku pegang lengan dia, tolong dia untuk baring. "dah tidur." I told him. Kahar is still clutching on my hand, one of my free hand is brushing at his curls.

"I love you." Kahar said in a sleepy voice. "Terima kasih, jadi tempat saya bersembunyi dari dunia yang kejam." He added before dozing off.

Aku cuma teman dia tidur.

A/n: maaf lah kalau tak ok.

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