Bayang || Kahar || Hurt/comfort

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"Naim." Kahar called with the softest voice I have ever heard. The boy mentioned is curled up under his desk with tears dripping from his eyes.

"Abang ni, Naim." Kahar called again after seeing that Naim hasn't said anything. "Cikgu, boleh tolong kosongkan kelas?" I asked quietly, scared that I'll startle Naim otherwise. Puan Fanizah had nodded her head and asked all of her students to leave. Except of course, Fakhri.

Kahar is still the only one who is kneeling in front of Naim. "Adik, hey, abang ni. Naim dengar tak?" Kahar asks, he offers the crying boy a soft smile.

"Abang?" Naim asks back. Kahar nods. "Ya abang ni, adik boleh bangun?" Kahar asks again. Naim hesitated but nodded his head. Kahar placed his hand on Naim's arm.

"Fakhri." I called. He turned his head to look at me, his arm was still raised as he was biting his nail while looking at his very much distraught brother.

"Abang Naim ada cakap apa-apa?"

Fakhri just shakes his head. "Tak kak. Tak ada. A-adik tak tahu kenapa sampai macam ni." Fakhri answered with worry in his voice. Blame. He's blaming himself for not noticing that his brother is in pain, again.

"Abang bawak adik balik, hm? Balik rumah ayah, nak?" Kahar asked. Kahar had always been close to Naim, they had been brothers since the beginning, when Abu Yamin doesn't want Kahar to come home for festivals like Raya, Naim's Ayah and Mama had taken him in. When they see the signs of abuse left on Kahar's body, they had helped him to expose Abu Yamin's abusive behaviours. After that, Naim's Ayah had adopted him, eventually becoming his Ayah, too.

Even after he graduated high school and went to uni, he's still is apart of their family and he will always continue to be. If all three of their parents are busy, Kahar would be the one who picks up and drop off his brothers to school or anywhere really.

Naim nods. "Jom, ya? Adik larat nak jalan? Kereta abang ada dekat KUDRAT square. Dekat ja." Kahar said while helping his brother to stand up. When they take a step together, Naim almost fell down.

"Abang!" Said Fakhri with worry. He went straight to his brother side to help him stand. On the right side is Fakhri and on the left is Kahar. They helped Naim walk out of the class.

Naim pinned his eyes to the floor. Never look up, he looks scared to look up.

"Puan, kami bawak Naim balik ya? Fakhri sekali." I informed her. She just nodded, her face is still worried for her student. "Kalau ada apa-apa, inform I ya?" She asks. I nodded and left to walk to the car with my boys.

Once we're near the car Kahar had called me, his arm is still holding on to Naim. "Sayang, ambik kunci kereta dalam pocket I, tolong bukak pintu belakang." He said and I did exactly that.

Fakhri and Kahar had laid Naim on his back at the back seat, Fakhri got inside of the car and placed Naim's head on his lap.

"Abang Naim.." he said softly while brushing his fingers through his brother's hair. "Kenapa tak bagitahu adik..."

Kahar got in the car on the driver's side and I got in the passenger's.

Kahar starts driving, worry is still plastered all over his face. "Fakhri, tolong call kan mama, papa, boleh dik?" Tanya Kahar, walaupun asalnya dia anak bongsu, kalau masuk bab Fakhri dan Naim, memang nampak yang dia ni sulung.

I saw Fakhri wiped his tears away and nodded. Naim was groaning at the back. "Naim, Naim tidur, dik? Nanti dah sampai abang gerak." Kahar tried to reason with him. When we stopped at the traffic light, Kahar turns to look at Naim and reached over to place his hand on Naim's forehead. "Panas badan ni you." He said while looking at me. "Takpa nanti sampai rumah ayah kita cuba kebahkan demam dia." I answered.
Kahar nodded and took my hand to hold his. He's worried and stressed therefore he's trying to find some comfort. He continues driving, my hand is still tangled in his. I caressed his hand.

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