Along || Kahar || Angst (4)

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I walked into the elevator and pressed the button to level 6, ICU.

My hands are still shaking, it feels cold, Kahar didn't open the door when I knocked on his door for dinner. I asked his housemates and they said that Kahar had never went back home.

Once the elevator's door opens I walked straight to the familiar figure. The figure that only sparks anger in me.

"Fakhri!" I almost yelled, ignoring the teachers and parents who were standing near.

"Akak?" He asks. I got near him and shove him. "Apa kau dah buat ni sial?!" I asked him. Fakhri looks hurt that I would get physical with him but honestly? Biar padan muka kau.

I turned to look at Naim who is staring at me with tears in his eyes. I remembered what Kahar had told me the night that we got back together.

What Naim had called Kahar.

Orang Luar

"Kau pun." I glared at him and said. Before I could walk towards Naim I heard a familiar voice.

"Y/n sudah." The voice said. I turned to look at the man. His face only makes my blood boils higher. "Diam." I told him. Dato' Harun. Kahar had told me what he did as well.

I saw Auntie Idah looking at me. I felt pity. I was close with the woman, still close. I walked towards her and immediately she hugs me.

We waited the whole night. Auntie Idah didn't let go of me and neither did I. We sat together at the bench. When the doctor came out, he explained that Kahar was in a coma but stable.

I sighed, at least he's not ...

It's been almost a week. Kahar still shows no signs of waking up. I fixed his blanket. Combing his hair softly after wetting it. I know how much he hates it when his hair looks flatten or tangled.

"Sayang." I called him and sighed. "Awak rehat la ya? Rehat.. cuma jangan sampai.." I trailed, not wanting to say it.
"Saya keluar dulu, mama awak nak masuk.  Awak mesti rindu dia kan? Saya pergi dulu ok?" I said before stepping out if his room.

Once I'm in the ICU waiting room, I could see Naim. His eyes teary and he was staring into the distance.

"Akak." He called me gently once I walked past him. "Akak... Naim.." He lets out again but failed to continue. He wipes away his tears.

"Jom, cafe." I simply said. Naim nodded and followed me.

I paid for his milo and we sat together. "Naim... Naim tak bermaksud nak cakap macam tu dengan along." He started.

I sighed and took a sip at my coffee. "Naim.. Naim tahu tak kenapa Mama dengan Ayah macam selalu sangat risaukan along?" I questioned him.

He didn't answer but I could see his palms balled up into fists. He feels guilty but obviously there's resentment.

"Naim.. Along tu.. Schizo." I told him. Naim raised his head to look at me in disbelief. "Huh?"

"Ya Naim.. Along start show symptoms tahun lepas. Itu pun dia bagitahu Ayah ja. Dia cuma bagitahu mama awak sebab dia kantoi dengan mama. Mama nampak ubat-ubat dia. Akak tahu sebab akak nampak sendiri episodes dia Naim."

Naim stared at the table as if he's thinking about the news he just heared. "Along..." he called out almost sobbing.

"Along taknak bagitahu Naim sebab dia taknak Naim risau. Naim tahu la kan si along tu macam mana."

Naim's lips quivered. He looked up to me.
"Akak bagitahu Naim ni sebab... akak faham Naim rasa macam along tu dilebihkan... akak taknak along tu rahsiakan sampai Naim sendiri rasa terpinggir or Along sendiri pinggirkan diri."

"Along." Naim sobbed. He planted his face into his palms. "Doakan along ya? Nanti dia bangun kita jaga along ok?"

Naim nodded. He excused himself. He said he wanted to see along.

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