Dua|| Kahar & Ejoi (2)

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"Sejuk bang." Kahar whined, wrapping himself with the comforter. Kahar was laying on the couch, with his head in Ejoi's lap. "Ya tahu tahu." Ejoi said comforting the younger twin while playing with Kahar's curls.

I sat down and placed the medicine and bread auntie Ros, their mama, had asked me to bring to the front. "Ni makan sikit, baru makan ubat." I said. Ejoi nodded in agreement but Kahar whined.

"Abang, taknak makan ubat bang. Taknak." Kahar mumbled. Ejoi just sighed. "Aduh tak boleh baby, kena makan." Ejoi tried to coax Kahar into eating.

"Taknak! Mama! Mama!" Kahar called out. Auntie Ros walked into the living room. "Kenapa dik?" She asks.

"Baby taknak makan ubat." Kahar said as a plea. Maybe it's the fever but this is the first time I hear him calling himself baby.

"Tak boleh sayang, kena makan." She answered, her hand on his forehead. "Ha panas tu." she replied. That made Kahar whine again. "Y/n tengok tu diorang paksa." Kahar called me next. I chuckled. "Makan ubat nanti tutup hidung, tak rasa."

"Makan sikit ja pastu makan ubat, nanti baby dah sihat abang joi belanja ice cream. Okay?" Ejoi smiled and asked. His fingers still running through Kahar's curls.

"Janji?" Kahar asked. He raised his pinky finger, one eye opened as if peeking his brother. "Iya janji." Ejoi replied hooking his pinky finger with Kahar's.

"Mm okay la." Kahar eventually agreed. I gave him the bread but he shook his head. "Nak suap." He said. I laughed. "Awak ni.. patutla nickname baby."

Kahar whines again. "Okay tak tak." I fed him the bread.

Eventually, we managed to make him take the medicine. He fell asleep on the couch. Head still laying on Ejoi's lap, his hand clutching onto mine.

"Kahar memang macam ni kalau sakit. Baby besar." Ejoi said. I chuckled. "Patutla kalau dia sakit dia avoid saya. Control macho." My reply earned a chuckle from Ejoi.

The tv is still playing. We ended up watching two movies before Kahar wakes up.

"Aih? Baby abang dah bangun?" Ejoi said. Kahar hummed then turned to his side. "Ngantuk lagi?" Ejoi asked but Kahar shook his head. "Nak baring ja." He replied.

Ejoi nodded and lets him. His hand moved to Kahar's forehead. "Panas lagi ni. Nanti makan ubat lagi. Okay?"

Kahar nodded and yawned. He then proceeds to fall asleep again.

Ejoi just laughed.

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