Rahsia || Kahar || angst - fluff

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I placed the KP badge on my uniform, making sure that everything is symmetrical, my uniform has no crease. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. After years of bertugas as the mc for assemblies. I thought I'd get used to it by now.

With a shake of my hand, I eventually walked towards the stand with the microphone.

"Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dan salam sejahtera. Selamat pulang ke KUDRAT saya ucapkan."

I started, eyes trailing over at all the faces in front of me. Searching for only one. Getting quieter by each word when I can't find him.

Then I see it, his curly head paired with a small smile.

He saw me looking at him, too. He nodded as a sign of support.

A smile creeped up on me. I continued the speech.

"Saya, y/n, Ketua Pelajar bagi tahun 2006."

After all of the students have exited the hall and walked to their respective classes, I stayed and kept all the sound system equipment. I walked out of the hall and locked all the doors.

Right when I'm about to leave, I feel a hand pulling me. It kept pulling me to the back of the hall. "Hi." The deep voice said.

I just smiled and pinched his cheek. "Rindu saya ke?" I asked him sheepishly.

Kahar laughed and nodded. "Mestilah."

The KP and the Kapla, dating, what a twist.

"Hm nah." Kahar said while handing me something. A bracelet. It has a symbol on it, the moon. I smiled and took it from his hand. "Tak boleh pakai waktu sekolah." I said.

Kahar rolled his eyes. "Oh saya lupa awak kan KP yang terpaling ikut peraturan."

It was my turn to roll my eyes. Kahar raised his hand to show me his wrist. A silver bracelet with the sun.

"Saya kapla, boleh pakai." Kahar said.

"Nah." I said, reaching in my pocket for something and handed it to him.

Kahar looked at it for a long time. "Tak nampak obvious sangat ke?" He asked me. Staring at the chain with my initials engraved on it. I shrugged. "Kalau ya pon kesah apa.." I trailed.

"Sayang.. awak tau kan. Kita sepatutnya-"

"Apa? Rahsia? Kahar dah 2 tahun, Kahar. Takkan still nak rahsiakan?" I asked him. It's our anniversary and we're fighting, great.

"Awak... awak malu dengan saya ke?" I asked him.

"Ta- sayang, bukan macam tu." Kahar said with a sigh at the end. "Lepastu?" I asked him back.

"Kena ka ungkit pasal ni? Setiap kali, kena ungkit ke?" Kahar asked in a defensive tone. "Masalahnya, kita bukan sekejap. 2 tahun saya tunggu awak ready nak bagitahu orang, sampai bila?"

Kahar rolled his eyes. "Nanti bila masa dah tepat kita bagitahu lah."

I frowned and nodded. "Awak jeling saya? Awak ni... saya penat tau tak? Kena pura-pura tak kesah pasal awak langsung, dalam kelas, awak pandang saya pon tak, awak tak bercakap dengan saya. Macam saya ni bukan sapa-sapa."

I waited for him to say something. Anything. Yet he doesn't.
Kahar just stared at me. Not saying a word.

"Saya ni memang untuk awak hilangkan rasa bosan je ke? Lepas tak bosan, awak tinggal. Macam tu?"

"Sayang, apa awak ni-"

"Tak betul la kan? Bila awak tak perlukan saya, awak tak bercakap dengan saya, awak tak pandang saya, awak tak kesah langsung pasal saya, bila awak ada masa ja awak datang kan? Bila hakeem tak ajak fly baru kita keluar kan? Tu pon sorok-sorok. Saya ni memang untuk isi masa lapang je kan?"

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