Terbang||Kahar (2)

276 19 9

Tw: rape

The plan worked, every night for the past 5 weeks, Kahar has been sleeping in the rent room. The man hasn't bothered him.

Kahar sticks with all his friends, never leaving them and when it's almost the end of prep, Kahar disappears into the crowd and fly out to the flat.

It worked out

That is until it didn't

Kahar walked up the stairs, smiling at the little kids he befriended for the past weeks. "Abang Kahar! Jom la main bola!" The little boy said. Kahar just smiled and ruffles the boy's hair. "Sorry la Ipan, abang kena balik la, nanti akak risau." He said. The little boy pouts but nodded.

Once he arrived at her place he knocked the door multiple times. "Nyawa, bukak la saya bawak pisang goreng ni." He said. "Ini mesti awak tidur petang kan. Itu la saya dah kata kerja jangan sampai lewat ma-" as he was nagging and walking in, someone wrapped their hands around his body and placed their hand on his mouth.

Kahar tries to struggle but the two man slammed him down and pinned his body with their knees.

"Sini kau hilang rupanya." Said a familiar voice. Kahar's eyes widened. He looked up to see the man, holding his nyawa by her wrists, her mouth gaged and her hands tied.

"Aku dah kata, aku banyak kuasa, Kahar." The man chuckled. Kahar cried out. "Jangan kacau dia lah!" He yelled. The man smiles. "Tak tak, dia bukan selera aku." He chuckles, pushing y/n to the floor.

The man sat next to him. Pushing him down with his knee. The man that was previously behind him went to her.

"Yang tu tak tahu la." The man almost teased. "Tolong la, aku, s-saya ada, jangan kacau dia, please? Tolong. Saya tak lari dah! Dato' ambik saya. Dato'!" He begged the man. Dato' Roslan, one of the alumni who manages financial of KUDRAT. Dato' Roslan, his father's best friend who watched him grow up.

"This is what happens to bad boys who don't listen to orders." The man said while caressing Kahar's cheek, he went down to his jaw and then gripped his face harshly.

"Now, tengok betul-betul, your punishment." The dato' said. Kahar has no choice but to watch the inhumane act.

His own love, his own life, being molested in front of his own eyes. "Tolong dato' saya ada!" He begged but the man didn't care.

Her skirt now torn. Her eyes teary. Even with the gag, her screams could be heard yet muffled.

"Nyawa, saya mintak maaf! Salah saya! Nyawa! Dato' please dato'!" He begged again but his pleas falls onto deaf ears as the man just keeps with his pace. Even going harder, letting out all of his violence onto his sweet love.

"Dato' tolong dato' saya mintak maaf." He begged again, his voice raspy. He tries to get uo but he can't. He just can't.

The man stops. He's finished. He then pulled away leaving her a mess on the floor.

"You listen to me Kahar. Tomorrow. I want you, in my office. Kalau tak." The man chuckles. "Bukan awak je yang kena." The man left with his men.

Kahar can't find the strength to stand. He crawled. Crawled to his lover. "Y/n, nyawa saya, saya dekat sini sayang." He called softly. Caressing her tearful face. He takes off all the ropes and the gag.

"Kahar." She called weakly. He sobbed harder. "Sini, nyawa." He answered. Her head in his lap as he cried.

"A-awak... sakit." She cried to him. Kahar took her hand and kissed it softly.

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