Terbang || Kahar (1)

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Tw: rape, runaway.

Kahar, the Kapla, even with the tittle, he is still small. The pain, he feels it, all over his body. Especially there.

The students are surely scared of him, even so, beneath all the rage, beast that he could be, in the end he's just a child.

"Macam ni la, saya suka." The voice said before it left. He felt dirty. Used. Unworthy. In fear of anyone finding out his shame,  Kahar starts to avoid everyone. Of course, no one dares to question the Kapla.

Though he's strong. He still needs someone to rely on.

The voices, even when the hands left, the voices never do. It haunts him, repeating all the words that makes him feel as if he's a cheap prostitute who could be used as the person pleased.

He doesn't understand how she does it but whenever he's with her. The voices stop.

He's glad that it does but after all the things the man had done and said to him. He is convinced, a corrupted man such as him, doesn't deserve a girl like her. He's tarnished, she's pure.

"Ni, untuk awak tak lupa, awak milik siapa." Said the rough voice, his palm finally letting go of Kahar's neck. Kahar doesn't say a word. He could hear the zip and belt noises and lastly the door. Kahar let out a sigh. A feeling of relief that it's over. He went on with his routine. Cleaning off whatever he could clean.

However this time he needs to move faster.

He's promised to meet up with her.

Kahar found himself walking a little faster towards KUDRAT SQUARE hoping not to run into the man again. His heart feels a little lighter when he sees the familiar car with a familiar figure leaning against it.

"Sayang!" She called out loud. Kahar walked faster, ignoring the stinging pain, and eventually wrapped his arms around her.

He doesn't want the man to see her. To corrupt her like he did to him. Kahar hurriedly pulls away. "Jom. Keluar dari sini." He said as if he's panicked. Y/n placed her hands on his cheeks. "Kenapa ni?"

Kahar held her wrists. "Jom, please, nyawa. Kita pergi." He said almost begging. The girl was confused but agreed. She went into the car and so did Kahar. She looked at him, Kahar looks frantic. "Nyawa, cepat." He said. She nodded but leaned over and reached for his seatbelt to put it on. She then the proceed to drive out of the school.

"Kenapa ni?" She asks, still driving but looking at Kahar once in a while. Kahar just stares into the distance. She realises, his body looks skinnier, his cheeks hollowed, the bags under his eyes. Something is not right. She last saw him 10 months ago, she had to leave for work related to her book publishing in Thailand. She's just 2 years older but has been independent for years.

"Sayang, awak okay?" She asked, trying to get his attention. "Hey." She called, one of her hand had touched his. That seem to snap him out of his little space. "Huh?" He asked.

She knew something was wrong and she needs to find out what.

"Awak nak drive through makanan?" She asked him. Kahar then nodded but it still seems like he was in a different world.

Her mind going over all the possibilities that could have happened while her body goes on autopilot. Driving to the mcd, ordering their usual then continue to drive to their spot.

Eventually she parked the car. She turns and Kahar is still in the same state. She could see him shivering though.

Like an instinct, she turned around to reach for the blanket she always keep in the backseat and hands it to him.

Kahar mumbled a thank you and wrapped himself with the blanket. She sees his almost unresponsive state.

She took his burger and unwraps it then hands it to him. They ate in silence.

"Sayang, awak kenapa?" She asks him. Instantly, his eyes tears up. "A-ada orang.." he said shakily, holding back a sob. She held his hand. "Bagi tahu saya sayang. Ada orang apa? Buat awak?" She asks.

He sobbed then nodded. "Nyawa." He called between the sob and leaned over to her. She wrapped him into her arms, patting his back while he sobs.

"Kenapa? Orang tu buat apa, sayang?" She asks him. He keeps sobbing. He feels shame. Guilt. "Orang tu.." he trailed.

Y/n thinks to herself. It can't be that someone hit him, she knows it wouldn't hurt him this much.

"Orang tu.. sentuh awak?" She asks hesitantly. He didn't answer but sobbed harder. Her eyes widened. She understands.

Kahar pulled away from the hug and placed his hands onto his girlfriend's cheeks. "A-awak, s-saya." He tried to speak but the sobs are preventing him.

"Saya ta-tak suci." He lets out. She shakes her head and held his wrists. "Sayang, ni bukan salah awak. Okay? Bukan salah awak." She comforted him. "Kita report polis, okay?" She asks him and he shook his head.

"Tak boleh! N-nanti dia.." he tried. "Dia apa?"

Kahar just shook his head. She tried again and again to convince him to report but it seems like that only makes it worse.

"Okay, okay kita tak report for now. Ok?" She asks and he nodded.

"Saya.. faham kalau awak dah taknak dengan saya." Kahar said after his sobs died down. Y/n shook her head. "Merapu. Saya sayang awak. Awak faham tak? Apa pon jadi, benda ni bukan salah awak." She told him. Kahar nods.

"Kalau boleh.. malam awak fly pergi flat rumah saya, pakcik depan saya tu ada bilik kosong, sekurang-kurangnya waktu malam atau cuti panjang orang tu tak kacau awak. Okay?" She asks him. Kahar sighed in relief.

"Thank you, nyawa."

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