Along || Kahar|| (2)

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"Abang.. along mana?" That question, the question that Naim has dreaded for days finally is being asked.

It's the day of the court. The day Naim also dread.

He could see Fakhri waiting for Papa. Honestly, Naim has given up on everything. "Abang tak tahu ma.."

Mama looked .. disappointed?

"Tak tahu? Abang, takkan tak tahu? Abang satu sekolah dengan along kot." She said, she didn't mean to get upset but she's concerned. For so many times whenever she comes over to talk to both of them only Naim shows up and when Mama offers to pick them up to stay over during Friday night, again, only Naim shows up. Now, they're going to court, Along is nowhere to be seen.

It's very rare for Kahar to act this way.

Naim stares at the dashboard. Of course he knows where Along is.. it's just that Along himself has been avoiding him at all costs.

Up to the point where Naim has to literally chase his Along after class. Waiting and stalking like a predator.

"Along! Along!" He called out, he ran towards the curly haired boy who had just exited the class. The older stopped and he sighed.

"Along... along tak datang ka court nanti?" Naim asked softly.
Kahar didn't dare to turn to look at his adik. if he could still call him that.

"Al-... Kahar kan bukan siapa-siapa.. buat apa nak pergi?" He asked. He sounded so broken and it hurts Naim.

"Along, along jangan cakap macam tu." Naim said, his voice quavering, he's holding back a sob. He tried to touch his along's arm but the older had softly pull away.

"Naim, tolonglah... Along dah penat."

"Naim." The sound of Fakhri's voice snapped him out of his train of thoughts. He looked at hid younger brother in disgust, rage.

He knows deep in his heart, it's wrong of him to place all the rage on Fakhri but he does it anyway. He had challenged his own brother to manifesto even when it seems useless.

Next thing he knows, he's somewhere deep in the hutan sekolah, on the ground, Fakhri's wail and tears, fists colliding with his own face, he could feel every inch of his body throb in pain.

Somehow, someone pulled him aside and took his place. Provoking the violent boy.

"Kalau nak pukul, pukul along." The voice said. The youngest brother just kept going. Moving rougher after each move. Punching and kicking harder and harder.

The eldest doesn't fight back though. He just lets his adik does as he wants.

Like he said before: Along tetap anggap fakhri adik along.

"Memang betul! Aku hancurkan semua benda! Aku along! Aku!" He kept yelling and yelling. Punching Kahar's face again and again.

"Along tahu, along faham, adik tak salah." The eldest, instead of defending himself, said softly. As if to comfort the youngest. "Adik tak salah. Adik budak lagi." He mumbled again and again between the punches.

The whole circle quietened. Everyone was shock at Fakhri's violence and Kahar's willingness.

Naim's eyes widened. His breath quickened. He'd panicking. He can't breathe but he has to, he has to move because along

Along isn't responsive.

"Fakhri!" He find some strength to yell at the top of his lungs.

"Lepas lah! Lepas!" Naim panicked and scrambled his way towards the two. Pulling Fakhri's shoulders. "Along, along!" Naim shouted. His hands cradling the bloody face of Kahar. He's mot responding. He's barely breathing.

Fakhri just stood there. Dumbfounded. He's faced with his the result of his own demon.

"Along, j-jangan tinggal Naim. Along!" Naim shouted. He tried his best to lift Kahar but in his injured state, he's too weak.

Fakhri tries to hold the unresponsive boy but his hand is slapped by Naim. "Jangan lah!" He shouted.

"Biar adik tolong Along.." he begged.

A car pulls up. Mr sin is shocked by the sight of the three brothers. Eventually Naim let Fakhri lift Kahar up in his arms.

"Cikgu, cikgu tolong abang kami.."

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