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[06 | 02 | 2023 , 7:03pm]

Heeseung walked into his house, and was met by the sight of both his parents sitting in the living room.

His mother was on her phone, whilst his dad watched a talk show on the telly.

Upon hearing the sound of their son walk in, they both stopped what they were doing to turn their heads back.

"Oh Heeseung-ah, you're back," she smiled. "How was practice?"

"Good," he answered.

"That's great," his mom's voice was almost soft, very calming.

Heeseung hated that- it only made what his father did to her much worse.

He turned around, to walk upstairs, but was stopped by another voice. This time his father.

"I heard about that new Diamond girl," he announced.

Heeseung took in a deep breath, calming himself before turning to face his father again. He waited for him to continue.

"You're studying hard right?"


"Words, Heeseung."

"Yes, dad."

"Good, especially now that the Kwon daughter is in, you're going to have to make sure you keep that top place. You'll do that right?"


"Don't let me down, I have a lot of hope in you," his father said.

Heeseung felt the need to roll his eyes right there and then but had to resist the urge.

"You're free to go now," Mr. Lee dismissed him.

Finally, Heeseung thought to himself.

He went up to his room, where he ignored his father's words and played video games until dinner.

Being naturally smart comes with its benefits, and flaws.


"Your aunts are coming over for dinner this time next week," Sunghoon's mom said, placing plates on the table.

His little sister jumped up in excitement, "Ooo, is Yeram unnie coming?!!"

"Yes Yeji."

"Omg yay!! I'm so excited, I'm gonna show her my new dress," the girl giggled, continuing to color in the flower stencil in her book.

"Aunt Iseul's coming too."

Sunghoon's face dropped.

The sheer mention of her name made him want to pull out all his hair.

"She finally isn't 'busy' with work for once." His mom sat down after putting everyone's food on their plates, "So I thought I'd invite the whole family over."

"Is that really a great idea inviting her?" Sunghoon frowned.

"Sunghoon! Be reasonable, that's your aunt," the woman exclaimed.

He swallowed heard, remembering some moments from his earlier teen life.

"You won't tell anyone will you?"

"Be a good boy for me Sunghoon?"

"Shh, we don't want your parents to hear us."

He clenched his grip around his spoon, the recollection of the event distressing him.


Snapping back to reality, he let go of his hold- the spoon clattering on his plate.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, eomma," he reassured.

But he lied.

[07 | 02 | 2023 , 9:26am]

Ahyeun decided to take the first half of the school day off.

Her step-mom suggested they go shopping for the town gathering that was coming up that Saturday.

"I think we'll go pastel this year," she said; picking up a light pink mini dress.

"I guess," Ahyeun shrugged.

"Here, try this on."

Geon tossed a green cocktail dress.

She looked at the dress in disgust, but carried herself to the changing room to put it on anyway.

Her father would be extremely disappointed if she was to hurt his precious new wife.


"What are you three up to now?" Jungwon asked upon seeing Aera, Yeram and Hari gathering around a piece of almost empty paper.

"I don't think you would like to know Jungwon," Hari laughed.

He frowned, walking over to them and peering over Aera's shoulder to see what they were so intently staring at.

"Not this again-"

"I don't want to hear it Jungwon," Yeram stopped him. "I'm minding my own business, and you should too."

Her comment made Jungwon rather annoyed, "I'm just saying, there's no point in wasting your time."

"How is it such a waste of time?" Aera spoke up.

"Because, you're not going to get anywhere," he adamantly admitted.

"You shouldn't underestimate us," Yeram said.

"Whatever," he sneered, walking away from them and out the room. "Adios."

"What's with him?" Aera asked.

"Just fucking stupid, leave it," Yeram turned back to scribbling on the A4 sheet. "So we know they definitely had an argument."

"We just need to find out why they fought," Hari concluded.

Even though she was unwillingly forced into doing this, she was somewhat more interested now.


"But how?" Aera wanted to know.

Yeram tapped her end of the pen softly against her chin repeatedly. "I have an idea," she muttered. "But I don't know-"

"Spill," Hari encouraged.

"Dana always kept a diary on her," Yeram began explaining. "Right Aera?"


"I was thinking maybe, you know, she might have written something about the situation there."

"That's a good idea, but isn't Dana's diary in her dorm room which is also heavily guarded by school security now?"

Yeram rolled her eyes, "Yes, I know Hari. That's why I'm struggling now to think how to get a hold of it. I mean I can't exactly walk in there and expect no one to do anything about it. We need to sneak in somehow."

"I have an idea," Aera suddenly said. "But we're going to need a little helping hand."


"Do we have to?" Riki complained.

"Please, please, please," Aera pleaded, trying to get him to co-operate.

His partner in crime, Jake, had already said he had no problem helping them out a bit, but it didn't come as surprising since he's a literal sweetheart.

"It wouldn't hurt to help the girls," Jake too tried convincing him.

"Ugh, I guess. But Aera- you're buying me lunch for two weeks," Riki finally gave in, with his own conditions added.

"Fine," she held out her hand, Riki firmly grasping it.



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