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[03 | 03 | 23 , 6:33pm]

Flocks of guests flew into the grand mansion of Han Iseul including the families of the Pendulin 12.

"Nice party your aunt has going on," Heeseung muttered to Sunghoon next to him, eyeing the adults dressed in expensive yet boringly formal clothes having drinks and quiet chatters with each other.

"So boring," Jongseong grabbed a drink from the side. "I wish we could leave."

"I mean we could," Hari took a swig of some purple liquid.

"Just leave?" Aera turned to her.

"I mean yeah," Hari nodded in response. "Not that difficult."

"I saw security outside," Sunoo pointed out.

"Yep same," Riki remembered the two bulky men in black standing on each side of the front door.

"Not so 'easy' then," Yeram quirked an eyebrow at Hari, chuckling.

"I know a different way out," Sunhoon nonchalantly shrugged.

"Let's go then," Hari encouraged, raising her voice. "I've had enough of this shithole already."

A couple near them crooned their heads backwards, giving the group of friends the look.

"Bitches," Hari said under her breath.

"So are we going or not?" Ahyeun asked, beckoning them to start moving if they were to leave.

"Yeah, we are," Heeseung replied on behalf of the group, suddenly feeling fed up with the indoor atmosphere.

"We have to be back before the closing ceremony," Sunghoon added. "Me and Yeram have to be there."

"Someone call Jake whilst I get Jungwon," Yeram said to the group.

"I'll do it," Riki offered.

"Ok, cool. I'll go and find Jungwon then," Yeram turned to Aera who remained quiet this entire time. "Aera wanna come with me?"

Aera looked up from her phone, "Huh?"

"Wanna come with me to fetch Jungwon?" the question was repeated.

She looked around confused, but slowly shrugged. "Sure?"

Yeram beamed, grabbing her hand. "Let's go." The two began walking into the main part of the house, specifically the grand hall where Yeram last saw Jungwon speaking to one of the mayoral assistants.

"Hey are you okay?"

Aera turned to face Yeram who was looking at her intently.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know," Yeram shrugged. "You just seem so distant today."

"I'm just tired."

Yeram sighed at the excuse, finding it appropriate not to ask any further questions. Obviously Aera didn't want to talk.

"Look, there he is."

Yeram snapped out of her thoughts, looking where Aera nudged her side to. Jungwon was by himself, thank goodness because now it's easier to take him away. The duo rushed to where he was standing.

"What are you guys doing?" Jungwon frowned upon seeing their semi-out-of-breath states in front of him.

"We need you to come with us," Yeram wasted no time in beginning to drag him away.

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