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─────── 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑    𝟑𝟔 ───────


By half past 5, they had arrived at their destination- Crepusculum woods, and were now hurriedly making their way to the old warehouse belonging to a car manufacturer based in South Korea that had left the place back in the early 2000s.

"There, hurry," Yeram commanded and everyone began speed walking after seeing the wooden structure. They stopped in front of the massive gates, looking at each other.

"Remember whatever may happen in there I love you all," Hari said, making everyone scoff at her.

"We're not going there to die," Jongseong affirmed. "We're all going to make it out alive."

"Let's leave our bags out here," Jake said to those who brought their bags.

"Good idea," Sunoo nodded, taking off his backpack and placing it beside a tree.

"Aren't you putting it down?" Yeram asked after realizing Aera was yet to take off her.

Area shook her head, "No I'd rather have it on me."

"If you say so," Yeram shrugged.

"Everyone ready?" Heeseung asked, putting his hand on the door whilst using the other to turn on the flash on his phone.

Everyone nodded, making the elder push g the gates open.

The old wood scraped dangerously on the ground, making it difficult to open at first. But with all his might, Heeseung opened it enough so that everyone was able to slip in.

"Let's go," he gulped, walking in first. Everyone followed closely after him.

Everything was dark inside and the place smelled metallic, like wet earth and fresh blood at the same time.

Heeseung used his phone to look around, at first seeing nothing. But when he directed the flash in the middle of the warehouse, he finally found what they were looking for.

"He's there," Heeseung pointed to where he saw the tied up Jungwon. At his signal, they all ran after him.

Heeseung naturally reached Jungwon first, ripping off the tape from the boy's mouth.

"Jungwon, Jungwon! Fuck, fuck hold on. We're going to get you out of here," Heeseung tried to calm down Jungwon who kept on squirming in his chair vigorously.

Jongseong, who was now behind Heeseung, took out a small knife from his pocket. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he began hacking away at the thick ropes, "Shit stay still Jungwon, you're making it more difficult."

"No, no," Jungwon shouted. "What are you guys doing here?! You need to get out now! It's a trap, this whole place. Fuck! She's going to kill you all!!"

Hari stepped forward, "Who Jungwon? Who's going to kill us all?"

Jungwon finally calmed down in his seat when Jongseong freed his leg and moved on to his hands tied behind his back. He dropped his head back, drenched in dirt, dried up blood and sweat; breathing heavily. "Aera's it is her. It's-"

Dainty clicking footsteps of heels, before a sadistic giggle, "Me."

Everyone's head cronned up to where the voice came from as Jungwon stood up with them after Jongseong completely freed him.

A clean looking Kwon Jiu, dressed in fine clothes and decorated in beautiful makeup, smirked. "Hello, my friends."

"Jiu?!" Yeram gasped, stumbling back with Hari.

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