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[11 | 03 | 23 , 07:33am]

Park Mingyu was arrested for the murder of Han Iseul. He was some unemployed street dweller that had a certain addiction for dangerous narcotics. He distributed them to a lot of Pendulin's high school students. But never had he actually killed someone in cold blood.

Not that any of that mattered because it was his DNA that was found on Iseul body, his fingerprints were taken in from the murder weapon and his shoe print was found in the house several times.

"That killer is either a fucking genius or a fucking psychopath," Sunghoon scoffed, reading through the news outlet documenting the 'unfortunate' murder.

"Sunghoon, you can't seriously think you can be all chill now. This killer has shit against you," his cousin warned.

"Well for now I'm fine, as long as I'm not going to prison," he sarcastically remarked.

Yeram frowned, confused at his sudden change of behavior. "Hey, are you feeling alright?"

He nodded uncompromisingly, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Something about it screamed to Yeram that he wasn't fine.


At break, Aera decided to gather all her friends to break some news to them.

"So what are we all doing here today?" Jongseong asked.

"Yeah, please enlighten us," Heeseung rolled his eyes.

"First, where's Riki?" Aera looked around.

"He's not in school today, don't know why," Jake shrugged.


"That doesn't matter, why did you call us here?" Sunoo prompted.

"I think I know who the killer is?" Aera crossed her arms.

Instead of shocked gasps and enthusiastic replies, she earned unsure glances and 'are you serious' faces.

"Who?" Jungwon was somewhat intrigued.

"Kwon Jiu."

Now this, this is what got jaws dropping.

"No fucking way!" Hari laughed, finding it incredulous.

"Yeah.. I don't think Jiu out of all people would be capable of such things," Yeram added.

"That is so random too, what makes you say that?" Jake asked.

"The piece of wood I found in the woods is pernambuco. Commonly used in violins. And who plays violins? Jiu obviously."

"I mean that's a fair argument but Jiu isn't the only person who plays violin. There's hundreds here in Pendulin," Yeram explained.

"And not only that, pernambuco is a hardwood and can be used in a lot of everyday things," Heeseung shrugged.

Aera groned, dropping her head to the table in frustration. "Yeah, I guess y'all are right. I'm overthinking everything."

Yeram rubbed her hand on Aera's back, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry, we are all."

Jungwon was the only one that remained silent as everyone went back to conversion, keeping his eyes narrow as if in deep thought.


Lunch break came along pretty quickly and Hari was in the lawn fields, watching some of her cheerleader friends.

As she was cheering and clapping, someone grabbed her hand from behind: turning her body right around.

"What the-" Hari opened her squinted eyes. "Becca?!"

"I need to speak to you."

Hari pulled her hands away, "About?"

"Are you embarrassed to be with me?"

"What's that meant to mean?"

She scoffed, "Ok let me rephrase that for you then."

Hari gulped loudly as Becca's sudden change in tone.

"Are. You. Embarrassed. To. Be. Gay?"

Hari flinched everytime Becca's finger prodded her chest.

"I-I'm ... uhm.. I'm not-"

"Not what?! Not gay?" Becca spat back. "Then why are you together with me?"

Hari, at this point, was fighting back the tears. "I-I don't know."

"So you're telling me you don't even want to be with me?" a tear slipped from Becca's eye.

Hari faced away, "Well I can't anymore."

Becca nodded slowly, biting her lips down. "Hmm, ok. I see how it is."

And she walked away without saying anything else.


Almost ten minutes later, Hari was once again disrupted by another commotion.

She watched the sudden crowd of girls run past her. She stopped one of them, a junior named Bae Wonhee.

"What's going on?"

"Can you not see Hari?" the girl replied. "Choi Becca's on the roof."

Her eyes followed Wonhee's finger in fear.

Choi Becca was indeed stood on the edge of the school's rooftop, facing everyone below her.

Hari stumbled forward, her hand covering her mouth.

Becca looked down at her, in pity. She spread her arms to her sides, like a bird and closed her eyes. Little by little, she inched closer to the edge.

Hari was uncontrollably crying now.

Within seconds, Becca was over the edge. Hurling down. To the floor.

A nearby crow screeched, taking flight with her.




really short chapter but i thought i'll just leave it here. ngl a LOT happened here too😅

how many more chapters do you think we have left?🤔

alsoooo becca and hari are based on a fictional lesbian couple, can anyone guess which film🥴 (hint: think 2000s)

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