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[10 | 03 | 23 , 11:24am]

Kim Sunoo didn't come back on that Thursday last week since he didn't feel so well and thought should rest some more. However he began his fresh start today on a Monday.

The atmosphere in Drama felt thick and unsettling. He guessed everyone was having a tough time dealing with the death of Soojin.

As he was patiently waiting backstage, revising through his script one last time, cold shivers went up his spine; making him whip his head around.

He spore that for a split second he saw a dark figure from the corner of his eyes, but when he looked over there was nothing there.

He shook his head, sighing. "Stop, you're imagining things Sunoo."

As one of his other fellow actors brushed past him, they signaled for his turn. Sunoo dropped the script to the floor, walking onto the stage confidently with his head held high.

He began and continued with no mistakes.

"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an-"

Sunoo paused, eyes widened as he saw the figure again. This time much clearer and in front of him. Standing behind the spotlight, entering through the double doors of the theater.

"Told by an..." hsi teacher instructed from the side. "An..."

Sunoo snapped from his thoughts, trying his best to ignore the thing that was just eerily standing there.

"Told by an i-idiot, full of fury and uhm.. Uh.. sacrifice?"

"Wrong," his teacher tutted. "Full of sound and fury."

"Oh.. told by sound and fury, signifying everything," Sunoo recited, still keeping his eyes on the shadow figure.

"No, no!"

Sunoo looked at his teacher, finally breaking from the spell. The figure just vanished into thin air.

"That is wrong Sunoo. It's 'signifying nothing' not 'everything'."

"Mianhe," Sunoo bowed, taking in the blow to his ego.

"Sorry, that will not cut it Mr. Kim. The play is just around the corner and you're still messing up the lines, you will have to practice much harder if you don't want to fail."

Sunoo nodded, bowing. "Yes, kamsahamnida."

"Ok, you may leave," the teacher notioned before clapping her hands. "Now Scene 6, come out!"

Sunoo begrudgingly made his way backstage, flopping onto a chair in disappointment.

That figure was Soojin for sure. He knew it. The way its hair stopped perfectly at the waist, exactly mirroring Soojin's. And the curves and dips placed at the exact same places made it impossible to say that it wasn't her.

But he chanted to himself, "What's done cannot be undone."


"So did you visit Chunhee yet?" Hari asked whilst scrolling through her phone.

Jongseong's fingers paused on his phone, "Yeah, the other day."

"How did that go?"

"Well, the baby is mine."

Hari scoffed, "Yeahh, and..? Are you guys like getting back together or something?"

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