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[11 | 04 | 23 , 7:47am]

1 month later.

And a lot changed.

Spring exams were over and just the other day they announced the new rankings.

Kang Yesol was back in her top spot.

Whilst everyone else moved down one rank again.

Heeseung was furious to say the least. He was just less than 2 marks away from keeping his position.

Jiu was in 13th place again, not that she really cared.

Oh and Riki vanished. Completely disappeared with no news or word heard from him for a month.

But Jake and Aera knew exactly where he was. Who he was with.

But they didn't say anything, because they felt betrayed that Riki didn't say goodbye. And what difference would it even make if they told the rest? Would Riki just come back?

Ahyeun too was missing, hidden in the comfort of her own bedroom. She only came out looking half dead to drink one cup of water and occasionally a meal and then went straight back to sobbing in her room.

She felt disgusted at herself, ashamed.

Safe to say she was missing out on a lot of school work, but that was the last thing on her mind.

Things are very different now. With the coming of a summer round the corner, just came more dullness and distortion in Pendulin.

Nothing felt the same anymore.

"I'm telling you we have to look into Yesol more," Jungwon said to his friends who listened to him half-heartedly.

Even Yeram who was so keen on solving this 'mystery' seemed to be done with it.

"How exactly?" Heeseung snapped. "We can't do anything... not after last time. We all have too much on our plates right now Jungwon. Can't you see?!? Everything is hopeless, the more we try to achieve 'perfect' the worse the future becomes. We've tried! We've really tried, haven't we?? And look where that got us- back to fucking square one."

Jungwon looked at Heeseung blankly. And Heeseung, who's guilt quickly hit him, sat back down.

"Hm, yeah. I guess," Jungwon shrugged. He grabbed his bag, "Well, have fun then."

"Jungwon-" Jongseong tried stopping him but he pushed past, walking to and out of the door.


Aera left school early, making up the excuse that she had a dentist appointment and was going home.

Instead she went up to The Hills, her favorite place in the world.

There she sat on the bench that overlooked the city, and got out a notepad from her bag and a pen.

She began by looking around a bit, taking in the scenery and breath of fresh air. Everything felt lighter up here. And then she started scribbling.

She really was pouring her heart out onto this piece of paper.

Well, actually, it was a letter for Riki. One that he might not ever receive.

Aera wrote him a letter every single day since he left. Most were just how her day went and small talk, but some were lengthy notes.

Of grief, regret, mistakes and confessions.

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