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[18 | 02 | 23, 7:48am]

The first Monday back from even a short holiday can be dreadful to say the very least.

And that's exactly what it felt like for Heeseung walking in through the school gates.

"Hey, Riki! Jake!" he called out to his friends, standing just a couple of meters away.

The two turned their heads, faces meeting with Heeseung who was striding up to them with a basketball secured to his side with his arm.

"Hyung, what's up?" Jake greeted, pulling him in for one of those 'man hugs'

"Nothing much," Heeseung replied, at the same time greeting Riki in the same manner. "Just don't feel like being here right now."

"Tell me about it, I have double science and it's not looking good," Riki complained.

"Aw man that sucks," Jake sighed.

Heeseung looked around, seeing a small group of students leave via the back exit, out to the fields. "Hey guys," he began, his lips twitching upwards, "want to hit the basketball courts?"

The two were puzzled at his sudden request, but having nothing better to do, they agreed.

"Sure, we have 40 minutes since the first period anyways," Riki shrugged.

"Yup, let's go," Jake smiled, leading the way for them. (the urge to write 'les gaurr'😭)

The weather outside wasn't the best to be frank. It was the middle of February, and the clouds were gray with splatters of white clouds here and there. The sun was shining, yet the light seemed miserable and bleak. It was estimated to snow sometime towards the end of this week. Students were wrapped up in their winter gear consisting of puffer jackets, gloves, hats and scarves. Winter was never a cheerful time of the year.

"Fucking hell, it's freezing," Riki shivered, rubbing his bare hands together to create some warmth.

"It's going to be like this up until this time next month I think," Jake rolled his eyes. He was most definitely not a fan of the cold. Summer was more his vibe.

As they were walking past the soccer pitch, they bumped into Jongseong who appeared to have walked out from behind the bleachers with some girl.

"Still going at it, even in this weather Jongseong?" Heeseung raised his eyebrow judgingly.

It was no secret to anyone what goes on behind the bleachers. All sorts. It was secluded, hidden from the eyes of everyone. Perfect for deviant teenage behavior.

It was also Park Jongseong's favorite place to be on a school day.

"You know how it is hyung," Jay playfully smirked before winking at the girl behind him.

Her only response was a bashful giggle and then she hurried away.

"Anyways," Jongseong rolled his eyes, his mood changing immediately. "Where are you all off to now?"

"Courts," Heeseung said.

"Ahh, right. Well, see you later then?"

"Yeah," Heeseung confirmed.

"Hmm, ok. Well, I'll be off. Adios," Jongseong saluted them goodbye, and rushed off to catch up with some girl from the cheer team.

"I heard you'll be cheering for me next week Minah..."

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