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[05 | 03 | 23 , 1:46pm]

"Jake hyung's coming back tomorrow right?" Jungwon chewed on his plain sandwich.

"Mhmm, I think so," Yeram nodded.

"Sunoo hyung's coming back too, his foot's feeling better," Riki stated, remembering his earlier conversation with his friend.

"Oh, we'll be a full group again," Ahyeun cheered.

Jiu, who also for once had joined the group for lunch, chuckled. "I wonder how Jake will feel after coming back."

"Probably hate it," Heeseung shrugged. "It's hell here."

Everyone collectively nodded, agreeing that school wasn't something any of them looked forward to.

Ahyeun smiled, picking up her phone. Opening a message from the unknown, she frowned. She was sent a video, with a small note attached to it.

you might want to step out to watch this ;)

She knew that it was probably something crazy- after all this is a mastermind serial killer on the loose. Ahyeun cleared her throat, acting nonchalant.

"I'm going to go and speak to my teacher about something, I might be back," she quickly packed her belongings.

Everyone nodded, not finding it suspicious as it was nothing unusual.

Ahyeun said her goodbye before rushing off.

On her way out, she caught Yesol's eye. The girl smiled at her, smally waving with her fingers.

An army of goosebumps invaded the skin on her arms.


Becca turned to Hari, "Is your dad really coming back this afternoon?"

Hari dropped her pen mid-writing, rolling her eyes exasperatingly. "Yeah, and mother says he's going to host a party for his friends to celebrate his comeback."

"Oh that means I'm getting an invite," Becca teasingly smirked.

Hari forced out a shaky smile, "Yep!"

"See at least that's something to look forward to," Becca chuckled before turning back to writing her essay on Wuthering Heights again.

Her partner gulped, watching her. Hari sighed, brushing her front hairs behind her ears.

Becca being there was the thing she was least looking forward to.


By fate, the group was reunited once again after school and they all made their way to their shared bus stop.

"Uhm guys, have any of you seen Ahyeun?" Aera looked around.

Strangely everyone shook their heads.

"Now that I think of it, I don't remember seeing her in home economics either," Jiu scowled.

"Ok that's weird, so has no one seen her since she left us at break?" Jongseong questioned.

Once again a round of shaking heads.

"I'm going to call her," Yeram declared but before she could even unlock her phone, her screen flashed white with new notifications.

And sooner or later everyone else's did too.

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